View Full Version : ASBO

7th March 2006, 05:04 AM
I Cant belive it I have A ASBO
Came home on Thursday to find a police jeep outside my house. I thought o no ive been caught doing hand breakers in the snow am away to get points and have to resit! When I went inside my mum had taken them into my livin room and sat them down. They said I want to speak to you reguarding a matter 2 weeks past friday. The car was driving past focus car park, where every one parks up at high speed. So they asked who was driving. Which was me. The bad bit was I seen them parked up after I went flying by. They were dealing with some one else. So I thought I was in the all clear. There was a few of my mates went past fast but they said they only seen my registration cause it stuck out. What a load of crap my mates car is a white 106 rally with the reg R9 PUG. The only white rally in the town! So to cut the story short they warned me gave me a ASBO. Which means if any one reports me or I get cought doing some thing wrong they take my car off me for a week plus I have to pay £250 to get it back then it goes to court. Am so mad! They def have it in for me!! Cant wait for october when am aloud 12 points. Never thought id have a ASBO. I thought they were just for NEDS.:mad::mad: When I think about it I should have denied it cause any one with a black mini could have made up reg plates with AN03 REW on it.

Big Col
7th March 2006, 05:16 AM
How many points do you have mate?

7th March 2006, 05:56 AM
The local police (Banff) had it infor me aswell. I got 5 points for an accident when i newly passed my test, then i got another 5 points for supposedly careless driving, I was taken to court for dangerous and was dropped to careless due to Unreliable Police Evidence, cause they both told a heap of lies and were both totaly different. Havent had no bother since, they must of got a telling off or somthing (but should of got more!) cause after i resat my test i have not been stopped since exepto to check that i had resat my test. It must be a Mini thing. (That was also when i had my classic).
I have nothing against Policemen / women doing their jobs but when it come to picking on individuals it is not fair.
And now i have to apply for a visa to get into Ameerica and it is taking forever.

7th March 2006, 06:23 AM
Ive got 3 points, only allowed 6 till october then i can get 12. I also got stopped out side safeway for my number plates stinkin £30 fine!! I got my 3 points for over takin and when i pulled in it was a solid white line. Its all balls! I think they really do hate young folk in nice cars! Mean to say it was 12.30am on saturday morning. They could have just givin me a warning. grrrrrrr

7th March 2006, 07:08 AM
Perhaps if you didnt drive in a way that attacted attention, you wouldnt get into so much grief?

7th March 2006, 07:19 AM
sometimes you've just got to shake your head at the police.

My nephew Ross he's a young lad and he drives like a Grandad honest he never speeds behaves the lot. Was in the car with him going through Callander went through a orange traffic light the police stopped him and they were total pigs to him in fact it was awful the way he was treated IMO it was because he was a young lad in a corsa had to bite my lip not to say anything.

7th March 2006, 07:35 AM
Oh there's no doubt that certain constables are over officious over young people in cars, or others for that matter.

I had an incident with an officer from Tayside last Tuesday, who seemed to think it was ok for him to park in a residents car park, while he was in the local Chinese takeaway. He didnt exactly like being told to shift his car, and was downright rude.

However, the fact remains, arsing around in cars only attracts attention to yourself.
If you're going to pull some daft moves in a retail park car park you're just asking for trouble.

7th March 2006, 10:46 PM
Nae luck ... :(

7th March 2006, 11:43 PM
Maybe you should accept some responsibility for your actions?

And to say that you can't wait until you are allowed to have 12 points is frankly just stupid.


7th March 2006, 11:55 PM
dont get loaded up with points dude!!!! It's not worth it, especially under the age of 25.

8th March 2006, 12:24 AM
Yup the name of the game is to stay as inconspicuous as possible and keep the points tally at zero of poss. The Police are more likely to keep a check on you if they have seen irresponsible behaviour from you in the past.

Big Col
8th March 2006, 12:59 AM
Want to avoid an ASBO? Don't break the law! :)

8th March 2006, 01:45 AM
Yup... What GAJ said!

If you're gonna drive by retail car parks - which are obviously well known to the Police - at 'high speed', you deserve more than an ASBO.
And I can tell you now that if anyone on here had driven past you and your mates sitting parked up in a retail park, or watched you 'flying by' or doing 'hand breakers', then we'd see a car park full of Neds, Mini or no.

Maybe not having a car for a week and stumping up £250 to get it back might make you think about the way you're driving, and how it affects everyone else on the road around you.
And when some other tool, driving the way you describe you were, hits you when you're on a roundabout minding your own business, then legs it from the scene of the accident, then you might understand.

