View Full Version : HD or Blu-Ray?

22nd January 2006, 07:30 AM
Which one do you think will win.

22nd January 2006, 07:39 AM
I hope blu-ray wins, higher capacity also :)

Oh and i just read that the PS3 will be a Blu-Ray player, so, that give Sony a HUGE edge over HD-DVD, why get HD-DVD when your PS3 plays Blu-ray discs??? And no doubt the PS3 will be HUGE!

22nd January 2006, 08:06 AM
Betamax :p

AndyP & Lenore
22nd January 2006, 10:55 AM
quote:Originally posted by duncan

Betamax :p

Ha! The memories come flooding in.:D

22nd January 2006, 08:13 PM
Who knows betamax was the better format at the time and vhs still won that battle. Its a right pain having two different formats as you cant play blu ray discs in HD DVD players etc. I will be waiting till one wins then think about buying one. Plus they will probably be big and expensive as hell at the start

22nd January 2006, 08:58 PM
I think this whole thing will be determined by the games consoles. More people will buy PS3 rather than xbox 360, therefore the install base for blu ray is larger, even if people don't use it straight away.

I do think it'll win, but the comparison to betamax is valid - you just don't know!