View Full Version : I just found out...

Big Col
31st January 2006, 04:06 PM
that Great Southern Road is a 30 limit, despite the fact I can't see anywhere that says it from the route out of my flat to work. It's a dual carriageway!!! How can it be a 30??? I thought it was a 40! Think the mobile safety unit willbe helping me find out the hard way! 6:35 in the morning for heavens sake!!! I was the only car on the road AND I never even knew I might have been speeding until I done an internet check this morning! :(:disapprove::(:disapprove::(

31st January 2006, 04:35 PM
Quote from page 11 of this document (http://www.dft.gov.uk/stellent/groups/dft_rdsafety/documents/page/dft_rdsafety_610336.pdf) from the department of transport.

"The 30mph speed limit is predominately used in urban areas (and more recently in villages) and usually is indicated by the presence of a system of streetlights. The presence of street lights is the way we recognise this speed limit and it is the reason we do not see, apart from where the limit starts, 30 mph speed signs. Some believe this to be an odd way of indicating a speed limit, but really it is simple. If there are streetlights and no signs to the contrary a 30 MPH speed limit is in force.

There are a number of unlit roads where a 30 MPH speed limit applies. In these circumstances the traffic authority must place 30 mph repeater signs."

Big Col
31st January 2006, 05:12 PM
Awww well that's really fekin' helpful NOW aint it?!?!?!? <leans on the newly closed stable door and watches the horse run free around the meadow> Pfff! :(;)

Anywho...from the same page:

"There is sometimes some confusion as to what a dual carriageway is,
especially for those vehicles restricted to speed limits below that for cars, such as HGVs and Coaches. In short, a dual carriageway is a road that is separated by a central reservation.A central reservation is anything other than a pedestrian refuge that separates vehicles going in one direction from vehicles going in the other direction. It should be noted that although it is more usual to have two or more lanes in each direction, the number of lanes is not specified, i.e. it is the presence of a central reservation rather than the number of
lanes that determines whether or not a road is a dual carriageway."

There is a central reservation there! Isn't there?

The Dogfather
31st January 2006, 05:23 PM
How fast were you going?

Anyway it would have been dark so I doubt they could read your front plate <awaits correction!>

Big Col
31st January 2006, 05:24 PM
By the way. Can anyone tell me what "Penalty points last for 3 years but stay on your licence for 4" means? Does that mean that they don't affect your insurance anymore but are still on record:question:

Big Col
31st January 2006, 05:26 PM
Well as Mart so kindly pointed out ;) the road has streetlights! :( I think I might have been doing a fraction over 40 (maybe 42) but I'm not sure. I had just pulled out and had to get the toe down to avoid being thwapped by a Saab that came round the roundabout on two wheels! Of course HE spotted the ruddy van! :(:disapprove:

31st January 2006, 05:36 PM
Hmmm - not good Col - were they defo a speed camera van or perhaps the Road Tax checker?

Big Col
31st January 2006, 06:01 PM
Well it had "Mobile Safety Unit" written on the front of it so unless they make expired tax discs explode on they day they expire I think I'm Donald Ducked. :(

The Dogfather
31st January 2006, 06:31 PM
I reckon you'll be ok, I drove past one the other day @ 38 mph but never got done. It was still dark and it was street lit.

31st January 2006, 06:41 PM
quote:Originally posted by Big Col
By the way. Can anyone tell me what "Penalty points last for 3 years but stay on your licence for 4" means? Does that mean that they don't affect your insurance anymore but are still on record:question:

what it means Col is that your points "count" in the eyes of the court and insurance for 3 years, however if you re-offend in the 4th year, your points stay on your licence...:(:( I've been caught by this in the very distant past, but the law may have changed. I'd need to check..

