View Full Version : My first car smashed

21st March 2006, 06:04 AM
Since ive mastered posting pics thought id post these. Its my first car not long after I past my test. Shows how strong the mini is after it had rolled it was still in shape. I was a lucky lad could have been alot worse.


21st March 2006, 06:26 AM
Yikes! You were a lucky lad indeed!

I had a 41bhp Mini for years after I passed my test... I think if I'd had anything quicker I may not be here now...

21st March 2006, 10:50 AM
17 year old.... new mini...

the phrase "that was obviously gona happen" springs to mind! lol :D

21st March 2006, 04:59 PM
Were you the only one involved in the accident?

21st March 2006, 06:05 PM
I'll vouch for the mini's being strong little things... i rolled my one last year and i was impressed how it stood up to the crash, i walked out of it with one tiny little graze on my elbow!!



21st March 2006, 06:44 PM
Here is a link to my mini one that i rolled after hitting a tree sideways. The car stood up to it rather well. It was however written off.




I hope these links work


Edit:- to show pics

21st March 2006, 08:37 PM
eeek alot of people have rolled their MINI's! what you lot been up to?

you have only had that a couple of weeks or so Andrew eh? get the insurance money and buy a 1.0l or something. not that they will touch you with much more now though!

unlucky though gutted for you :blackeye:

21st March 2006, 09:46 PM
& how did you manage to roll the thing young Andrew :question:

22nd March 2006, 02:06 AM
It was a brand new mini this happened 2 years ago in November. Because I was the first registered owner the insurance replaced the car, So ive still got a mini. It was 2 weeks old with 2500 miles on it. It happened with too much right foot going around a bad bend in the wet. It was just me involved. thank goodness. Well my piont is that I could have had a 1.1 saxo or some thing like that and I might not be here today. The pillers on the mini held there shape. And I just had a cut elbow. Hope it nevers happens agian.

22nd March 2006, 02:13 AM
This is why we have such high insurance premiums... :evil:

22nd March 2006, 03:09 AM
quote:Originally posted by AN03REW

It was a brand new mini this happened 2 years ago in November. Because I was the first registered owner the insurance replaced the car, So ive still got a mini. It was 2 weeks old with 2500 miles on it. It happened with too much right foot going around a bad bend in the wet. It was just me involved. thank goodness. Well my piont is that I could have had a 1.1 saxo or some thing like that and I might not be here today. The pillers on the mini held there shape. And I just had a cut elbow. Hope it nevers happens agian.

HAHA! Another Cut elbow!! :D What is it with Minis and people cutting their elbows? Have you ever heard of someone cutting their elbow where there was no MINI involved? :D Hey Ianking... how was your elbow after you crashed?

Zimbo, theres a lot more to high premiums than people crashing cars!

22nd March 2006, 03:15 AM
Oh my word!!! It breaks my heart to see all of these poor wee minis in such a condition :(

The Bull
22nd March 2006, 03:50 AM
I agree with Feefabelle. Makes you want to cry when you see cars in that state. Mind you, at the end of the day (father speaking) "Its only a piece of metal...as long as everyone was ok".


22nd March 2006, 03:57 AM
It can happen to anyone. Look at the state of our Nellies when he rolled it and for once he wasn't going that fast. Thank god the car is built so well, because luckily all he had was a cut ear.
I put my BM in a ditch last year, which was my first and hopefully last accident in 35 years of driving, doing 35k plus miles every year. I was definately not going fast.

22nd March 2006, 04:31 AM
I think its coz it kicks its back end out, in a way that isn't normal in other front wheel drive cars. (not the one's i've driven anyway)

In a classic mini if you went to fast into a turn it just ended up ploughing straight on but a new MINI will start to oversteer and then you correct and end up spinning/flipping.

I was talking to someone else at the weekend who rolled a nearly new MINI and this is what happened to him.

22nd March 2006, 04:32 AM
Did you have ASC or DSC? I think it really helps when you mess up.

