View Full Version : Roundabouts and twisties - quiz run! *9TH APRIL*

20th February 2006, 05:30 PM
Joint NMS and Mini Clan run!
We are in the process of filling up the Mini Clan’s calendar for this year, and I’m organising a run for April. Date to be confirmed once other Clan outings are confirmed, but it looks like being the 9th or the 30th. I don’t think this clashes with any NMS dates.

UPDATE - Sunday 9th April.
Meet at the Falkirk Wheel at 10.30am for an 11am departure.
Hope to finish in Aberfoyle around 4ish for the prizegiving!

Provisional route half recce’d at the moment, all Central Scotland roads, so hopefully not too far for people to get back home again. Starting at the Falkirk Wheel, and finishing in Aberfoyle. More details will appear as they get sorted out.

Hoping to make this a Quiz run! So if you’re coming along, bring some brains with you.

If you are interested, please stick your name down on this thread. It would help to know roughly how many cars and people are thinking of coming along.


Low n Loud
Gill, Ewan & Jamie
Lesley, Jason & Kerr
Feefabelle (possibly)
Rob Lightbody

Andrew & Brenda
Nick McMini

20th February 2006, 06:06 PM
Smurf, count me in. If you need a hand with a recce or anything, let me know (it's right in my back yard ;))

Craig :D:D:D:D

20th February 2006, 06:42 PM
Hmm... sounds like a giggle..
If it's anything like the old Treasure Hunts we used to go on with the CMC it should be fun!
Count us in please! :D

(dependant on dates etc :))

20th February 2006, 07:17 PM
if the date chosen is the 30th then I am defo up for this sounds like fun.:D

20th February 2006, 09:55 PM
Yup , I'll gie it a bash , but ave nae brains mind :p;)

20th February 2006, 11:56 PM
I think we'd be up for this :D

Either date would suit, although 9th better for me, as I'm on my hols then!!!:cool:

Put oor names down - Gill, Ewan & Jamie :):D:cool:

21st February 2006, 12:55 AM

oops, forgot that I have a prior engagement on this date..... (I knew the date rung a bell..;)) - please take my name off the list..

I am still available to help with any recce if need be.



21st February 2006, 01:49 AM
BOTH dates?? It's only provisional at the moment.......

21st February 2006, 01:57 AM
Count me in for this one, sounds like good fun.

21st February 2006, 02:01 AM
yes.....:disapprove: it appears that I'm working the w-end of the 9th...:disapprove::disapprove:


21st February 2006, 03:16 AM
No worries - I'm sure I could get plenty of folk to text you and let you know how much fun we're having!


Duncan Stewart
24th February 2006, 02:03 AM
I'd love to come, sounds a great run - a nice mix of classics and newer Minis :D But I'm not free either date :(
Enjoy the run :D

26th February 2006, 07:25 PM
Date now confirmed as the 9th April, to suit both the Mini Clan and NMS calendars. Sorry if this doesn't suit everyone, but hope some people can still come along.

26th February 2006, 07:36 PM
put Lesley , Jason and Kerr down!!!!

26th February 2006, 11:09 PM
Date's OK for us - putting it in the diary now!!!:D

27th February 2006, 01:44 AM
Sorry will be on my holidays:(

27th February 2006, 02:47 AM
I'll see if I can get the day off Vaila - I'll let you know..... Could be Dougal's first run after his "face lift" :D

Duncan Stewart
27th February 2006, 05:40 AM
Had a change of plan so can make the run now :D (in NMS and also a miniclan member, probably bring the classic if thats OK)

27th February 2006, 06:43 AM
Sorry Fiona - it's the only date which fitted with other Clan stuff. :( Maybe see you on another run.

Craig - no worries! Whatever suits you best. You know what the Clan are like, most of them will just turn up on the day anyway!

Duncan - you bring whatever you like! All are welcome. :D:D

27th February 2006, 09:52 PM
Sorry Smurf, can't make it, we will be away on that date. have a good day though and see you another time.


27th February 2006, 10:21 PM
Checked the diary, I can get the 9th off, so count me in... Only if Dougal has been finished, will he be out to play, if not then Knottie will make an appearance... choices choices ;)

28th February 2006, 06:39 AM
I can come in Body, but can't confirm if the Mind will make it :)

28th February 2006, 11:40 PM
Glad to have you along - in whatever state! :D

1st March 2006, 01:20 AM
quote:Originally posted by duncan

I can come in Body, but can't confirm if the Mind will make it :)

Sounds a fairly familiar state to me :approve:

16th March 2006, 09:07 PM
Hello friendly mods! :D

Any chance of this thread being made a sticky? It's only a few weeks away......
Thanks! :cool:

18th March 2006, 04:21 AM
You can count me in too - put me under the NMS heading!

