View Full Version : Andy Murray and his blog

29th June 2006, 07:07 PM
Good to see it's not just our forum that has the England v Scotland debate. Andy Murray made an off the cuff remark when asked who he was supporting in the world and replied "Anyone but England" and this is the abuse he gets. He has since taken it back, but then nobody gave the Scotish First Minister such abuse. All because he has a forum that people can put in their two bit nonsense on. Gets a bit much when they say I hope you lose and your leg stops you playing.


The kids 19, he's proud of where he comes from, leave him alone. So what if he wears a Scotland sweatband? David Coultard has a saltire on his helmet but nobody bats an eyelid, just like Button has a cross on his. So what?

I could vent some more on it, but I won't.

29th June 2006, 07:35 PM
Good on the lad I say ,He is Scottish after all ,and if he does'nt want to be Englified so be it , its same old cr%p from down south , if its good its UK , if its not its Scottish , same with athletics as well

Big Col
29th June 2006, 08:14 PM
Now you've posted that link you can expect to see a Paul Gaskell posting on there soon. ;)

29th June 2006, 09:12 PM
Oh dear dear dear. Have you read what some of them have said re Dunblane and the school kids now that has got to be the sickest thing to date yet.;):p

For us folks from Dunblane that was a day that we all got affected in some way either a neighbour or a member of our family for me it was family and it makes me sick to the stomach reading that.

Just tops my week that does.

29th June 2006, 09:39 PM
shocking leave the guy allone thats what i say i am born english and i think it is shocking i do not agree with it in the slightst !!!!!!!!!! it those kind of pepole that give us a bad name !!!!!!!!

30th June 2006, 01:51 AM
Well if I didnt want to be completly agaisnt English people before, i do now, after some of those comments!

Honestly, does my head in. We dont have to support England in anything they do if we dont want too. And as for English people supporting us....please themselves but i would rather they didnt!

AndyP & Lenore
30th June 2006, 02:01 AM
quote:Originally posted by X30YES

its same old cr%p from down south , if its good its UK , if its not its Scottish


30th June 2006, 02:48 AM
My goodnesss, is it any wonder we have the attitude we do:disapprove:

30th June 2006, 03:02 AM
what you have to remember is, this is the internet; 99% of people posting those comments/messages on forums and message boards will never have to come face to face with who or what they are ranting about. Why would they hold back on anything, plus given the attention it has created it will only attract the most racist of racist individuals to go and spread their "poison". Nonetheless, some of what has been said is simply out of order!

The debate over this would never end, it would have to be and agree to disagree situation 8)

The Dogfather
30th June 2006, 04:32 AM
Col, I don't have any problem with Murray being proud of being Scottish, but his comment about anyone but the English was a pretty daft one to make given he's actually had a lot of support from the South. Still he's only young probably didn't realise.

The comments made on his blog though are completely out of order, and I don't agree with the backlash. I'll still support him just in the same way that'll I'll wish Wales and Scotland well in the football, as long as they aren't playing England that is.....

Big Col
30th June 2006, 03:17 PM
Someone on his site mae the point, "Why isn't this site moderaterd by his management?" Fair question if you ask me.

30th June 2006, 03:30 PM
i think some peps are just beaing harsh as i said i was born in england but dose not mean i hate the scots in fack i prefer scotland but for what those peps said on that was out of order but thats not every one

i think big col is right !!!!"Why isn't this site moderaterd by his management?" Fair question if you ask me.