View Full Version : Big Brother rant thread

19th May 2006, 06:52 PM
Well anyone watch it last night. What do you reckon then.


19th May 2006, 07:11 PM



There we go.. the full season in one. :D:D:D:D:D


AndyP & Lenore
19th May 2006, 07:22 PM
quote:Originally posted by low_n_loud1




There we go.. the full season in one. :D:D:D:D:D




The Dogfather
19th May 2006, 07:53 PM
Can someone please explain to me why people find it so interesting?

19th May 2006, 08:40 PM
quote:Originally posted by Vidal Buffoon

Can someone please explain to me why people find it so interesting?

Ellie's suggestion from last night, It's the modern public hanging. Which, in a sense it is...

My own theory is that people watch it to boost their own special wee egos, because it allows them to judge other random scumbags by their own personal principals, and to vindicate their own views/prejudices/hang-ups at a nice safe distance from reality. And due to the invasive nature of the filming, it makes the show seem intimate, as if the teeny people in the shiny box are actually your real friends. and it's meant to make you feel warm and fuzzy that you can judge your 'friends' like this, and have control over them by lining up like sheep to phone their premium-priced lines to interact. <kerching>
And it makes people feel 'special' to be involved with the 'In-gossip', and not be 'left out'.

Seriously, who cares what some random attention-whore locked in a box has for breakfast, thinks about homosexuality or why they feel the need to publicly humiliate themselves on a national level (and.. no.. not for the money.. oh no, not me. I'm really here for the experience. hah. sure.)

Sensationalist bo!!ocks.

...erm.. that'll be my opinion then ;):p

The Dogfather
19th May 2006, 08:51 PM
Who the hell is Ellie? You've not got another imaginary friend again have you? I thought the doctor gave you tablets for the last episode, have they run out? ;)

19th May 2006, 09:01 PM
quote:Originally posted by Vidal Buffoon

Who the hell is Ellie? You've not got another imaginary friend again have you? I thought the doctor gave you tablets for the last episode, have they run out? ;)

Yeah.. they ran out months ago.
This time time the manifestation is in the form of a GIRL who is seemingly a FRIEND. It's seems like this one is quite persistant tho, when I close my eyes and shake my head, I can open them again and she's still sitting there waving at me :p:p:p

19th May 2006, 09:14 PM
Changed the title of thread as I thought it better.:D

Never watched BB:eek: yip it's true

I have caught it once or twice flicking stations but always seems to have the sound of either birds chriping or planes flying over.:p:)

Load of crap IMO much better watching Eurovision.:cool:

19th May 2006, 09:20 PM
This year there is a guy in there with tourets whos keeps sayin "w@nk" and whislting - methinks thats taking it a bitty too far - even for equal oppotunities and all that - although Chris Moyles has already renamed him R2D2! :D

AndyP & Lenore
19th May 2006, 09:37 PM
For some unkown reason BB managed record ratings last night according to BBC News website.


19th May 2006, 09:48 PM

I have caught it once or twice flicking stations but always seems to have the sound of either birds chriping or planes flying over.:p:)

Yeah, I've noticed that in the past..
What's with the censorship if it's such an 'outrageous' program?
These people are allowed to shout and swear t each other on air like there's no tomorrow, so why the need to censor normal conversations?

19th May 2006, 10:11 PM
quote:Originally posted by Wul

This year there is a guy in there with tourets whos keeps sayin "w@nk" and whislting -

I actually heard that last night. It triggered something in my head... and started the memory wheels turning.
Anybody remember 'Stop The Pigeon'??


...Especially the noises the guy in the orange/yellow mac used to make?
The whistly chirpy noise?

This guy is making the EXACT same sound for one of his vocal tics. So is it real or is he acting?
But more importantly why do I care???

19th May 2006, 10:21 PM
quote:Originally posted by low_n_loud1


I have caught it once or twice flicking stations but always seems to have the sound of either birds chriping or planes flying over.:p:)

Yeah, I've noticed that in the past..
What's with the censorship if it's such an 'outrageous' program?
These people are allowed to shout and swear t each other on air like there's no tomorrow, so why the need to censor normal conversations?


The first one was "interesting" as it was a new concept, but how many more times do they have to broadcast this tosh?

19th May 2006, 10:49 PM


The first one was "interesting" as it was a new concept, but how many more times do they have to broadcast this tosh?

But surely that would make it more interesting?;)
But so would leaving them no food and only one big sharp pointy stick :D:D

The first one was more than enough ;):p:D:D

The Dogfather
19th May 2006, 10:52 PM
I'm getting the impression that LnL and SC are really closet fans of BB, the explanation that they have been flicking through and catching bits seems a little weak:evil:

19th May 2006, 11:11 PM
quote:Originally posted by Vidal Buffoon

I'm getting the impression that LnL and SC are really closet fans of BB, the explanation that they have been flicking through and catching bits seems a little weak:evil:


19th May 2006, 11:34 PM
quote:Originally posted by Vidal Buffoon

I'm getting the impression that LnL and SC are really closet fans of BB, the explanation that they have been flicking through and catching bits seems a little weak:evil:

Ellie watches it, and no matter what else you're doing it bores through your subconscious :mad: whether you like it or not..

