View Full Version : paypal/ebay fraud

5th February 2006, 04:39 AM
would appreciate some advice/guidance as to what to do here....shortened version of the story-sold mobile phone on ebay, received money through paypal, sent phone out, a week later email arrives saying account was fraudulently used and the person who bought the phone from me has basically screwed me over-email from paypal put a hold on the money until they had investigated-they stated that if it was a case of fraud they would reimburse me, after i provided tracking details of the parcel i sent. email back the other day-i aint gettin the money, and clearly am not getting the phone-and lets just say it wasnt pennies the phone was sold for.
Am i f****d? ive sent an email to paypal today asking why they reached that decision, but i doubt theyll change their mind.i dont know what to do, and everytime i think about it i feel sick that some absolute b*****d has conned me out of a phone AND a large sum of money....
sorry to rant but im so upset-any advice/suggestions appreciated folks

5th February 2006, 04:54 AM
This is why I don't use ebay very much...:disapprove:

if the address was in this country did you use recorded delivery. Signature at other end from whoever signed for it would help...

Report the fraud to the police. They may not want to know, but they are obliged to look into it.. You have provided goods, without them paying. It could be classed as theft..

You probably have their address, so a "visit" could be your last option

Feel bad for you, hope you get it sorted.

PS thought there was insurance with Paypal to re-imburse honest sellers from con artists..:question::question:

5th February 2006, 05:00 AM
yeh, special delivery so it was signed for, but it wasnt a confirmed address with paypal-but so many uk addresses arent and ive never had a problem before-but apparently this is where they are coming from with not reimbursing me-its a catch 22 situation-if i hadnt sent goods out (bearing in mind i had no reason to think i shouldnt) the buyer would have complained, yet as a good honest ebayer i sent the goods out the day i received the paypal confirmation-and look what happens-egg in my face bigtime.
the address is down in england so its not possible to "visit"
but the info they provided (paypal) is conflicting-sending to an unconfirmed address means youre not protected, but the email i received said if i gave them details of tracking etc then i would be ok..... :disapprove:

5th February 2006, 06:19 PM
Hmm, the account was fraudulently used, but, the address for that account is where you sent the phone?? so it didn't go to the actual fraudster??
So, the person's account that was fraudulently used signed for the phone, that person should easily return the phone to you as they should be wondering what the hell they are doing with a phone.

If that person will not return your phone contact the police and give the address, contact the post office to confirm the signature and name match that address.
Report the user to eBay advising the entire story and also demand better protection from PayPal

If still nothing, send the Sunday Mail, Sunday Post and Watchdog your story, i know it's a hassle, but if you do nothing you'll get nothing back

I know it's too late, but, when i'm selling an expensive item on eBay i always wait a few days after being paid via PayPal for any problems that may arise.

Good luck