View Full Version : How can this man.........

2nd February 2006, 06:13 AM
Run the worlds superpower




2nd February 2006, 07:09 AM
Pretty scary aint it!!:)

2nd February 2006, 10:42 PM

2nd February 2006, 10:58 PM
Or this video (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4476470869599676262&q=George+W+Bush+Drunk)

3rd February 2006, 12:03 AM
I was actually reading some things about him this morning on www.fark.com
(If you think the arguments on here are interesting you should try reading some of the all-out Flame-Wars on on Fark!

One of the things, funnily enough, on the subject of faked and photoshopped pictures is that the one with him reading the book upside down is apparently a fake! Looks pretty convincing to me if it is! :D

Big Col
3rd February 2006, 12:13 AM


3rd February 2006, 01:02 AM
dinnae talk to me about americans I've just had a gut full of them they are so up their own ar$se this is just a couple of comments form a recent post that I commented on in another forum

"It is probably impossible to understand what it feels like to be an American these days. We are blessed with opportunity, freedom, and free will like no other society on earth."

"I will tell you this too - there are a lot of dead American men lying in cemeteries in Europe. It is downright appalling for anyone in Europe to forget that. A generation removed, and it seems a lot of Europeans have forgotten. I'd prefer they just say thanks on occassion. F#$@ them if they don't. I could care less. I'll tell you this though - we have not forgotten our boys died in Europe, fighting for an ideal that was freedom. I'm not quite sure on this, but I believe that no Brits, or anyone else, died on American soil in that cause."
I just can not believe some of the things these guys say and as for the Brits died on American soil bit e'hhh hello what about The War of American Independence

3rd February 2006, 01:05 AM
So not one for biting my lip I had a wee go at them and his state of address to the union and posted this nice wee pic that was in the independent today.


3rd February 2006, 03:22 AM
And there worried about Iran trying to make an Atom bomb that arse has his finger on thousands of them!!!!!!!! I think we should be more scared of old Georgy boy.

4th February 2006, 05:53 AM
If it wasn't so serious I want to laugh every time I see Scary George speaking :eek::disapprove: The mans so gaffe prone it's incredible :mad: I know lots of Americans that stay here and their great folk but there's something amiss when they say about 95% of all Americans never travel outside their own country :disapprove::question::question::disapprove:

4th February 2006, 06:02 AM
quote:Originally posted by markyc

If it wasn't so serious I want to laugh every time I see Scary George speaking :eek::disapprove: The mans so gaffe prone it's incredible :mad: I know lots of Americans that stay here and their great folk but there's something amiss when they say about 95% of all Americans never travel outside their own country :disapprove::question::question::disapprove:

They dont travel outside there country Mark for they are to feckin fat to fit on the planes;)

5th February 2006, 01:43 AM
Why american should'nt bungee jump
