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14th March 2003, 04:36 AM
Okay, what's the story? Is it just me or is the mini like a magnet for stones with wee sharp bitties? BabyB looks like she's got acne and she's only 5 months old and Clearasil is useless!!:I;)

Monsta Mo Mini
14th March 2003, 07:24 AM
Stone chips?? - I find if you deep fry them first they tend to soften up quite nicley:D

Call Chipsaway - he fixed 3 chips on my bonnet for £80.

Willie M
14th March 2003, 07:24 AM
Picked up a touch-up kit from the dealers a few days ago. Wul also mentioned a substance called Langka on a MINI2 thread about the same topic. Apparently it's great for tidying up the smears and blobs left by touch-up paint.

Must admit I'm pretty peeved about the ammount of chip-marks showing on my front aero skirt already (cars only 2.5 months old). I've driven a few cars over the years, and a hell of a lot of miles, and this is the worst I've seen :disapprove:

I think driving closely behind other MINI's may have a bearing on it though. How many MINI's have you actually seen with mudflaps fitted? The little blighters sure love to kick up their fair share of grit:eek:

Still in love with my car though but I can see I'm going to become a dab hand at paint repair ;) Could maybe start a wee sideline..... form an orderly queue there folks :D

Monsta Mo Mini
14th March 2003, 07:48 AM
Ask Scott about stones thrown up my MINIs... I told him he shouldn't have followed me;):D

Linda M
15th March 2003, 12:55 AM
I've got stone chips too :( I think I'm going to get Chipsaway but I know Wul has got all the stuff you need and was going to work on his so I'm waiting to see how he got on.

15th March 2003, 02:47 AM
What you need is a nice sports bra for your mini. Comes in two sizes depending on if you standard or enhanced cleavage. :)


15th March 2003, 03:08 AM
you can get a nice clear protective bra also, these are apparently really good, just a wee bit of an application and its sorted!


15th March 2003, 04:10 AM
my car is gonna be male, but i guess dressing in females clothes is ok anyways so i'm gonna look into those bra things.

15th March 2003, 04:34 AM
Ain't no way i'm fitting a bra to my non transvestite car!

Bonnie Scotland

Linda M
15th March 2003, 04:35 AM
My dealers told me about this stuff. Once the chips are fixed you can get this clear film coating stuff painted all over the main chipping area and seemingly the stones can't chip it. I'm going to look into that.

Willie M
15th March 2003, 08:51 AM
quote:Originally posted by knaone

you can get a nice clear protective bra also, these are apparently really good, just a wee bit of an application and its sorted!
MMmmmmmmmm!!! Clear protective bra... :approve:

17th March 2003, 05:38 AM
I'm glad it's not just me then! BabyB is all happy cause she now smells of coconuts and bananas after a three hour session with Zymol! Unfortunately, with spending loads of time polishing, I've found 6 zillion more stone chips!:( I think the mini only has 2 coats of paint, so I would advise people to leave the t-cut in the garage!:I

18th March 2003, 01:01 AM
Well during a "wee quiet moment" last week i managed to try out the langka blob remover on the scratch on my rear bumper and a chip on the drivers door..........and it works!

Well it will once i've perfected the operation!

I painted the scratch with the touch up using a cocktail stick and left it to dry - unfortunately we got visitors so didn't get back to it till the next day so had to use a bit more elbow grease but for a first attempt it works pretty good - will be having another go at it this week with a second coat but it you apply the langka about 2 hours after the touch up - i reckon it will work a treat.

I've taken some photos too so will post them on Mini 2 when i finish the job properly!

At £18.99 delivered the wee bottle seems quiet expensive - but i reckon it could be a wothwhile investment.

scott shand
18th March 2003, 05:53 AM
monsta mo cracked my first coopers window on my first run from a stone from the back end of his car, with my car being black it seems to show even the smallest of chips, good to see others useing zymol, it has to be the best stuff on the market with some kits costing thousands! i have heard that they also have a good product for chips will look into to it.