View Full Version : No Top Gear for 5 weeks

5th June 2006, 11:58 PM

Why of Why have they taken Top Gear of BBC 2 for five weeks :( the fitbae:disapprove:. e'hh hello what's wrong with BB1 or interactive for that.

Surely not every bloke wants to be watching the fitbae for 5 weeks:disapprove: bloody hell.

better not interupt my soaps that's all I can say.:D

6th June 2006, 12:06 AM
bet if it was scotland and not england that got through it'd be entirely different :p

6th June 2006, 12:20 AM
quote:Originally posted by Sweeney

bet if it was scotland and not england that got through it'd be entirely different :p

it's the fact that we have football every channel for five weeks you'd think they would only show on the one channel.:(:(

6th June 2006, 12:22 AM
no can't be having that, given all the money sposnorships pump into it! :p

although sometimes i do wonder why channels such as sky sports exist ;)

6th June 2006, 12:38 AM
it's an outrage!! MarkyC told me last night, didn't think for a minute it was to do with a bunch of cheats running about chasing a wee baw... :(

6th June 2006, 12:51 AM
While I enjoy watching the football (watched every game in the last one, but that was only as I was off work in plaster) you need a break every now and again. One thing, the BBC only have the rights to one game on a Sunday at 8pm - France V SOuth Korea. ITV must be showing all the other games (which is a nightmare as the coverage on ITV is usually pants)

Also, what I don't get is why it's not on in 4 weeks, as there are no games that day.

And finally, it defence of no top gear, it means I don;t miss it while I'm away in Germany!

Link to all BBC games:

6th June 2006, 02:54 AM
I HATE football - and I couldn't care less who's playing.
I'm sick of all the World Cup stuff.... and it hasn't even started yet!! :evil::mad:

BAD BBC for stopping Top Gear. :(

6th June 2006, 03:42 AM
quote:Originally posted by Smurf

I HATE football - and I couldn't care less who's playing.
I'm sick of all the World Cup stuff.... and it hasn't even started yet!! :evil::mad:

BAD BBC for stopping Top Gear. :(

Wot Smurf said, EXACTLY...:mad: This sucks:disapprove:

6th June 2006, 04:22 AM
Pffffffft Bunch of Over paid nancy boys if you ask me , however will watch and hope pray in a couple of them that the Morris Dancers get the frocks ripped off them ....not till about the semi's tho , and on penalty shoot outs as well ;)

6th June 2006, 04:27 AM
football is crap get top gear back on !!!!!!!

6th June 2006, 05:11 AM
Meah, I'll take the World Cup anyday. Its only once every four years.

Top Gear is the same, almost every week anyway. Clarkson blasting a supercar, Slags off Hammond and May, some "celebrity" in a car. Just watch a repeat on UK Gold, they're on often enough!

6th June 2006, 05:13 AM
Mates wife in the Pub at the weekend said after hearing the Eng had won 4-5 nil , or whatever the score was '' does that mean they get into the next round ''... pub was in up roar ...she was bemused and said what's up ...its been on for weeks has it not ...?

6th June 2006, 05:20 AM
quote:Originally posted by duncan

Meah, I'll take the World Cup anyday. Its only once every four years.

Top Gear is the same, almost every week anyway. Clarkson blasting a supercar, Slags off Hammond and May, some "celebrity" in a car. Just watch a repeat on UK Gold, they're on often enough!

Duncan that's not the point. Why should we suffer for the sake of football -world cup- or not- we should be able to choose there is more than enough channels for them to put fitbae on.

Why oh why do folk get so worked up over a game of fitbae I'll never understand:(

They should make it pay to view IMHO.

They say LCDs TV's are being sold left right and centre so folks can watch the world cup :clown: clowns if you ask me.

6th June 2006, 05:41 AM
quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop
Why oh why do folk get so worked up over a game of fitbae I'll never understand:(

I could say the same about TG

quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop
They should make it pay to view IMHO.

It is, I pay my TV licence, but I know what you mean.;)
I'm just glad its on Free To Air, and I have digital, so I can switch off the biased commentary!

quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop
They say LCDs TV's are being sold left right and centre so folks can watch the world cup :clown: clowns if you ask me.

