View Full Version : Life on Mars...Cruelty to Mini's.

10th March 2006, 09:03 AM
The date is 197???....

Someone's just crashed one of my Scalextric mini's into the Hessian wallpaper of our house in Peterlee.

35 ish years later, the time has come to bring the erratic driver to task for cruelty to Mini's.


(It's a long story - I'll let the Mini-wrecker tell you lot, although she claims not to remember, but apparently she hangs around, around here )....


p.s. - See you lot at Cullen again? - Or is that still undecided?


10th March 2006, 05:14 PM

The date is the early 70's - and you are right, I DON'T remember! :I
And I reckon it's only 30-ish years later! Despite what folks around here say, I'm not that old!! :I:D

Mini-wrecker! I don't think so!

Just in case any of you are actually interested :sleepy: Monkeyhanger (I shan't ask...) is the son of my Dad's best pal from many moons ago, and I allegedly wrecked his Scalextric one Sunday afternoon, when I was about 4 or 5!

<sigh> There's just no escape, anywhere! :D:cool:;)

Good to see you on here, and it's a small (MINI) world after all....
Get yer post count up!!:p;)

10th March 2006, 06:14 PM
The shame of it all :disapprove:

Most perturbed :(

Off to the gallows with you :eek:


10th March 2006, 07:14 PM
The past has come back to haunt you :D And just right to:)

10th March 2006, 09:45 PM
I'm staying at Dads in a few weeks - I'll go through his photo albums for some Cute 5 yr old Smurf photo's.


Think it only fair that I get a chance to play with your classic now in return - promise not to crash it into a wall...



(All folk from Hartlepool are monkeyhangers - they once hung a Monkey as a French Spy in the Napoleonic era.)

10th March 2006, 10:00 PM
quote:Originally posted by monkeyhanger

I'll go through his photo albums for some Cute 5 yr old Smurf photo's.

Jeez , you'll need to enlarge em cos she'd have been real tichy at 5 :p;)

14th March 2006, 07:23 AM
Failed miserably to find any cute little Smurf pics so far. Gonna have to head into Dad's loft....


I can be bribed with a chance to race your mini round a track and crash it into a wall :)

All the best.


14th March 2006, 05:09 PM
Nope. Bribe won't work! As I'm pretty sure my Paw could lay his hands on some "interesting" photos too!


<skips off to write email to Dad....>

14th March 2006, 09:52 PM
Nuts. Never thought of that.