18th March 2006, 05:54 PM

Consider it done, Rob.
And it would be good to see you and Dennis there!


21st March 2006, 05:05 PM
Start times now added to first post in thread!


22nd March 2006, 04:35 AM
Hoping to make this a Quiz run! So if you’re coming along, bring some brains with you.

Come on Im the quiz king!!!!;)

22nd March 2006, 05:25 AM
Smurf, i'm up for this one as well :D Nae brains either but Crombers and i can put together what little we have :eek::I:);)

22nd March 2006, 06:53 PM
quote:Originally posted by markyc

Smurf, i'm up for this one as well :D Nae brains either but Crombers and i can put together what little we have :eek::I:);)

Oi , I,m the current MINI Meet Friday night champion , remember !!
Less if your lip :p;)

23rd March 2006, 03:13 AM
quote:Originally posted by crombers

quote:Originally posted by markyc

Smurf, i'm up for this one as well :D Nae brains either but Crombers and i can put together what little we have :eek::I:);)

Oi , I,m the current MINI Meet Friday night champion , remember !!
Less if your lip :p;)

Ahh and what fine young chap was giving you a hand that night :question::question::question:;)

23rd March 2006, 07:49 AM
quote:Originally posted by markyc

quote:Originally posted by crombers

quote:Originally posted by markyc

Smurf, i'm up for this one as well :D Nae brains either but Crombers and i can put together what little we have :eek::I:);)

Oi , I,m the current MINI Meet Friday night champion , remember !!
Less if your lip :p;)

Ahh and what fine young chap was giving you a hand that night :question::question::question:;)

You were tryin to put me off ya cheeky blighter ;)

3rd April 2006, 11:41 PM
I'm counting 6 definite new MINI's making it to the run? 7 with Smurf included I presume!?

4th April 2006, 01:15 AM
quote:Originally posted by lightbody

I'm counting 6 definite new MINI's making it to the run? 7 with Smurf included I presume!?

7 definites, 8 with Smurf - you're down as a definite! ;);)

Duncan Stewart
4th April 2006, 06:18 PM
Not going to make the run now as Helen's mum is unwell and in hospital :(
Hope everyone enjoys the run & see you all at the next one :D

4th April 2006, 06:44 PM
Sorry to hear that Duncan - hope she is better soon.

See you on the Oxford run... :D:D

4th April 2006, 08:01 PM
I echo Craig's comments - hope she gets better soon.

See you for Oxford.

5th April 2006, 03:11 AM
Any news about what the run will be ,stops, quiz etc:p

5th April 2006, 03:36 AM
Do you wanna spoil the surprise??


Three parts to the run, with plenty of stops and time for lunch, and three parts to the quiz. Five prizes up for grabs too!

We're stopping somewhere for about an hour for lunch, so I don't think sarnies will be necessary, unless you want to.

Does that help? :question:

5th April 2006, 05:08 AM
OH come on well need to bring snacks thats part of the day out:clown:

5th April 2006, 05:21 AM
Is the quiz something to do along the way, or is it a 3 part quiz at the end :question:

5th April 2006, 05:24 AM
Now come on make sure I win the bottle of moet;)

5th April 2006, 05:25 AM
I will meet everyone there on Sunday , no point meeting up before as we only live 10 minutes from there!!

5th April 2006, 05:27 AM
quote:Originally posted by gill

I think we'd be up for this :D

Either date would suit, although 9th better for me, as I'm on my hols then!!!:cool:

Put oor names down - Gill, Ewan & Jamie :):D:cool:

Just noticed you's are coming ,it'll good to see you's again:p

5th April 2006, 06:56 AM
quote:Originally posted by duncan

Is the quiz something to do along the way, or is it a 3 part quiz at the end :question:

What you do 'along the way' is your shout fella :p;)

5th April 2006, 03:55 PM

Just to clear up any confusion..... ;)

The quiz is done while you're driving. A bit awkward if you're on your own, but you don't HAVE to do the quiz. It's all in the name of fun....


5th April 2006, 08:52 PM
quote:Originally posted by Smurf
you don't HAVE to do the quiz

OK , gives someone else a chance of winning sommit instead of me :approve::p;)

Mark R
6th April 2006, 06:00 AM
Can you put me down as a maybe please. Might just be on my own though so might just be there for the run part. Although if so many other drivers manage to read books and newspapers while driving... :D

7th April 2006, 06:42 AM
Is there still a space on this run for the Weefossies? Won't know until tomorrow night for defo, but we would love to join in if possible.