I have to admit I'm curious, not about the program, who wins, what the people are like or how they act, as far as I'm concerned they're just a waste of good oxygen ;):p:D

But I *am* interested to know what makes such obvious exhibitionists tick, and why they feel the need to be stripped of any dignity in such a public way. It's certainly not normal :evil::blackeye:

19th May 2006, 11:36 PM
The censorship comes whe the housemates are talking about people on the outside world by name. There is other stuff like that.

Im not a BB fan, but its the sort of thing i like to watch in the background.

You just have to see it for what it is. A bunch of people in a house which is designed to drive them all nuts. It is just a LIVE 'soap opera' really.

20th May 2006, 12:11 AM
I don't feel the need to justify why I watch some of it.
Everyone has their own tastes in TV / music / other people. If we were all the same, it would be a rather boring world....


I could say "it's an interesting social experiment". Isn't that what the official line is supposed to be?
I watch it because the people in it, and some of the things they are made to do, make me almost wee myself laughing. And I like laughing. If it annoys me - I'll change the channel and watch something else! Now there's an interesting concept... :p:p;):D

20th May 2006, 12:48 AM
quote: And I like laughing. If it annoys me - I'll change the channel and watch something else! Now there's an interesting concept... :p:p;):D

Nobody needs to justify it at all.
I wish more people out there would do just that. if they see something they don't like, switch it off! :D

It'll certainly never be on when we're watching telly together, or if I'm in on my own. But if I'm on the PC and Ellie's doing other stuff or got the telly on, I don't mind it in the background now, but I *do* hate it when it starts to creep in! :D

I probably just hate the sensationalism and constant advertising - both for the show and the innumerable magaine articles. Have people seriously go nothing better to do?

Here's an idea..
Is there anyone on NMS who would (or has) put themselves forward to be on the show? If you have (or want to), can you reply to this, and give your reasons? I'm deeply intrigued by the psychology behind the desire to appear on such a program (This isn't so I can take the p!ss, I really am curious).

<stands back to watch the tumbleweed> :)

20th May 2006, 12:55 AM
quote:Originally posted by low_n_loud1

quote: And I like laughing. If it annoys me - I'll change the channel and watch something else! Now there's an interesting concept... :p:p;):D

Nobody needs to justify it at all.
I wish more people out there would do just that. if they see something they don't like, switch it off! :D

It'll certainly never be on when we're watching telly together, or if I'm in on my own. But if I'm on the PC and Ellie's doing other stuff or got the telly on, I don't mind it in the background now, but I *do* hate it when it starts to creep in! :D

I probably just hate the sensationalism and constant advertising - both for the show and the innumerable magaine articles. Have people seriously go nothing better to do?

Here's an idea..
Is there anyone on NMS who would (or has) put themselves forward to be on the show? If you have (or want to), can you reply to this, and give your reasons? I'm deeply intrigued by the psychology behind the desire to appear on such a program (This isn't so I can take the p!ss, I really am curious).

<stands back to watch the tumbleweed> :)

1. already BB addicts them selfs.
2. bit nuts
3. Fame or at least the hope of fame
4. Money.

No I've not auditioned:)

20th May 2006, 12:59 AM

1. already BB addicts them selfs.
2. bit nuts
3. Fame or at least the hope of fame
4. Money.

No I've not auditioned:)

That sounds about right :D:D:D:D
From what I can see, there seems to be a huge drive for peer acceptance behind most of it... the auditions seem to bring out the worst in everybody!!

The Dogfather
20th May 2006, 02:48 AM
social experiment:question: Now if they were doing medical experiments on the little dears as well it might be worthwhile :evil:

20th May 2006, 02:58 AM
Think its passed the "Social Experiment" stage now, as its been on that often.

And its not the TV programme that's the problem, I can change the channel.
Its the cross promotion and reporting as news in other media.
Its not as if you can escape it in the national papers, as they all carry stories to some degree.

The Dogfather
20th May 2006, 03:08 AM
quote:Originally posted by duncan

Think its passed the "Social Experiment" stage now, as its been on that often.

And its not the TV programme that's the problem, I can change the channel.
Its the cross promotion and reporting as news in other media.
Its not as if you can escape it in the national papers, as they all carry stories to some degree.

It's almost got to the stage that you hear more about it than the 1966 World Cup :evil:;):clown:

Big Col
20th May 2006, 05:22 AM
quote:Originally posted by low_n_loud1
But more importantly why do I care???

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO it's got you mate!!!!! :(

The Dogfather
20th May 2006, 07:10 AM
Col, to be honest I thought Ewan would make an ideal BB Housemate, what with all his rants.

20th May 2006, 09:50 PM
quote:Originally posted by Vidal Buffoon

Col, to be honest I thought Ewan would make an ideal BB Housemate, what with all his rants.

There WOULD be murder :mad::mad::D:D:D:D

20th May 2006, 09:55 PM
quote:Originally posted by Big Col

quote:Originally posted by low_n_loud1
But more importantly why do I care???

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO it's got you mate!!!!! :(

Nah.. I'm safe... :D

Still get the instant pang of disgust when anything advertising it appears.. :p:D:D