View Full Version : Ashley S

3rd July 2006, 10:56 PM
Now i know who you are :D

That was a strange way to meet but nice to meet you regardless.

Our straw tower rules!! Even if it is a bit short!

ashley smith
4th July 2006, 04:06 PM
... and now I know who you are..
Could never see through those tinted windows of your mini before to see who you were. ha ha....

See you at Arbroath but no doubt see you going about before then.. :)

PS... you sold that structure to Ikea yet?? ha ha:D:D

8th July 2006, 07:55 AM
quote:Originally posted by ashley smith

... and now I know who you are..
Could never see through those tinted windows of your mini before to see who you were. ha ha....

See you at Arbroath but no doubt see you going about before then.. :)

PS... you sold that structure to Ikea yet?? ha ha:D:D

The tinted windows are gone.... well, the front ones anyway.. :cool:

Sorry about that phone call yesterday.. I could hardly hear a thing but at the same time I wanted to take the call (obviously);) so I hope you got most of what I said!! It's so noisy up there but it not very easy to ask 20 welders, 10 grinders, 2 screaming foremen and a squad of inspectors to shut up for ten mins! :D

You know the structure worked! Even your puny weather/hurricane tests couldn't disrupt the supreme strength of the tower.... even if it was a bit short! Ikea have been on the phone but they had concerns surrounding the fact that its totally useless unless you only own one cd, in which case, why would you need a holder... and indeed, why would that holder have to be elevated 35cm from the surface?? :D:D

And yes i'll see you at Arbroath! Looking forward to it. I missed it last year...... ah crap does this mean i have to wash my car... DOH!:disapprove:

ashley smith
10th July 2006, 04:14 PM
Fancy washing mine for me too then?????:D

10th July 2006, 08:16 PM
quote:Originally posted by ashley smith

Fancy washing mine for me too then?????:D

Bring it over and ill wash it...... for £20. haha:D

Im on car wash duty today. boooooooooooooooo!

ashley smith
10th July 2006, 09:40 PM
Perfect... how about friday night, you on car wash duty then too????

£20... after the good news I brought you last week. Huh... cheek!!!!ha ha:D:D

11th July 2006, 06:48 AM
quote:Originally posted by ashley smith

Perfect... how about friday night, you on car wash duty then too????

£20... after the good news I brought you last week. Huh... cheek!!!!ha ha:D:D

Ok... 15. :D just kidding.... £16!:D:p

I'll be on car wash duty on Friday for sure! I was half way through washing mine today and the mighty rain started! DOH! I should have washed mine first rather than my girlfriends! GRRRRR :D

ashley smith
11th July 2006, 03:53 PM
ha ha... That always happens to me too... hope its not raining on sat!!!

£16... your car washing service is expensive. ha ha....:D

11th July 2006, 08:13 PM
quote:Originally posted by ashley smith

ha ha... That always happens to me too... hope its not raining on sat!!!

£16... your car washing service is expensive. ha ha....:D

Well im saving up for a new sponge you see!! :D

ashley smith
11th July 2006, 09:08 PM
we must see this new sponge...must be a special one.. ha ha:D

11th July 2006, 11:36 PM
quote:Originally posted by ashley smith

we must see this new sponge...must be a special one.. ha ha:D

Sorry did I say sponge?? I meant house! :D

ashley smith
11th July 2006, 11:41 PM
ha ha... you been on the vodka or something today....

12th July 2006, 12:26 AM
quote:Originally posted by ashley smith

ha ha... you been on the vodka or something today....

No no. Saving that for tomorrow.. GRADUATION DAY... WOOO!!!

I better save up for some new suits too before September 11th. I meant to ask what people wear in the office. I'll pick your brains about a few things on Sat. :D It's handy having you on here .. haha

ashley smith
12th July 2006, 12:29 AM
I do come in handy at times...ha ha

Have a great day tomorrow. Its certainly a day to remember and enjoy the hangover on Thurs!!!

12th July 2006, 12:44 AM
... hmmmmm reallyyyyy... lol

Tomorrow should be good. I'm not liking the hat very much though. It's just mot my colour!

ashley smith
12th July 2006, 03:47 PM
ha ha ...lol....

yeah the hats defo not the best!!
Enjoy anyhoo.. making me feel old now as I graduated this time 3 years ago..:I:eek:

When does your car washing service start on Friday then... ha ha:D

ashley smith
14th July 2006, 03:59 PM
Nice photo in the evening.... ha ha... Good promotion for the co though....:D:D

When does the car wash service start today then?? :cool:

14th July 2006, 06:37 PM
quote:Originally posted by ashley smith

Nice photo in the evening.... ha ha... Good promotion for the co though....:D:D

When does the car wash service start today then?? :cool:

It should be iun the P&J too! They said i'm a design engineer rather than 'Associate Designer' lol.

Well my car is off to hospital for a medical. Hopefully if it passes ill be washing my car at around 2pm-ish.

My friend Karen reckons shes your cousin! :)

ashley smith
14th July 2006, 08:00 PM
Karen is cousins with my colleague Lesley..Small world....:)

I'll still be at work at 2pm... ha ha... car wash still on after 4.30pm?? :D:D

14th July 2006, 09:45 PM
AAAHHHHHHHHH yeah.. For some reason I keep mixing you 2 up. DOH!

I still dont have my car back. GRRRR!!

ashley smith
14th July 2006, 10:53 PM
nae so good.... Hope you get it back soon...

14th July 2006, 11:57 PM
got it back and it passed! NICE!

Now let the car washing commence...

ashley smith
15th July 2006, 12:23 AM
excellent. right where do I come to drop my mini off at???:D:D

15th July 2006, 12:52 AM
quote:Originally posted by ashley smith

excellent. right where do I come to drop my mini off at???:D:D

Do you actually want it done? I'm just off to start mine. I'll easily give it a wash but im off out at half six... :)

ashley smith
15th July 2006, 05:50 AM
hey...was only winding you up... i washed it myself tonight so Lulu is looking the business for tomorrow... ;):D

Catch you tomorrow...

15th July 2006, 08:04 AM
quote:Originally posted by ashley smith

hey...was only winding you up... i washed it myself tonight so Lulu is looking the business for tomorrow... ;):D

Catch you tomorrow...

I ended up starting mine then realised it was almost 6 so I had to leave it. I'll need to get up early(er) :disapprove:

huff huff!!


16th July 2006, 04:41 AM
Sniff, sniff........... fits gan oan here! ;):D:D

17th July 2006, 01:21 AM
well Sheilz you have exposed us!!!! :D:D

ashley smith
17th July 2006, 03:57 PM
Exposed us to what??ha ha...;):D

19th July 2006, 09:02 PM
hmmmmmmmmm ;)

ashley smith
20th July 2006, 01:18 AM

Lynne and I were totally sun burned after sat by the way...

21st July 2006, 08:47 AM
quote:Originally posted by ashley smith


Lynne and I were totally sun burned after sat by the way...

hmmmmmmmm = someone has the wrong end of the twig. :D

Ive been stuck on the Techinp site 7-7 every day this week and in Technip's eternal wisdom, they decided that for health and safety reasons, everyone must keep coveralls on at all times and your not allowed to roll the sleeves or legs up for fear of skin cancer :eek:. So we have been cooking this week!!!!! :disapprove::dead::disapprove::disapprove:

I managed to avoid the sunburn... although I was starting to turn just before I left! It was a SCORCHER!!!

ashley smith
21st July 2006, 04:00 PM
nae fine at all... Hope its nice this weekend as im having a long weekend.. :):)