Got to agree there.
Mind you, there's no way that i'd entertain spending over a grand on a TV anyway. From the HD sets i've seen so far, i'm not that impressed.

6th June 2006, 06:29 AM
Just to respond....And I don't want this to get all aggro.

The World Cup should always be on free to air tv. It is the biggest football tournament in the world, and gets all countries around the world excited (if your a football fan, you love the world cup regardless if your teams playing - annoyingly as I'd love to be there with a bunch of Scotland fans). In terms of world sports events in terms of viewers etc it's on a par with the olympics. Put it this way, worldwide 28.8 billion people watched the world cup in Korea/Japan and the games were not on at prime time in most of the places where you expect high viewing figures. It'll be higher this time round.

While I agree coverage will be ott, and I'll only be watching the games and not the talk afterwards (who wants to watch Ian Wright??), but it should never be on pay per view. I do think that some games should be on either red button or freeview, but then I look at the other view - I'll be in a hotel in the UK with work for some of it which has no sky coverage (it's a crap hotel and the best one in town) so I'd get no red button games, nor sky. As such, free to air tv is bliss as I can watch all the games. Not everyone has freeview or sky - I only got freeview last week.

LCD TV - bunch of idiots. While HD is supposed to be amazing, it's only TV!! My mate bought a 3500 quid plasma and has Sky HD, but he says himself while it;s good it's going to be 2 years before it's mainstream enough to warrent all the gear.

6th June 2006, 06:37 AM
As of 9/7 the WORLD will be a better place , let the good times roll :approve:

6th June 2006, 06:42 AM
Stick the football on fekin bbc 9 for all i care and get top gear back on!!!!!! lol

6th June 2006, 06:44 AM
quote:Originally posted by euan

Just to respond....And I don't want this to get all aggro.

The World Cup should always be on free to air tv. It is the biggest football tournament in the world, and gets all countries around the world excited (if your a football fan, you love the world cup regardless if your teams playing - annoyingly as I'd love to be there with a bunch of Scotland fans). In terms of world sports events in terms of viewers etc it's on a par with the olympics. Put it this way, worldwide 28.8 billion people watched the world cup in Korea/Japan and the games were not on at prime time in most of the places where you expect high viewing figures. It'll be higher this time round.

While I agree coverage will be ott, and I'll only be watching the games and not the talk afterwards (who wants to watch Ian Wright??), but it should never be on pay per view. I do think that some games should be on either red button or freeview, but then I look at the other view - I'll be in a hotel in the UK with work for some of it which has no sky coverage (it's a crap hotel and the best one in town) so I'd get no red button games, nor sky. As such, free to air tv is bliss as I can watch all the games. Not everyone has freeview or sky - I only got freeview last week.

LCD TV - bunch of idiots. While HD is supposed to be amazing, it's only TV!! My mate bought a 3500 quid plasma and has Sky HD, but he says himself while it;s good it's going to be 2 years before it's mainstream enough to warrent all the gear.

I can't agree with you sorry.:)

At least with the Olympics you have several sports to watch

with the World Cup it's fitbae or nothing:(

My pay for view comment was more tongue in cheek than anything else:p

My only point of this thread was to high light the total lack of choice that will be on the telly for the next 5 weeks all because of football. not every single person wants to watch fitbae.

6th June 2006, 08:12 AM
Duncan that's not the point. Why should we suffer for the sake of football

The same reason some of us have to put up with endless soaps and crap like Big Brother every day for the other 3 years! :p:p


6th June 2006, 12:11 PM
quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop
My only point of this thread was to high light the total lack of choice that will be on the telly for the next 5 weeks all because of football
Sorry Fi, not so, one of the nights that there's nae fitba Wimbledon will be BBC's prime sport :p

6th June 2006, 12:38 PM
For me its all about seeing all the 'burds' from around the world with the body painted faces and all sorts of crazy outfits on ... mmmm when do Brazil play :p

Big Col
6th June 2006, 03:16 PM
quote:Originally posted by X30YES

For me its all about seeing all the 'burds' from around the world with the body painted faces and all sorts of crazy outfits on ... mmmm when do Brazil play :p

A proper sleaze opportunist. :D;):)

6th June 2006, 04:33 PM
On the next two Sundays at 8pm on BBC2 they're showing "Natural World"
On the 11th, there's no Football on BBC1 at the same time, on the 18th there is.

