View Full Version : Computer Experts....

9th December 2005, 05:44 AM
Right o, there seem to be a few who know what there speaking about on here!:p

I'm currently developing a java program for uni, and all was fine until i took a wee brake and installed iTunes and the software for my new iPod.

All of a sudden no java files will compile now, and it is defintly not to do with coding as i have checked old programs and there the same:mad:

i realise most ppl will have lost me b now, but for those of yous who followed that.....what has iTunes done to my java enviroment??

Any ideas??:dead:


9th December 2005, 05:49 AM
I do know a few things about computers, but more on the hardware, O/S and network side, that programming malarky is for guys wi long hair and sandles...;)

I'm sure some of the "boffins" will be along shortly :D


9th December 2005, 05:54 AM
mmmmmmmmmm I dont suppose itunes relys on some aspect of an upgraded version of the sun systems java Environment ? In which case your java environment may have been altered by the itunes/quicktime installation process?

Maybe try re-installing your original environment and then running your program in that.. Just a suggestion. I hate java programing!!!!!!!!

If your stil stuck, try tek-tips (http://www.tek-tips.com/). This is a forum full off programing/computerjibberish boffins rather than a forum full of MINI boffins:D:D

9th December 2005, 06:00 AM
cheers sleepyrascal!

yeh, i'm just away to removing all sources of java from the computer then reinstalling the enviroment see what that does! o, and also....I HATE JAVA PROGRAMMING TOO!

java prgram due in on thirsday, and visual basic program due in tuesday...why did i do computing again?? haha

i'll try posting on tht forum, but done it before on similair forums.....u get answers back....but can u understand them! HELL NO!! haha

9th December 2005, 04:45 PM
Do a system restore first to when all was well, assuming you were using XP

9th December 2005, 05:49 PM
Right o its fixed! And the problem was.........

APPLE!!! (that may upset a few ppl on here:p)

For some reason when installing QuickTime with the iTunes bundle it edits the CLASSPATH for the java enviroment.

Lucikly my tutor had seen this before and knew how to sort it!:D

Cheers to those of you's who tried to help;)

9th December 2005, 07:01 PM
quote:Originally posted by craigd

I do know a few things about computers, but more on the hardware, O/S and network side, that programming malarky is for guys wi long hair and sandles...;)
I'm sure some of the "boffins" will be along shortly :D

Aye.. come a wee bit closer so's I can fit me sandal up yer @r$e! :D:D:D
And as for the long hair... :mad::mad::blackeye::p:p:D
Poo.. got here too late for this one.
Mind you, like Sleepy, I probably would have just told you to re-install your original Java first.. :D

You mean to say that an 'Apple' product went wrong?? :eek::eek:;):p:D

9th December 2005, 11:35 PM
quote:Originally posted by low_n_loud1

quote:Originally posted by craigd

I do know a few things about computers, but more on the hardware, O/S and network side, that programming malarky is for guys wi long hair and sandles...;)
I'm sure some of the "boffins" will be along shortly :D

Aye.. come a wee bit closer so's I can fit me sandal up yer @r$e! :D:D:D
And as for the long hair... :mad::mad::blackeye::p:p:D
Poo.. got here too late for this one.
Mind you, like Sleepy, I probably would have just told you to re-install your original Java first.. :D

You mean to say that an 'Apple' product went wrong?? :eek::eek:;):p:D

well it wasnt the apple product itself that went wrong.....it was the apple product that MADE the java enviroment go wrong!

Its all apples fault though:p

only problem now.....means i actually have ot do the coursework now!

don't suppose theres anyone here that enjoys java programme and fancies doing it over the weekend.....PPPPPLLLLLLEEEEEAAAAAAAASSSSSSSEEEEEEE !!!:D:p

10th December 2005, 12:06 AM
don't suppose theres anyone here that enjoys java programme and fancies doing it over the weekend.....PPPPPLLLLLLEEEEEAAAAAAAASSSSSSSEEEEEEE !!!:D:p

Java Programming? <shudders> ehhhh... I'll be washing my hair this weekend... ;);):p:p:p:D:D:D:D

10th December 2005, 12:15 AM
quote:Originally posted by low_n_loud1

Java Programming? <shudders> ehhhh... I'll be washing my hair this weekend... ;);):p:p:p:D:D:D:D

i've got a visual basic one aswell, if u fancy doing that??:p

think i'd rather wash my hair aswell instead o doing all this pish!!:(

10th December 2005, 12:16 AM
quote:Originally posted by low_n_loud1

don't suppose theres anyone here that enjoys java programme and fancies doing it over the weekend.....PPPPPLLLLLLEEEEEAAAAAAAASSSSSSSEEEEEEE !!!:D:p

Java Programming? <shudders> ehhhh... I'll be washing my hair this weekend... ;);):p:p:p:D:D:D:D

Also shudders...stupidly mentioned I'd done a load at Uni while on my last project and ended up reverse engineering someone elses code that they hadn't commented so that it was properly commented. Was an absolute NIGHTMARE!!!

10th December 2005, 02:32 AM
quote:Originally posted by low_n_loud1

don't suppose theres anyone here that enjoys java programme and fancies doing it over the weekend.....PPPPPLLLLLLEEEEEAAAAAAAASSSSSSSEEEEEEE !!!:D:p

Java Programming? <shudders> ehhhh... I'll be washing my hair this weekend... ;);):p:p:p:D:D:D:D

that'll be "downstairs" then :eek::p:approve:

10th December 2005, 09:49 AM
Poor you, I did some programming at college/Uni, C++, Visual Basic, Javascript and HTML, it was ok once you get your head around it. Keep poddling on you'll get there.

10th December 2005, 10:11 AM
I did a year of BSc Computing and INformation (java/script/integration of digital electronics...etc) needless to say that I changed course to one which didn't make me want to rip the head off the first person I met every day.

11th December 2005, 12:32 AM

that'll be "downstairs" then :eek::p:approve:

I don't understand... ;)

I live in a one floor flat... It's my neighbors house downstairs...


11th December 2005, 02:53 AM
quote: It's my neighbors house downstairs...
