View Full Version : This sends a shiver down my spine...

4th February 2006, 05:19 AM
..... every time i see it


The Dogfather
4th February 2006, 05:50 AM
Nasty! Watching that makes me realise just how lucky I was when I had my smash.........

4th February 2006, 07:56 AM
quote:Originally posted by bad dog mini

Nasty! Watching that makes me realise just how lucky I was when I had my smash.........

What happened ? if you dont mind me asking.

The Dogfather
4th February 2006, 06:08 PM
I was on the back of my girlfriend's 500 travelling from Hinckley to Leicester a old guy in a Escort estate pulled out from a side road. It was touch and go whether we could have slowed down in time as he was only doing about 20 whereas we were doing 70ish. So Sara went round the outside to overtake, he then decided to turn right, she couldn't get the bike back round the other side in time and hit the back doing 55 - 60 I reckon.

We were lucky as we both got thrown down the road rather than hitting the car, I know I'd be dead otherwise. I broke my wrist, and got a scar on my leg, the scar on my leg has caused nerve damage in my shin and I've not got any feeling in the skin.

I was in the process of taking my test at the time, I'd done the bit with the cones and was waiting for my road test. The accident put me right off bikes so I cancelled the test and haven't been back on a bike since.

The bike a Suzuki GS500E was so badly damaged that the front wheel had shattered and the forks had bent back and had cracked the engine block. The escort was also written off as the impact had complete twisted the body.

The car driver claimed Sara was at fault but his insurance company settled on the day of the court case, I got £10k for my injuries and bought my first car with the money........

5th February 2006, 12:06 AM
Bloody hell sounds scarey, especially when you saw it all happen and could see hed changed his mind, which meant your options had zeroed.

How did Sarah fair ?

5th February 2006, 01:14 AM
Some amazing aftermaths




Look, Look, Look again for bikes.

The Dogfather
5th February 2006, 02:14 AM
Yep, I actually closed my eyes and waited to die........ only to open them again as I bounced along the tarmac

Sara only broke a bone in her hand, but she did have some serious 'carpet' burns on her knees.

Like I said really really lucky!

5th February 2006, 07:35 AM
Really lucky mate. but good to have you around:)