The Dogfather
22nd March 2006, 04:35 AM
My MINI used to step out, but it was easy(ish) to catch as you could tell very early on when it happened.

Not so sure about my current car though, time will tell.

22nd March 2006, 04:41 AM
Oh don't get me wrong, I like it! It was even more fun on 15" wheels when you could go round roundabouts half-sideways, adjusting it with the throttle - its definitely more tricky to do on the 16" wheels.

The Dogfather
22nd March 2006, 04:52 AM
16s easy try it with 17s :D

22nd March 2006, 04:52 AM
quote:Originally posted by zimbo

This is why we have such high insurance premiums... :evil:

No offense, but thats a bit harsh.

Yes, us "youngstars" can be silly in our cars, but we learn from our mistkaes. I put my dads car through a hedge after 3 months of driving. Just going to fast, wasnt even anyone to impress, so wasnt showing off! But i certianly learnt from my mistake. Much more careful driver now (although i am partial to the odd blast in the mini:p!!).

You will have been there at one point. You may never have written off a car, or even crashed, but you'll have had a few edgy moments when younger.

The high insurance premnuims come from people who don't insure there cars though! Thats what bumps it up so much!:(:mad:

22nd March 2006, 05:58 AM
Check out these minis on the overtones web site. There nuts. Dont know what happened to the one with the L plates!?

The Dogfather
22nd March 2006, 06:02 AM
I think whoever was in these MINIs didn't get away with just a cut elbow :(

22nd March 2006, 06:07 AM
My mini was only 4 months old and had only 4000 miles. I was on my way into Eastern to get a warranty repir done on it. Was going a bit fast but nothing crazy. There was some sand on the road from road works and the back end lost it on a bend near hillend ski slope road. Never cut my elbow just a couple of small cuts on the face. Im glad i wasnt driving the clio i had before the mini. The next day I was back at the eastern ordering another mini cause I knew I had to have another

22nd March 2006, 06:18 AM
Thats what happened to me the back end just came right out. And any one else Ive spoken to the same has happened. when there has been abit to much speed involed. But there also has seemed to be stuff involved like water or mud but never in the dry, I dont think.

22nd March 2006, 06:24 AM
The road was damp and greasy when i smashed mine too, back end stepped out, i caught it and it went out again with the weight throwing it!! Sideways into nearest tree and snapped that in half.

Mini: 1 - Trees:0


22nd March 2006, 06:34 AM
so we have:

2 cut elbows
1 cut ear

any more??

22nd March 2006, 06:36 AM
Seems to be a common thread then... maybe DSC shouldn't be optional...

22nd March 2006, 05:53 PM
I thought that MINIs were meant to handle well, I never had a problem like this when I had mine? Seems like they are a bit unpredictable on the limit:question: The golden rule therefore must be for all drivers to know their limits :evil:

Good point about DSC being standard, perhaps it will be on the new model. I have a similar thing (ESP) on the Golf, it is fantastic. You can intentionally try and unsettle the car going round a small wet roundabout and you feel the individual wheels being braked to pull you back into line. Most FWD cars would just plough straight on in a slide.

22nd March 2006, 06:14 PM
My car lost it in the dry. I did recover it when it stepped out at first but when it went again all the weight just pulled it round. Mind you it did wipe out a telegraph pole , alot of hedges a small tree and some wooden fence. The door even still opened and closed after it all so they are strong cars

22nd March 2006, 06:49 PM
I cant understand what people are saying about the car being difficult to handle or unpredictable???!?!??!?!

The MINIs handling is so easy to read i find! The only time i find it a bit of a handful it in fast bumpy corners where one or two wheels sometimes leave the road, but thats a feature of any car as stiff as the MINI!

Traction control is a very safe option. I think its an excellent tool ... but not for the MINI!

Or of course, you could just drive a bit slower..... NAAHHHHHHHH

22nd March 2006, 07:53 PM
Hey Andrew you dont have a half decent alloy i kood swap ye, ive got a knaker one. Or is the car away already.

