View Full Version : The Koala and the Lizard

17th February 2006, 10:45 AM
a lizard was taking a stroll in the outback. when he spots a koala up a gum tree smoking a spliff...hey says the lizard what are you doing?..
smoking a joint mate says the koala.. come on up and try some.. so the lizard climbs up and he and the koala share a few doobies..and a few laughs
then the lizard says..wow this is pretty good stuff..but im really thirsty..think ill go to the river for a drink..and of he wobbles down to the river bank.. as he bends down for a drink he loses his footing and falls in..a crocodile on the opposite bank hears the lizards cries for help and swims over and rescues him...what happened says the crocodile and the lizard explains about this koala up a gum tree smoking weed...the croc says he better check this out and goes off to find the tree....sure enough theres the koala finishing off his doob. the croc shouts hey you...the koala looks down and says..

Jeeeeeze mate how much water did you drink.......

17th February 2006, 06:51 PM

Big Col
17th February 2006, 08:09 PM

17th February 2006, 11:30 PM
Brilliant! My dad's an aussie, he'll love it!!!!!:D

19th February 2006, 05:36 AM

Very good ..... !!!!!