View Full Version : Hey Monki!

11th March 2006, 05:17 AM
Your namesake was on ITV4 between 6 and 7 tonight!
:D:D:D:D:D:D:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::c ool:

I hope it wasn't a one-off! :D

11th March 2006, 06:45 AM
Oh man I missed this,:( did anyone see if it was a re-run of a series ?

11th March 2006, 08:51 AM
I've seen it before, but I couldn't tell you from what series it was from :blackeye:

But it *did* still have the cool song on the end credits!

I love that program! :D
It made Ellie grumpy cos she was missing Hollyoaks! :evil:;):D:D:D:I

11th March 2006, 09:51 AM
It is such a classic show, the idea of those three, Monkey, Pigsy & Sandy protecting the a young Tang priest is a unknowing classic formula and the song is so very cool. I had it on my old Nokia phone.

Dont get me started on the cloud.........Oh go on then, its hard to top a mini but if I had to then a pink cloud that can be summond by blowing at waving fingers would be pretty high on my list.;)


22nd March 2006, 01:26 AM
It was on again last Friday! 6-7pm, ITV4...

Do you know if te sund is just dubbed badly into English, or are they actually speaking English? Surely I thought it would have been originally in Chinese, then dubbed badly into English, but I swear I could understand what they were saying by watching their lips (even though the're moving in different time to the dubbing)!! :question::question::question:

I'd love a cloud like that too! Even if it *is* pink! The cool factor far outweighs any colour issues! :D:cool:
Dunno about the 'Pulling out chest hair to perform magic' part though! :eek::blackeye:Oooooooowwwwww! :I:D

The Dogfather
22nd March 2006, 02:33 AM
Must remember to Sky+ it....

24th March 2006, 10:58 AM
You should give the chest hair thing ago, magic never works without it.:D

It was origianly made and spoken in Japanese, you can get A japanese copy with english subtitles, but I know what you mean. I think that to.

I watched it last week and its on again Amorn, wayhey:p

The Dogfather
24th March 2006, 05:05 PM
Hopefully I'll remember to watch this tonight

24th March 2006, 08:00 PM
Right! This is a reminder!


Monkey Magic!

Monkey Linky Reminder! (http://www.monkeyheaven.com/tvguide_ukdigital.html)

and maybe more importantly...

The Theme Tune! (http://tv.cream.org/specialassignments/themes/mmagic.mp3)
and some... Monkey Lyrics! (http://www.monkeyheaven.com/music_mmlyrics.html#2) (top two are the theme tunes ;))

http://www.monkeyheaven.com/masaaki4.jpg /Blows on fingers


24th March 2006, 11:28 PM
Ace :D I have the dvds at home but I would probably watch it on tv too

24th March 2006, 11:45 PM
The lyrics are pure poetry, beautiful poetry :D

1st April 2006, 09:30 PM
Last nights show was an emotional rollercoaster :(

Is it just me or is the voice of the prince the voice of a girl ;)