As BDM said, if it was in the dark and it was a camera van, highly unlikely that they would get your number plate with the glare off your headlights..;)

Big Col
31st January 2006, 06:57 PM
Dammit why didn't I put my full beam on?!?! :)

<crosses finger>

<crosses toes>

<crosses eyes>

<crosses t's>

31st January 2006, 07:01 PM
There is sometimes some confusion as to what a dual carriageway is

Doesn't that sound an awful lot like:
"Well you *ARE* sturpid little people if you can't work aout all the traffic rules we made up last century for the horses"

- "It's a 40 limit so long as the streetlights are leaning over in a slightly flirty way, except on tuesday at quarter past morning. Or if the jam on our peecies has squidged out onto the sausage roll and we're annoyed, then it's a 30 but we won't tell you, you have to guess"

I think it's a bout time the way speed limits are posted is changed - made MUCH more clear. There are just too many people out there completely oblivious to anythng on the roads except themselves and where they want to be. :mad::mad:

Big Col
31st January 2006, 07:02 PM
I agree! I never thought for a second it would be a 30 until I got paranoid and checked. There should be big signs or different coloured streetlights or something! :(

31st January 2006, 07:03 PM
This is were I got done, I was not happy as I thought it was a 40, I saw the van as I was driving up towards Holburn, looked at my speddo (41) and as all the cars were travelling together I never thought twice until the letter came through the door.

This particullar stretch does not say it is a 30 but as you are coming from a 30 ( Duthie park ) and it says no different it remains a 30 regardless of anything else.

I hope they dont get you but if they cant see number plates in the dark I dont think they would be out.

Big Col
31st January 2006, 07:07 PM
The thing is I was joining the road from Hardgate so couldn't have seen the sign at Duthie Park! I also don't go home that way as the traffic is murder so as a result I've never seen the sign! I think you're right about the reg plate in the dark though. :(

The Dogfather
31st January 2006, 07:17 PM
He was probably setting up for the morning rush hour!

31st January 2006, 07:21 PM
As an aside, I contested a dual carrigeway ticket (the Denburn - railway station) as there were no signs on the road. While I didn't get it revoked, it was taken into effect, and I did get less of a hit (I was going rather faster than the speed limit - which I don't now!)

Big Col
31st January 2006, 07:21 PM
Well the wee hatch wiz doon and I could see two of them sitting there. <sighs> Still. If I do get done, at the end of the day I was speeding in a 30 and even though I never knew it was a 30, I think 30 zones are the places there should be cameras as they're urban areas so it's a fair cop guv.

31st January 2006, 07:52 PM
Reeeaaaaalllllllyyyyyyy stupid question, but what way was the van pointing?:sleepy:

Big Col
31st January 2006, 08:15 PM
Into oncoming traffic. Well it was on my side of the road.

31st January 2006, 08:18 PM
Ah, ok, you're stuffed!!;) There are several ways of getting round these things (when you've worked in road safety for long enough you find them out!:p) but if the van is facing you and is close enough to the carriageway, you're stuffed I'm afraid, unless it wasn't set up yet, maybe the boy was having a kip, you never know!:clown:

31st January 2006, 08:35 PM
quote:Originally posted by bad dog mini

He was probably setting up for the morning rush hour!

This sounds a good un to me BDM , best of luck big yin :clown:;)

The Dogfather
31st January 2006, 08:39 PM
What we need is someone with a license who doesn't drive, who is also willing to take all our points. Anyone?

Didn't think so ;)

31st January 2006, 09:36 PM
That road always seems to have mobile units on it and i know a few people who have been caught out also thinking it's a 40. They are sneaky little things!!!!!

They may well have been setting up at that time as they were still out later when the traffic was nose to tail so fingers crossed for you!

31st January 2006, 10:16 PM
quote:Originally posted by T8SLD

They are sneaky little things!!!!!

They are thieves in the dark shadows. Why do they sit there, on a 30 dual carriageway thats got no signs up? this particular piece of urban roadway is very open there are no real road safety issues. not like the school on faulds gate which is 1 mile away from where they park, Faulds gate is on a 20 zone and people speed all day everyday which poses a fatal risk to children.

The difference is Faulds Gate in comparison to Great southern road is very quiet, which inturn means less revenue.

The reason I use these two roads is. the morning I got done for doing 40 on Great southern road, i was overtaken by a boyracer outside the school while kids were going in and I was doing 20. 5 mins later I am going along a dual carriage way at 40 and end up with 3 points.