Seems to me its more of a scheduling decision, than purely the footballs fault for TG being off.

quote:The same reason some of us have to put up with endless soaps and crap like Big Brother every day for the other 3 years!
Heh, so true. It just shows that you can't please all the people, all the time.

6th June 2006, 07:30 PM
quote:Originally posted by X30YES

For me its all about seeing all the 'burds' from around the world with the body painted faces and all sorts of crazy outfits on ... mmmm when do Brazil play :p

Totally - when we are in Germany we are hunting out the Brazil fans, just to see if they really do wear that stuff - honest!

Fi, I know where your coming from, and I do think it's a bit annoying that it's on ITV and BBC, at least if it was on one channel there is one channel to avoid.

6th June 2006, 07:59 PM
quote:Originally posted by euan

quote:Originally posted by X30YES

For me its all about seeing all the 'burds' from around the world with the body painted faces and all sorts of crazy outfits on ... mmmm when do Brazil play :p

Totally - when we are in Germany we are hunting out the Brazil fans, just to see if they really do wear that stuff - honest!

Fi, I know where your coming from, and I do think it's a bit annoying that it's on ITV and BBC, at least if it was on one channel there is one channel to avoid.

Mind and have a "Currywurst" when at the matches.:cool:

6th June 2006, 10:08 PM
Sorry Fi, not so, one of the nights that there's nae fitba Wimbledon will be BBC's prime sport :p

Good grief.. I forgot about that :disapprove::disapprove::disapprove::mad:
BB, Word Cup AND wimbledon (not to mention the endless crappy soaps)..

I need to find a good hobby for the summer! :disapprove::disapprove::disapprove:

6th June 2006, 10:39 PM
quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop

quote:Originally posted by euan

quote:Originally posted by X30YES

For me its all about seeing all the 'burds' from around the world with the body painted faces and all sorts of crazy outfits on ... mmmm when do Brazil play :p

Totally - when we are in Germany we are hunting out the Brazil fans, just to see if they really do wear that stuff - honest!

Fi, I know where your coming from, and I do think it's a bit annoying that it's on ITV and BBC, at least if it was on one channel there is one channel to avoid.

Mind and have a "Currywurst" when at the matches.:cool:

That's one of the first things I'll be doing!!! Can't wait.

Fi, just be sure not to start looking at car websites when there is nothing on TV, you might be tempted to change again :)

The Dogfather
6th June 2006, 11:24 PM
They took TG off last year for the olympic and the snooker so what's new.....

The Dogfather
6th June 2006, 11:26 PM
BTW I think I could do a roaring trade in anti-Ian Wright T-shirts :D

6th June 2006, 11:29 PM
quote:Originally posted by Vidal Buffoon

They took TG off last year for the olympic and the snooker so what's new.....

5 weeks or 3 weeks;):p depending on how you look at it Olympics is on the tv for two weeks not sure about the snooker.

6th June 2006, 11:30 PM
quote:Originally posted by Vidal Buffoon
BTW I think I could do a roaring trade in anti-Ian Wright T-shirts :D

Off Topic;):p:blackeye:

The Dogfather
6th June 2006, 11:36 PM
Olympic was 3 snooker 2

7th June 2006, 10:05 PM
Winter Olympics is on for 2 weeks and nobody even watches that....

The Dogfather
7th June 2006, 10:10 PM
quote:Originally posted by euan

Winter Olympics is on for 2 weeks and nobody even watches that....

I reckon only Aviemore would be interested.....

7th June 2006, 10:14 PM
quote:Originally posted by euan

Winter Olympics is on for 2 weeks and nobody even watches that....

I do:I:cool::cool: