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11th February 2006, 04:14 AM
I'm more than happy and lucky;):p Just insured my 1'er with more than.

renewal from Norwich Union £417.00 and bought from More Than for £273.00:D:D

11th February 2006, 05:09 AM
I have a very good friend who is the call centre manager for More Than

AndyP & Lenore
11th February 2006, 07:54 AM
You should try them for your X5 when it comes around... We had our M Class insured with eSure for £460. Couldn't get a quote under £500 for the X5 then More Than came in at £380ish. Bargain. :D:D:D

11th February 2006, 07:59 AM
quote:Originally posted by AndyP & Lenore

You should try them for your X5 when it comes around... We had our M Class insured with eSure for £460. Couldn't get a quote under £500 for the X5 then More Than came in at £380ish. Bargain. :D:D:D

not due till April but will try them

12th February 2006, 01:27 AM
Norwich union are rubbish with their renewal quotes, we had the same story when it came to renewal and went with Shielas wheels, anyone could have renewed for a heap less than Norwich union.

Quote me happy, my arse

12th February 2006, 06:40 AM
Lesley12 can you ask your mate in More Than if this is true. I am now a bit concerned that I have taken my car insurance out with them.

"More th>n has a cunning plan.

I think in a way you can say it is unethical.

They have a maximum NCD (No Claim Discount) of 4 years.

Other companies maximum NCD is typically 5 years.

This is how the "unethical" plan works:

-You move to them from another company with a 5 years NCD.

-More Th>n will usually lure you with a very competitive quote.

-The quote is so competitive that they usually make a loss in the first year (underwriters charge them more than what they charge the customer).

-On renewal, the customer will find that the quote is higher than their first year premium, despite having had a claim free year.

-The customer will try to shop around for a cheaper premium with other companies.

-Other companies will ask about the customer's NCD.

-The answer will be 4 years (not the 5 years that you brought to More Th>n)

-This is because More Th>n will only give a maximum of 4 years NCD."

The Dogfather
12th February 2006, 07:21 AM
Fi - That's what happened to me with More Than. I told my next insurance company and they credited me the extra years but More Than's tactics are very underhand :(

12th February 2006, 07:28 AM
I think I will keep a copy of my renewal notice from Norwich Union which shows 5 years + ncd for next year.

AndyP & Lenore
12th February 2006, 09:57 AM
Surley providing you can prove you held no claims dating to before you with More Than and still had no claims during your time with More Than, you new insurance co. should accept your sum total no claims. I've been claim free for 12 years. I sure don't want to loose that!