31st January 2006, 10:22 PM
its also 30 along Riverside drive dual carriage way
Often see the police there but no van, just two police folk and a camera, surprisingly hard to spot.( ever noticed how easy it is to miss a large white van with blue lights, striped back doors and two black windows with cameras pointing at you )

Big Col
31st January 2006, 11:11 PM
Yeah I noticed that this morning mate!!! ;)

31st January 2006, 11:17 PM
Also, be very wary when leaving Aberdeen from the Bridge O Dee, they often sit facing North catching the drivers going South in the 40 mph zone doing excess to that
They were there again this lunchtime as I was driving home :evil:

31st January 2006, 11:18 PM

They are thieves in the dark shadows.

And that's EXACTLY the right imagery!(pardon the pun ;))


1st February 2006, 02:12 AM
Just remembered that they often sit up a wee track (nice and concealed once again of course! :mad:) just past the 50 zone out of Laurencekirk heading South.

1st February 2006, 05:43 PM
quote:Originally posted by Julz

Ah, ok, you're stuffed!!;) There are several ways of getting round these things (when you've worked in road safety for long enough you find them out!:p) but if the van is facing you and is close enough to the carriageway, you're stuffed I'm afraid, unless it wasn't set up yet, maybe the boy was having a kip, you never know!:clown:

Is it (the van) not required to be parked clear of any overhead power cables:question: so as to ensure no interference of the equipment... jus a query...


1st February 2006, 06:41 PM
quote:Originally posted by indigomatt

quote:Originally posted by Julz

Ah, ok, you're stuffed!!;) There are several ways of getting round these things (when you've worked in road safety for long enough you find them out!:p) but if the van is facing you and is close enough to the carriageway, you're stuffed I'm afraid, unless it wasn't set up yet, maybe the boy was having a kip, you never know!:clown:

Is it (the van) not required to be parked clear of any overhead power cables:question: so as to ensure no interference of the equipment... jus a query...


Is there not lots of issues such as was the equipment safety checked including the van and is there a record of this.

Big Col
16th February 2006, 07:05 AM
Does anyone know how much time the polis have to issue me a ticket? I thought it was 14 days:question:

16th February 2006, 07:36 AM
Is it not "Working" days?

Which, frankly, in this day and age, is everyday, but still only Monday to Friday

16th February 2006, 08:12 AM
quote:Originally posted by Big Col
Does anyone know how much time the polis have to issue me a ticket? I thought it was 14 days:question:

I am fairly certain they have 21 days - ie 3 weeks. If no info by then, you'll be fine.

What I would say is that our lot do you during the day, tickets get sent out that night and hit your doormat the next day :eek::eek::disapprove:. Only large forces have problems with it taking nearly 3 weeks to send out the notice.

To let you understand, they have to download the info from the camera onto the computer equipment daily, so the only backlog would be the operator processing them and sending out the bills..;)

16th February 2006, 09:21 AM
quote:Originally posted by Big Col
Does anyone know how much time the polis have to issue me a ticket? I thought it was 14 days:question:

Big Col, its definatly 14 days, not sure if its wotking days, or its 14 days in total.

Have you not heard yet ?

Big Col
16th February 2006, 08:51 PM
No nothing yet! According to this site (http://www.scottishsafetycameras.com/If-Im-Caught-Speeding.aspx) they just have 14 days, no mention of working days! Fingers seriously crossed!

16th February 2006, 11:38 PM
How many days have you left ? Its usually there is a few days

Big Col
17th February 2006, 12:23 AM
I passed the camera on the 31st Jan...

17th February 2006, 12:43 AM
you should be fine, thsts 17 days inclusive or 12 working days, you will be fine, you can definatly breath easy by amorns morn:D

I remember reading that people have an awful habit of not updating their address, on their Sorn,license ect... then finding out the fine was sent to another address, namely the old one.

17th February 2006, 11:53 PM
Just in case anyone passes Glasgow Airport there's the mother of all roadworks going on to strengthen the Cart Viaduct and there are 3 GATSOs on there; 1 westbound carriageway and 2 eastbound and the limit is 40mph. I saw 2 guys get done last night (not me!!!) on my way home from rugby. There are plenty of warning signs too.

Glad you don't seem to have gotten a ticket Col, lucky!;)