View Full Version : Headlight beam throw adjustment

Mark R
17th April 2006, 09:45 AM
I'm once again having a problem with the headlight throw adjustment. Had this same problem before but it went away just pretty much when I took my MINI in to have it fixed so they couldn't find the problem. My left hand headlight beam stays at its lowest position while the right hand one will move up and down when I move the dial. Last time I think it ended up both stuck in the lowest position but I don't really remember now.

Anyone else had this kind of problem? Also any suggestions on how to demonstrate this problem to the service department when it's only really noticeable when it's dark enough to see the beams of light properly, would photos of a little video to show them of me demonstrating the problem work?

I'd imagine this is pretty normal, but does everyone else hear what sounds like a motor noise when first turning their lights on? Mine makes the noise and then seems to click a couple of times. Get that with or with the headlight beam set high or low through the dial so I don't think it's related.

17th April 2006, 10:15 AM
Yes, my old 51 plate One had headlight beem alignment as a failure during the MOT due to the motors failing.
ISTR both headlights were replaced.

Doesn't sound like you're having much luck with your MINI, hope you get it sorted out.

17th April 2006, 08:45 PM
They'll know EXACTLY what you're talking about. This is a VERY Common fault, at least with the original headlight design anyway.

17th April 2006, 09:21 PM
I agree with Rob and Duncan, they *DO* know about it. Had my 03 plate Cooper in to have this fixed TWICE (interestingly it was the same right headlight both times)

If you park the car up so the lights are close to a wall you shold be able to see when they're on. Then move the dial around and watch them.
Or ask them to take your car into the Workshop and put the workshop lights off?

I noticed the noise *sometimes*. the first time I had the lights on, for example. When you first turn them on, they both rise to the set position (and you hear the noise). Not sure of the circumstances under which they should move like this, but mine did it a fair bit when switched on.

Incidentally, which dealer? It might be a (sneaky) idea to paint a mark on the light housing when you take it in to get fixed, to make sure it actually *HAS* been changed...

Mark R
17th April 2006, 09:57 PM
I took it to Eastern the first time but it was working when I got it back for a while, a few weeks anyway so I just think that it didn't show up when it was in.