7th April 2006, 07:08 AM
quote:Originally posted by weefossy

Is there still a space on this run for the Weefossies? Won't know until tomorrow night for defo, but we would love to join in if possible.

Ah go on :p;)

7th April 2006, 04:07 PM
Plenty of space for everyone! I've kinda stopped updating the list, 'cos most of the Clan members just show up on the day. I've printed off loads of route directions and quiz sheets, so the more the merrier!! :D

Falkirk Wheel for 10.30ish if you're joining us, we're aiming to set off at 11.

It will be grand to see all of you.

7th April 2006, 11:41 PM
Dennis isn't going to make it to this, but I'm still going to do my best to be there.

8th April 2006, 05:17 AM
See you all on Sunday!

8th April 2006, 06:10 AM
quote:Originally posted by lightbody

Dennis isn't going to make it to this, but I'm still going to do my best to be there.

what's up with the wee lad ? ? :(

8th April 2006, 10:56 PM
Sorry, we can't make this one now :( Family thing going on!!! ;)

See you all soon on another run though! Hope you all enjoy!:D

8th April 2006, 11:59 PM
Sorry to hear you won't make it.
Enjoy your Sunday, whatever you end up doing! :)

9th April 2006, 03:00 AM
Do we need a picnic, or are we stopping within known civilisation? If I tell Sioban it's a picnic, it will be the "5 loaves and 2 fishes" all over again!!

9th April 2006, 04:17 AM
weres broony its about time he came on a run!! or Clair come on both of you arnt on tommorow

9th April 2006, 05:04 AM
quote:Originally posted by weefossy

See you all on Sunday!

Yeah , go on Mum & Dad ;):approve:

9th April 2006, 07:16 AM
ah Crombers ive something for you for tommorow:)

9th April 2006, 08:00 AM
quote:Originally posted by lesley12

ah Crombers ive something for you for tommorow:)

:eek: blimey , (have you told the wife!!)

9th April 2006, 04:11 PM
What a BEAUTIFUL morning.....:approve::approve:

See you all soon!;)

9th April 2006, 04:37 PM
CRACKING innit !!!! :D

Stopping in civilisation for those with the picnic dilemma! :D If you can call Crieff visitor centre civilisation........

9th April 2006, 05:13 PM
Its a nice day for a sunday run indeed!!! :p

9th April 2006, 05:17 PM
Yes indeed... and Dennis is going to make it after all - not like me to change my mind 4 times in the same thread... as long as his tyre holds out!

AndyP & Lenore
9th April 2006, 05:31 PM
Hope you all have fun today on the run..

Spare a thought for those of us having to work all day and can't make the run.

Boo hoo...:(:(:(:(:(:(

9th April 2006, 09:53 PM
Sorry folks had to pull out of the run after only 2 miles as Kerr spewed all over the back of the car, did say he felt a wee bit sick before we left the car park , hes now tucked up on the couch.
Heres a picture of my mini outing today

AndyP & Lenore
10th April 2006, 12:11 AM
Sorry to hear the wee guy has been projectile vomiting again... Hope feels better soon.

Somnebody needs to tell Kerr that this: http://www.x5drivers.co.uk/images/smiles/icon_bounce.gif Leads to this: http://www.x5drivers.co.uk/images/smiles/icon_sick2.gif Naturally leads to this: http://www.x5drivers.co.uk/images/smiles/icon_sick.gif

Is that a cookbook Lesley's reading?

Something like: "Delia Smith's - What To Feed A Child Before Going On A Mini Run That Won't End Up Down The Back Of The Seat In Front" :D:D


10th April 2006, 01:25 AM
The fun bit was picking up all the lumps from the back of the car and scraping it from the nooks and crannies

10th April 2006, 02:05 AM

SO sorry to hear that Kerr wasn't well. :(
Hope he's feeling better now.

See you soon,

10th April 2006, 02:25 AM
Fabulous run Vaila, some amazing roads and three seasons in one day! Marc really enjoyed his first mini run and enjoyed catching up with Duncan. Our prize will get pride of place with our other car models :D Hope the Fossy's have recovered from being topless in the snow! Great to see a mix of the old and new together:cool:

Mark R
10th April 2006, 02:32 AM
Just want to say thanks for organising the run. Had a fun time even though I wasn't filling in the quiz since I was driving.:D

Mark R
10th April 2006, 02:34 AM
Hope Kerr is feeling better soon. Was good to see you both there in the morning. See you on another run soon.

10th April 2006, 02:48 AM
Just to repeat what the others are saying - great run! 4 seasons in one day? My optimistic passenger in his shorts & tshirt particularly enjoyed the snow... And my punctured runflat stayed inflated all day despite vigorous usage! :)

10th April 2006, 02:53 AM
Yep. thanks for a good day out. It didnt half live up to its name!

