View Full Version : Chinese whispers

I Want A Works
7th February 2006, 03:55 AM
You know how messages can get confused when passed from one hand to another? This is genuine, as it I was involved with this at work.

About 3 years ago we had an incident at work when a drain pit filled with water and leaked through some holes into some ventilation ducting that went to a basement. The open end of the ducting had water ppppp....... pouring out at a good rate! Was decided that needed to stop the flow ASAP as there was a potential of some sodium getting wet (think back to high school chemistry when yuo dropped the little bit in water, we had a few tens of kilos:cool:!!!), so someone looked at the drawings and said "The whole duct is 18 inch"

Twenty mins later the site police arrived in their 4x4, lights flashing and sirens blaring. They ran into my office with a bag full of rubber bungs! Inside wsa a note from the main chemist guy "Someone said you had 18 inch wide holes that you need bunging!"

I kept the bag in my office for ages after!

Big Col
7th February 2006, 04:16 PM
Oh aye? What did you use the bungs for mate? You eat a lot of curry? :D:p;)