View Full Version : Ian King

AndyP & Lenore
4th April 2006, 01:28 AM
At the road works just outside of Gala at about 12:40pm, we were in our X5.

Good to see you again.:D

4th April 2006, 05:54 AM
Yes I saw you towering over my mini. I was away doing a quick survey in sunny Hawick then decided to return to work the scenic route via Selkirk

AndyP & Lenore
4th April 2006, 06:07 AM
Ian, remember when the sign went up for those roadworks on the Galafoot Bridge? I'm sure it said they were going to last 2 weeks.

We're now 4 weeks in and they're still at it...

Bloody annoying isnt it?

4th April 2006, 04:45 PM
I dont know.... these council workers eh.... or even those bloody council contractors