Thinking up ways to pervert the course of justice (because that's what the sheriff court will call it) isn't the way to avoid the lengthy ban that sounds like it on it's way... driving like a grown up is!

I like a good blast as much as the next person, but if you're going to do it round town, you deserve all you get.

8th March 2006, 01:50 AM
'Ive got 3 points, only allowed 6 till october then i can get 12.'

you make it sound like its some sort of personal achievement to get 12 points.

8th March 2006, 01:56 AM
'Ive got 3 points, only allowed 6 till october then i can get 12.'

you make it sound like its some sort of personal achievement to get 12 points.

lol.. I can tell you right now it ain't! :I:D
I hope you live close to your work, or the bus services are good.
If your employer requires you to drive for your job, hello p45, and hello to being unemployable.

8th March 2006, 06:00 AM
The ASBO's I have awareness of last for three years! Did the policeman tell you how long you will have it hanging over your head?
The finger slapping above is quite right in a way. Youngsters tend to have to pay for their motoring either through their wallet or their hide (in too many instances other people's hides). At same time its not funny if an individual policeman takes a pick at you. My eldest son's second car was a white astra (a right bam's car at the time but all he could afford). I got really fed up with him coming home telling me about incidents when one particular officer would follow and stop him at every opportunity. He was really scared about losing his licence and adhered strictly to the speed limit. On one occasion this policeman passed him going in the opposite direction in pursuit of a jag that defo wasnt observing the limit. Within seconds the car about turned and came after Darren who was pulled over. When he came home and told me about the abusive manner of the officer and his threat to 'get his licence' I phoned Queen St and put in a complaint to the Sergeant. Darren was never bothered again.
Fiona you should have got out of the car and pointed out to the officer that his attitude was unacceptable etc. It isnt in the forces interests for individuals to damage public relations. I think policing has moved away from the 'them and us' attitude of yesteryear. I would without question have complained.
And Andrew - young man - behave yourself in that shiny black mini - you dont want to lose it do you?

Big Col
8th March 2006, 08:05 AM
Yeah! Don't the police have better things to do like catch the petrol stealers?!?!??! :D

<edit to remove the preaching> :)

8th March 2006, 09:26 AM
I drive a car with full tinted windows, loud exhaust, etc etc, and although the police have stopped me from time to time for doing something daft, I have always found them to be very reasonable when I actually speak to them in a friendly way. An example would be at the beach last year at the start of an NMS run. The police knew my windows were (at the time) illegal and that my car was modified. However I talked to them, we had a laugh and they told me to enjoy the NMS run. I know if I had started gurning like a baby they would have done me for the tints!

Andrew i'm not saying you were rude to the cops, but can I suggest you speak to the police next time and try and work out a way for you to be able to enjoy your cars without being hassled by the police. As sheilz said, the cops are actively trying to improve relationships between guys like yourself and their officers and they would rather discuss the issue and sort something out for you than hand out asbos etc. That is if you treat them with respect.

8th March 2006, 09:35 AM
I know i shouldnt have. And its def not that I want 12 points. its just if i get caught doing 65 70 I know I wont get banned. I wasnt even flying around the town it was just one blast as I came off the round about. But no one to blame but me. Just bugs when people do burn outs every night off the week and get nothing for it. hope use dont think am prat. Hope i do have a clean licence. My cuz is just gettin his licence back after a 18 month ban. Ive seen what he had to go through.

8th March 2006, 06:46 PM
if people do burnouts let em do burnouts. Everyone else can see who the moron is and you dont want to be included in that category.

8th March 2006, 06:54 PM
Well I'm glad you know it' not big or clever ;):D
Hope you didn't take offence, but you came across as a bit 'How dare they stop ME for driving how I like'.

Bans ain't fun! :I
But neither is watching every other idiot on the road getting away with all sorts of dangerous stuff. Especially when the Police seem to be going for the soft targets, rather than having to do some work! :mad:

8th March 2006, 09:15 PM
I really want to put im me tuppence worth but Andrew has redeemed himself and sounds like he is switched on enough with the wise old Monki:)

9th March 2006, 03:04 AM
Sorry guess it did sound like the police aint allowed to stop me. I def got preached at more here than by police.lol But I understand what people are saying. I didnt give the police cheek, I was just so shocked it was 6 days after I did it that they did me for it.

9th March 2006, 03:06 AM
quote:Originally posted by monkimagic

I really want to put im me tuppence worth but Andrew has redeemed himself and sounds like he is switched on enough without the wise old Monki:)