View Full Version : Gutted

27th March 2006, 08:48 PM
Well guess what my Silver Mini got broken into at the dealer this weekend some NED obviously thought they would pick on my car.

Broken front passenger window and head unit knackered.

Allan is on his way to collect my car and bring her home into the security of her own wee garage.:disapprove::(;)

Unfortunately the plonkers of Police had to be involved fat lot of good that will do. Since being up here in Inverness my Larbert house has been broken into twice my Caravan twice and the plods come in take finger prints and it's the last you here of them.

Oh well no doubt will be hovering glass for the next two years out the car.

Gutted Fiona.

27th March 2006, 08:55 PM
Not so good Fi ...sorry to read about your bad news


27th March 2006, 08:57 PM
Nightmare.:( You're right about the glass . . .

27th March 2006, 09:05 PM
Nightmare Anyhitng else damaged or Was it a Window smash and Attempted grab.?

Is there no CCTV on the forcourt?

what dealership was that? Hope they fixed it.

27th March 2006, 09:18 PM
Nightmare Fi!! :(:(:(:(:blackeye::blackeye::disapprove:

Two of my previous Classics were broken into. Same experience with the Police I have to say. It seems to me that their main purpose when things like this happen is to provide a Crime Reference Number so you can claim from your insurance! :(:(:mad::mad::mad::disapprove::disapprove:
Catch the criminals? Not our Department, sorry! :disapprove:

P.s.. On a more positive note, we were thru on Sat AM to pick up Zimbo's new toy, and your car is looking way cool now with the facelift! ;):cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::D:D
That's a lot of Carbon! :cool:

Mini Me
27th March 2006, 09:34 PM
quote:Originally posted by bpirie1000
what dealership was that? Hope they fixed it.

Unfortunately it happened on our site :disapprove::disapprove:
It is a total bummer,and i am truely gutted :(:( Of all the cars it had to be Fe's !:(:(

We have offered to rectify the situation,and put the car back as it should be.

Stll gutted.......:disapprove:

27th March 2006, 09:51 PM

Sorry to hear that Fe... :(:(

Hope you get it sorted out alright - don't think Menzies would leave you in the lurch...

as for the scumbags - I hope they do find them and then we can have "a word".;)

The Dogfather
27th March 2006, 09:55 PM
Sorry to hear your news Fe. :(

27th March 2006, 09:56 PM
quote:Originally posted by craigd
as for the scumbags - I hope they do find them and then we can have "a word".;)

I'm in that Q (utter barstewards)

Have had cars broken into & stolen in the past & it's a pain in the @rse.
I'm sure your car will be A1 in no time Fi & hooray to Iain/Menzies for stepping in to do all they can.

27th March 2006, 10:09 PM
Menzies bodyshop have hoovered out hopefully most of the glass and checked over the car and as far as we can tell they only broke front passenger side window tried to take head unit out but the flip up screen broke and they left it at that which is not to bad I guess as they could have had ipod - micro road pilot - parrot phone thingy. Menzies have taken it over to RAC windscreen for me and the window is being replaced as we speak. Will get the dyson out tonight and hunt for any hidden glass.

Going to speak to mikethemini and hopefully should just be a case of taking the head unit out with those key thingies and replacing with a new head unit.

Hopefully mr policeman has not covered the car in that finger print powder stuff I remember when they done my house it took for ever to get rid of that stuff.

27th March 2006, 10:11 PM
Oh man - sorry to hear that Fi!

Big Col
27th March 2006, 10:12 PM
How comes the face was left on the headunit Fe? That's not like you is it? I think you mentioned you always take it out when I was talking to you about my old one getting nicked. Gutted for you with this it really does pi$$ you off when someone fcuks with your motor. :(

27th March 2006, 10:17 PM
quote:Originally posted by Big Col
How comes the face was left on the headunit Fe? That's not like you is it? I think you mentioned you always take it out when I was talking to you about my old one getting nicked. Gutted for you with this it really does pi$$ you off when someone fcuks with your motor. :(

it was a Kenwood sat/nav the one where you press a wee button and the screen comes out then flips up. To be honest it never crossed my mind to take the front panel off infact I'm not sure if I can.:I I'll no better for the future.

27th March 2006, 11:06 PM
So sorry to hear of your loss.

27th March 2006, 11:15 PM
Sad to hear Fi, at least Menzies will cover your costs, as for the head unit, yes, you can remove the front panel when the screen is tucked away

27th March 2006, 11:15 PM
Gutted for you Fe, it sucks when ppl treat something you take so much pride in with utter disrespect. They should get their fingers chopped off!!! ;)

28th March 2006, 12:04 AM
Scumbags :mad: I would love to be able to get my hands on these kind of thieving scum just for a couple of minutes!!

Sorry to hear bout the break in Fe, hope it's all sorted out soon.

Do the dealers not have a security guard to patrol the grounds/premises etc just in case of things like this?
I know of a local dealer here in Dundee that does.

J Cee
28th March 2006, 12:31 AM
Dirty wee B*******s! When they catch these wee gits they should cut off all their fingers and tattoo the word SCUM in 3in letters across their forehead.:evil::evil::evil::evil:

28th March 2006, 12:37 AM
Hey Fi, sorry to hear this it's a serious bummer and real bad news :disapprove::(:mad: The $?&@# responsible really are lower than a snakes belly :mad::evil::blackeye::evil:

Well done Minime/Menzies for helping to get you sorted out :approve:;)

28th March 2006, 01:44 AM
quote:Originally posted by AeroJonny

Gutted for you Fe, it sucks when ppl treat something you take so much pride in with utter disrespect. They should get their fingers chopped off!!! ;)

I'd chop off a lot more than that! (or less more like) :evil::blackeye::mad:

..And by 'chop'.. I mean PEEL..
and by 'off' I mean WITH A RUSTY POTATO PEELER..