22nd March 2006, 09:05 PM
Think Sleepy's hit the nail on the head - my guess is the combination of short rigid chassis meets breaking into a corner so the back end goes light and loses grip.

23rd March 2006, 04:31 AM
No the cars away, I wish I took the wheels off it. Cant you get a wheel from overtons?

To add to the list my mate got a cut chin. And am sure its his black mini I posted along with the other two.

Yip I think you need to know your limits. Its amazing the experiance you gain from drivin alot. But its still possible for any misstake to happen.

24th March 2006, 11:36 AM
quote:Originally posted by S7JGW

Hey Andrew you dont have a half decent alloy i kood swap ye, ive got a knaker one. Or is the car away already.

I still have one alloy off my mini... the same as the ones on your car in your sig. Complete with Pirelli Runflat (still legal but not got loads of tread) Wheel is pretty immaculate though, Yours for a good fee, PM me if your interested S7 JGW. :)


24th March 2006, 10:04 PM
DSC is a great feature, although it can't defy the laws of physics.

I would like to see it standard in all cars, with the option to switch it off if you want to - best of both worlds then.

24th March 2006, 10:38 PM
I didn't have ASC on my previous Cooper but I have it on this one. I dont like the wheelspin thing at all, but the stability control is excellent and i've felt it intervene a couple of times when i was doing silly (but not dangerous!) things.

The Dogfather
24th March 2006, 11:48 PM
The thing is people start to push their cars even further because they think DSC will bail them out.

Duncan Stewart
27th March 2006, 02:33 AM
Interesting discussion on handling. On both by new Minis I've never managed to make the rear end step out. Go too fast into a corner and it just safely understeers, brought into control by lifting off the throttle. Or deliberately push it hard and you get nice 4 balanced wheel drift easily controlled with the steering and throttle.
I've always run 15" wheels with sports suspension. I run 35psi in the rear and 30 in the front. I wonder if that makes a difference?

The Dogfather
27th March 2006, 07:46 AM
No, I managed to get the back out on 15s and 17s, however on both occasions I was driving like a tit....

27th March 2006, 09:04 AM
I'd have thought 35 at the rear would make it MORE likely to step out! I use 30.

If you've overdone it and you're braking and cornering at the same time, the rear definitely goes very floaty and light!

27th March 2006, 09:45 PM
quote:Originally posted by Duncan Stewart
Go too fast into a corner and it just safely understeers, brought into control by lifting off the throttle. Or deliberately push it hard and you get nice 4 balanced wheel drift easily controlled with the steering and throttle.

Same thing here mate & I,m on 17's Runflats & SS+
4 wheel drifts on the right surface at the right time (so as not to scare/p!ss off anyone) make me :D & are so easy to correct.

The Dogfather
27th March 2006, 09:57 PM
Its what happens if you go beyond the four wheel drift stage, that's when the back comes out....:eek:

27th March 2006, 10:58 PM
quote:Originally posted by Vidal Buffoon

Its what happens if you go beyond the four wheel drift stage, that's when the back comes out....:eek:

So when you hit the 4 wheel drift it's time to back off [:blackeye:;)]

27th March 2006, 11:01 PM
quote:Originally posted by crombers

quote:Originally posted by Vidal Buffoon

Its what happens if you go beyond the four wheel drift stage, that's when the back comes out....:eek:

So when you hit the 4 wheel drift it's time to back off [:blackeye:;)]

As you can see i didny mean to leave my sentence with just a a :blackeye: , was trying to add a ;):p in my haste :clown:

The Dogfather
28th March 2006, 12:46 AM

28th March 2006, 05:30 AM
Did ye get my PM craig

29th March 2006, 03:39 AM
4 wheel drifting???? EH!!! I think you need to get your tyres/pressurse/suspension and driving technique checked out!!!:D

It always one or the other for me. But almost always its understeer unless your totally pegging it from a left bend into a right or vice versa.