View Full Version : Ice Cream Social - USA

10th July 2006, 02:17 PM
Hey all,
Here is a photo from our Ice Cream Social tonight here in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. Had almost 30 MINI's show up and one Mini:D

Good times:cool:


10th July 2006, 04:09 PM
looks a nice evening as well ...hope you were'nt sick on the way home

10th July 2006, 10:15 PM
Not from the ice cream! it was still over 100 F after the sun went down - everyone had lots of water - and to much water = that bloated feeling:D

AndyP & Lenore
10th July 2006, 11:11 PM
That would have been cool to see. Whenever we're in FL we see very few MINI's.

Were these all Phoenix folk or did they come from outlying area's too?

Mark R
11th July 2006, 02:48 AM
Saw some of your photos on Flickr, looks like a good event.

11th July 2006, 05:47 AM
quote:Originally posted by AndyP & Lenore

That would have been cool to see. Whenever we're in FL we see very few MINI's.

Were these all Phoenix folk or did they come from outlying area's too?

We are all members of the DMC ( www.dynamicminicollective.com ) and most were from the metro-Phoenix area. We have 3 chapters in Arizona - Desert Rat Pack ( Metro-Phoenix area ), Madmen ( Tucson area - south central AZ. ) and the Sierra Vista chapter ( southern AZ. ) Total membership is over 100 and growing fast - the club is only 2 years old. I just joined in February of this year after I bought my first New MINI ( to replace my 63 Austin ). I can say we are a very active bunch!! One run per month, one ice cream social per month, one car show per month, and whatever else we have time for:D

I think we have 1 or 2 members that live in the UK and visit here often - we see then about once or twice a year.
The wife and I can't wait to get to come visit the UK - Scotland especially. She has a family history from Scotland ( I don't know exactly where?? ) and mine seems to come out of the Kent area sometime in the 1600's ( we were probably thrown out of the country for something we did:evil: ). Once the kids are a little older we plan on visiting. If we can wait that long!!;)

AND if any of you all from Scotland ever make it to Arizona - let us know - we would love to show you some Arizona MINI's and good Southwest food:p

11th July 2006, 06:43 AM

AND if any of you all from Scotland ever make it to Arizona - let us know - we would love to show you some Arizona MINI's and good Southwest food:p

At the end of the world tour and cruise, after I win the lottery ;) you'll be getting a call so we can drop in! :D:D:D:p

A thought just struck me...
..Some of your members from the UK wouldn't happen to be a Hamish and Nicola (sorry, can't remember their surname.. Donald maybe) from around the Perth area in Scotland? I might just fall off my seat if they are. Mind you, they're certinly more into the Classic Mini thing... :D

14th July 2006, 10:17 PM
Hey all,

Here is group photo from the Social - a motley crew to say the least:D


AndyP & Lenore
17th July 2006, 06:01 AM
Cool photo John.

If we're ever in the Phoenix area, we'll be sure to give you a shout first. And when you make the trip over to Scotland, let us know and I'm sure we can organise a wee meet to say HI!


18th July 2006, 06:17 AM
When We get to book our Scotland trip you all will be the first to know!!!:D

21st July 2006, 07:46 AM
Great pics John :D sounds like you guys have a busy social callander with Mini events which sound great fun :approve::approve::approve::cool:

100 degree heat, sheesh, not very good polishing weather then :eek::p:);)