View Full Version : Bleedin' Pizza Hut!

28th February 2006, 08:19 PM
This week's rant.... :)

Saturday evening, driving home, figure we better stop in at Sainsburys for some dinner. So... negotiate Claypotts junction (in Dundee) fine, then get to the mini-roundabout to turn right into where Sainsburys is. It's beginning to get dark(ish) so my lights are on, and I put the indicators on to turn right across the roundabout. Something however catches my eye, and I instictively jump on the brakes- just as a Pizza Hut delivery Smart Car flies STRAIGHT ACROSS the roundabout doing about 40mph, with the stupid £$^%"&*%^£$^ing girlie driving it looking straight ahead, with no idea she's just gone across a roundabout, let alone spotting us already on the roundabout, about to turn in front of her! It gives me the rage to think what might have happened if I hadn't been paying attention (unlike a certain other driver)! We phoned Pizza Hut as soon as we got home to complain loudly, but as I hadn't got the Reg number (she had scarpered throught the traffic lights, oblivious to almost casuing a smash - apparently there were 2 girls on delivery that night in both of their cars)
The 'manager' was very apologetic on the phone and promised us he's look into it. Yeah, sure I believe you. If only I'd managed to get the Reg number, i'd have been straight to the Police as well. Not the best advert for your business if your drivers are a danger to the public!

Thinking back on it, The best reaction to the event was to let her pass in front of me without blasting my horn, as I did. Otherwise she might have panicked and swerved into me! :blackeye::(
I was all for heading straight to Pizza hut to lay down some rage, but as I was told, I might want a Pizza from there again one day!! ;):D

28th February 2006, 08:55 PM
hey if you would recognise her call for a pizza then get her number and report it again.

28th February 2006, 09:15 PM
quote:Originally posted by bpirie1000

hey if you would recognise her call for a pizza then get her number and report it again.

I thought about that, how many pizzas would have to order before I got the same person? Might be a bit pedantic tho, and it wouldn't really do anybody any good now. although I'd certainly remember her! She was close enough!!:dead::eek:

But on the other hand... Mmmmmmmmmmmmm... Pizza.... :D:D

28th February 2006, 09:32 PM
quote:Originally posted by bpirie1000

hey if you would recognise her call for a pizza then get her number and report it again.

Brain, you need to get out more.... a lot more!! :D

28th February 2006, 10:00 PM
i know thik it is the cold that is getting to that peanut of a brain in my head.

1st March 2006, 03:12 AM
Man thats a close call.:evil: Shame your love of Pizza took over your need to tell them how it is, however.....they do a damn fine pizza ;)

But give her some due, those Smart cars cant actually take corners. Navigating a roundabout is no easy task in a smart car.:)

1st March 2006, 11:28 PM
quote:Originally posted by monkimagic

Man thats a close call.:evil: Shame your love of Pizza took over your need to tell them how it is, however.....they do a damn fine pizza ;)

But give her some due, those Smart cars cant actually take corners. Navigating a roundabout is no easy task in a smart car.:)

Heh :D I wish she even had that trouble, it was one of those totty wee painted on ones, so obvioulsy, my mistake, that makes it ok for her to ignore them ;):evil: