View Full Version : Space Cadets

8th December 2005, 03:21 AM
I have to admit, I'm looking forward to watching this tonight. It's either going to be brilliant or rubbish. What do you reckon?

8th December 2005, 04:16 AM
Johnny Vaughan is a funny character (IMHO) so it should be a hoot!

8th December 2005, 04:54 AM
Yeh cant wait, jus seen the ad for it a few days ago...lol

Big Col
8th December 2005, 04:48 PM
I'd never tire of slapping Vaughan! Possibly the second smuggest person on TV after Chris Evans!

8th December 2005, 05:07 PM
I thought this programme could only work if full of numpties, and there you have it!!:clown: How much whinging were the actors doing, bunch of women!!;):D

8th December 2005, 05:37 PM
I read an article in the Sunday papers saying that they could have filled it with complete numpties, but the prodcuers selected "suggestable" people as it is no fun fooling a fool. However, looking at that lot, you could argue there isn't much in it....

8th December 2005, 06:32 PM
I was sort of looking forward to it too - but not enough to miss Threshold - and THAT is cheexy enough!! ;);):D:D

Did manage to see the we 'Satellite Show' part.... hmm.
So is it just another 'reality show' for wannabes?

Saw the interview with the three people on the wee show... If there are any people on the main thing like that tw@t with the red T-shirt on, then I certainly won't be watching any more!

Are they supposed to be in Kazakhstan or somewhere like that - in Russia? Can somebody tell me why the 'Russian' Jeep thing that Alex Zane was zipping about in had Czech Army markings on it??

Like this one..

8th December 2005, 06:55 PM
quote:Originally posted by low_n_loud1

Are they supposed to be in Kazakhstan or somewhere like that - in Russia? Can somebody tell me why the 'Russian' Jeep thing that Alex Zane was zipping about in had Czech Army markings on it??

yeh, there meant to be in kazakhstan at a militry/space base where they believe that they are going through a training programme then going into space.

To be honest, wasnt tht impressed last night, but i'll watch it anyway. its only on for a week afterall!

9th December 2005, 07:34 AM
Hmm, a contestant who's been in an advert, British registered Helicopters in "Russia", Astronaut pictures instead of Cosmonauts?

Not convinced so far.....

Big Col
9th December 2005, 04:49 PM
LOL. It's amazing how sharp and perceptive you all are when you already know it's a hoax. Give yourselves a big pat on the back. :)

9th December 2005, 07:20 PM
quote:Originally posted by Big Col

LOL. It's amazing how sharp and perceptive you all are when you already know it's a hoax. Give yourselves a big pat on the back. :)

Heh... but seriously, I would be asking questions about that sort of thing, like the Czech Jeep, if it was around to see. Now if the producers have any sense, when anyone DOES ask about something like that, they need to be answering something along the lines of "we're a commercial entity, not a National Agency, so we can source our equipment from wherever we like."

Still.. is it likely, since everyone on the show has been picked for their "Suggestibility" (Baaaaaaaaaaaaaa)? :D:D Surely they weeded out the independant thinkers before they got near any cameras? ;)
The whole show is quite a nice excercise in managing the psychology of a group :D - Unfortunately it's a comfort blanket for fans of <cringe> Big Brother (Now this might come as a surprise, but that gaping void inside you doesn't need to be filled with 'celebrities', it's where your personality should go!)- but at least it's a wee bit intelligent, and it's trying to go somewhere, rather than just filling a building with shallow, self centred wannabes..

Might just have to keep watching for a bit....:D

Big Col
9th December 2005, 07:41 PM
I think they should do more things like the experiment. That was interesting the way it had completey the opposite result from the original Stanford Prison experiment.

9th December 2005, 08:02 PM
Just who is the hoax on though?

An Endemol show with no cash spinning premium rate phone number? Why?
Maybe if it was a hoax on the viewer, OFCOM would get a wee bit upset?

I'm not sure this show is all it seems

Monsta Mo Mini
9th December 2005, 08:40 PM
As Duncan says, I think we should wait and see who the real victims of the hoax are...:D I think Channel 4 are having a laugh at everyone's expense.

9th December 2005, 08:54 PM
quote:Originally posted by Monsta Mo Mini

As Duncan says, I think we should wait and see who the real victims of the hoax are...:D I think Channel 4 are having a laugh at everyone's expense.

You guys could be right there actually.. but would Channel 4 really have the nerve to play a hoax like this on it's faithful Big Brother sheeple? :D

Big Col
9th December 2005, 09:15 PM
I dunno what the point in that would be.

9th December 2005, 09:23 PM
If its what its saying it is, whats the point in fooling a fool?

Big Col
9th December 2005, 10:27 PM
Jeremy Beadle made a fortune doing just that.

9th December 2005, 11:15 PM
Yep he did, but its no longer on mainstream TV.

I'm not saying its a double bluff, but when contestants have appeared on Adverts, other gameshows, and on webpages advertising TV Extras, its not as Channel 4 are making out.

Big Col
9th December 2005, 11:29 PM
Yeah but isn't there a certain kind of person that will do anything to get on TV so they're more likely to apply for an ad in the paper than you or I?

9th December 2005, 11:45 PM
quote:Originally posted by Big Col
Yeah but isn't there a certain kind of person that will do anything to get on TV so they're more likely to apply for an ad in the paper than you or I?

Definitely... Look how many of these attention wh0res stand in queues for hours..days.. and are so willing to be stripped of any kind of dignity for their 15 minutes of 'fame' :D

I'm not saying its a double bluff, but when contestants have appeared on Adverts, other gameshows, and on webpages advertising TV Extras, its not as Channel 4 are making out.

What do you mean? that these people are aware of what's going on and are in essence joining in with the hoax? (or did I understand that incorrectly?)

9th December 2005, 11:50 PM
Yep, thats true. And the paper it was in was a specialist one.

However, that could also point to people who are actors who are in on the "joke".

9th December 2005, 11:51 PM
quote:Originally posted by low_n_loud1

I'm not saying its a double bluff, but when contestants have appeared on Adverts, other gameshows, and on webpages advertising TV Extras, its not as Channel 4 are making out.

What do you mean? that these people are aware of what's going on and are in essence joining in with the hoax? (or did I understand that incorrectly?)

No, you understood it correctly.

9th December 2005, 11:57 PM

No, you understood it correctly.

Phew ;):p
I think I'll be watching just out of curiosity to see where it goes (in an entertainment sense - not an 'into space' sense).
Certainly not cos I care for any of the poor unfortunate gullible wannabes... If that is indeed the case!

10th December 2005, 12:02 AM
Same here, I just want to see how it goes.

If it is just a case of "lets all laugh at the Numpties", its hardly breakthrough TV.

I'm just remaining open minded as to how it will turn out.