Good to see you and Marc, Heather!

10th April 2006, 03:49 AM
Thanks To Vaila & Archie for organising the run ;)
Sorry for not participating in the quiz , to busy drivin :p

Many thanks to Craig for giving me a shot (Crieff to Dunblaine) in Dougal. Takes me back to my 'classic' days except your Mini is the best ever :cool: & that RC40 is the bollocks.

Good to see a few faces that havn't been around for a wee while , Angus , Heather.

Roll on Oxford :D

10th April 2006, 03:51 AM
Hope Kerr's feelin better soon J&L , thanks for ma pressie , hear it's good for alloy wheels ;)

10th April 2006, 04:33 AM
what a fantastic day oot! :D:D Well done Vaila and Archie for a great route - even if it did mean Dougals first breakdown (for all of about 20 secs ;))

The Dukes Pass should be reserved for mini drivers at the weekend I think.:eek::approve::approve:

Here are some pics - apologies they all have one thing in common (ma wee boy....;))








Thanks to all for their kind comments about wee Dougal, it took at fair bit of time (more than I thought) and certainly more money!:eek::approve:)

And some dodgy looking bloke jumped into the driver's seat for a couple of minutes :eek:;):D:approve:


10th April 2006, 04:55 AM
Thats IS a well dodgy looking fella in the drivers seat Craigy boy, better watch him :eek::eek::question::p;)

Well done A & V for organising such a crackin day :approve::approve::approve: That view coming down through Glen Eagles was quite amazin :approve::D Was great to see such a good mix of new and classic Mini :p:) The final thrash down to Aberfoyle from the Duke Pass was brill (Im sure Mr D will agree) :D:D:D:D Great to see everyone again and meet some real nice folks for the first time :D:D:cool:

Bring on Oxford.....Woo Hoo :p:p:D

10th April 2006, 05:48 AM
Thanks A & V, what a great run and a real mix of weather. Scotland has some great roads and you found some of the best for this run.

Congrats to Heather and Marc;)

Lesley, hope the "Wee Man" is feeling better and tucked up in bed.

Will try and post some pictures later.

10th April 2006, 06:32 AM
Some photos:cool:

Pair of Aces

Why are they waving?

The Winner is:D

Aren't these Mercedes slow;)

10th April 2006, 07:09 AM
quote:Originally posted by markyc

Thats IS a well dodgy looking fella in the drivers seat Craigy boy, better watch him :eek::eek::question::p;)


10th April 2006, 07:17 PM
Wahay! Caught you :D

Ta again to Vaila and Archie! Excellent choice of roads as always! :D:D
Trossachs trail roads are ace! When they're not full of tourists!! :p

Great to see all the faces again, and a good mix of cars too!


10th April 2006, 08:26 PM
Hi all,

I've already said a huge thanks to V&A for a fantastic run yesterday on the Clan forum but I just had to also say another HUGE THANKS:D to all the NMS members who made this joint run excellent fun. We need to do this more often.

The last section over the Dukes Pass had to be our favourite as the Focus in front frantically tried to loose the 4 Minis on his rear end.;)

Wee Mo and Crew:cool:

10th April 2006, 08:48 PM
Thanks for all the great feedback guys! :I:D

I'll not deny it was a lot of hard work to organise, and a bit of a tiring day, but we had a blast too! :cool::D

A run is only as good as the people who come along on it, without you guys there wouldn't have BEEN a run! So a big thank you to everyone who turned out. I must admit, it was great to see the two clubs out and about together, and everyone making new friends. We'll do that again sometime.

I will post the questions and answers, and scores, sometime soon. So you can all find out the names of the songs which were bugging you yesterday! :D

11th April 2006, 05:02 AM
What a day out ,and great weather as well ..it was great to see you all again ,and I enjoyed meeting some really nice people from NMS and The Clan. more I hope to follow !!!
Just hate Sundays when the local petrol station is closed :p:p
Big thank's to you all for making it a great day !!

12th April 2006, 06:30 AM

I wondered why you had stopped in Muthill and saw you running back across the road :question::question: but all becomes clear now with your pic of the 'local petrol station' :D:D:D Quality pic Top stuff :approve::approve::D;)

12th April 2006, 03:22 PM
quote:Originally posted by markyc


I wondered why you had stopped in Muthill and saw you running back across the road :question::question: but all becomes clear now with your pic of the 'local petrol station' :D:D:D Quality pic Top stuff :approve::approve::D;)
I saw it on the way in and thought it would be a good picture ,and here is a B/W version !!

12th April 2006, 03:39 PM
A few more from a great day out