There. Doesn't that meake you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? ;):D

28th March 2006, 03:31 AM
must agree with the finger pringing and insurance comment, my house has been broken into twice, both times finger prints etc done, never head anything from them.

Although unknowingly to them they tried to sell me some of my stuff back! told the police but their response was simply nothing they can do on word of mouth; they wouldn't take them in for a finger print match or anything was raging :(

28th March 2006, 03:57 AM
Nigtmare Fi. Hope it's all sorted soon.

28th March 2006, 04:01 AM
Sorry to hear about all this Fe, hope you manage to get it sorted out to your satisfaction.

And good on Menzies for offering to fix it all. Not every dealer would do that I'm sure.

28th March 2006, 04:16 AM
Sorry to hear about that! Some people are just incredible!

28th March 2006, 04:22 AM
Thats really awful Fiona!!! if its any consolation i have already educated the small children in my class that they must respect the mini. My aim will be to catch all of these potential theifs and teach them about the importance of respecting other peoples property!! CATCH EM YOUNG!!

28th March 2006, 05:10 AM
well my car is back and in her garage.:D but she feels like she has been violated:( Obviously she put up a fight:cool:

Actually it's not to bad well obviously better if it never happened but these guys must have been the dumbest thiefs going the stuff they did not take.

Micro Pilot x2 one was in the cubby bit under the radio and one on it's holder up on windscreen. my ipod - jeez who were these guys.

Big top mark to Iain @ Menzies who coped very well with my h'mm how should I say hysterical moment.

Hoover and cleaned the inside loads on small glass in my fingers now:eek:

the best bit they ripped and tore at my head unit the front is in bits but I got my wee face thingy bit and managed to clip it into it's wee bit and bingo I've still got music:D

Mikethemini sending me a new headunit should get it tomorrow.

Mini Me
28th March 2006, 05:20 AM
quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop
Big top mark to Iain @ Menzies who coped very well with my h'mm how should I say hysterical moment.

Fe, youv'e met my wife, today was nothing...;)
I'm glad we got thinks kinda sorted, thats what i'm there for..:)
You coped with the whole thing rather well.......

wee feckers tho,seek and destroy.....:evil:

28th March 2006, 05:29 AM
Jealous wee bas#*?ds, (sorry for swearing) but it really gets to me these wee junky gits, we all work really hard for things and then people think they can just take what ever they want without paying for them, probably never worked a day in there lives a small slap on the wrist and a £30 fine and its ok to do it all again. Hope your feeling somewhat better now Fiona sorry to hear about this.:disapprove::disapprove::disapprove:


28th March 2006, 06:45 AM
Keep your eye out for the City Link van

28th March 2006, 07:06 AM
quote:Originally posted by minime
youv'e met my wife, today was nothing...;)

Jings your awfy brave when the boss ain't around :p;)

28th March 2006, 08:46 AM
I'd chop off a lot more than that! (or less more like) :evil::blackeye::mad:

..And by 'chop'.. I mean PEEL..
and by 'off' I mean WITH A RUSTY POTATO PEELER..

There. Doesn't that meake you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? ;):D

Wow! I like your style! (They'd be neen the waar' o a guid hinging!)

Glad your wee car is on the mend Fiona.


28th March 2006, 05:43 PM
I take it Mingers ;)had CCTV cover :question:...a big stick and a good thrashing might be better than a more satisfying than a fine !!!:D

28th March 2006, 07:45 PM
quote:Originally posted by Sweeney

must agree with the finger pringing and insurance comment, my house has been broken into twice, both times finger prints etc done, never head anything from them.

Although unknowingly to them they tried to sell me some of my stuff back! told the police but their response was simply nothing they can do on word of mouth; they wouldn't take them in for a finger print match or anything was raging :(

For ****s sakeS, have they no idea what it means to enforce the law, toO much worrying about peoples rights and all that nonscense. what about the victims rights and what about not just taking you word, use evidence, EV..I..DEEENCE !.

Muppets !!!!

28th March 2006, 07:51 PM
so as it stands,
Fiona's wee beauty have been violated.
The ******s that done it have nothing to worry about as the police are next to useless.
Menzies stepped in and sorted it.


Who has built up community relations, victim support. Police or Menzies ?

Who can be confident that things are fine and they can continue as normal. Fiona or scummbag ?

Neil and Lorna
28th March 2006, 08:08 PM
Hi Alan & Fiona

Sorry to hear about this, looks like you've got it all sorted.
But does'nt it make you angry.

Neil and Lorna.

29th March 2006, 05:33 AM
new head unit arrived today and is now fitted so car is back to normal. well almost!!!!! we had to take out the old head unit and realease the glove box a bit to get to plug that connects the head unit so we noticed the wiring that's be done when head unit was first fitted.

First problem the screws for the glove box the heads were rounded:(

Then I was shocked to see the poor quality of the installation wires connected you know twisted together and then tape wrapped round(that was something I watched my dad doing back in the 70's)

guess the installers have never heard of wire connectors that are used these days!!!

next time I will know better and take the time to go down to mikethemini.

29th March 2006, 07:04 AM
Yikes :(

Duncan Stewart
30th March 2006, 02:30 AM
Sorry to hear this Fiona.
Hope you get it all sorted OK.

AndyP & Lenore
30th March 2006, 04:00 AM
gutted for you Fiona.

Glad you are getting it sorted.