View Full Version : Great Night for Rangers

7th December 2005, 06:47 AM


Mini Me
7th December 2005, 06:56 AM

7th December 2005, 07:02 AM
I find it incredible that Murray has sacked a manager that has won soooo many trophies and taken the team to the last 16 of the champions league for the first time in their history....:question::question:

I can never work out football. bunch of diving, cheatin' barstewards in my opinion.

they want to go and play a proper game with a ball, that being rugby...:eek::blackeye::p;):approve:

7th December 2005, 07:18 AM
At least one Scottish team won against European opposition tonight.
Congratulations Scotland Futures, with a stunning 2-0 win over Poland.

The Dogfather
7th December 2005, 07:27 AM
quote:Originally posted by craigd

I find it incredible that Murray has sacked a manager

He has? I thought he was still in charge

The Dogfather
7th December 2005, 07:28 AM
I hope we (Liverpool) get drawn against Rangers, no that'll be a game worth watching :D

7th December 2005, 07:32 AM
I think Mcleish is still in charge for now......not 100% on this though

7th December 2005, 07:59 AM
quote:Originally posted by bad dog mini

I hope we (Liverpool) get drawn against Rangers, no that'll be a game worth watching :D

yip like when they played Leeds a few years back:)

7th December 2005, 09:57 AM
so whats that then? 3 English teams in Europe?

Big Col
7th December 2005, 04:58 PM
McLeish is still in charge at the time I'm posting this...

7th December 2005, 06:22 PM
I hope he stays, too often these days managers get sacked without being given a chance to turn things around. He has the skills, it's just that, in particular the old firm, the fans demand that if one does well the other should be as well.

As an Aberdeen supporter this pains me, but I was glad they qualified last night, mainly for McLeish, but also as it's good for Scottish football.

At least he doesn't winge like Mourinho - "I didn't see Essiens challenge, but the one that Sissoko put in was disgraceful". Give me a break and get to SpecSavers you winging git.

The Dogfather
7th December 2005, 06:31 PM
quote:Originally posted by KJ_innit

so whats that then? 3 English teams in Europe?

If Manure qualify tonight it'll be 4 :D

7th December 2005, 06:34 PM
quote:Originally posted by bad dog mini

quote:Originally posted by craigd

I find it incredible that Murray has sacked a manager

He has? I thought he was still in charge

quoted on radio clyde on monday that murray has already told him he is out the door regardless of the result on tuesday night. They are actively seeking a new manager....

he might do a u-turn, but I don't think so...

Mon the fish
8th December 2005, 02:25 AM
Great night!? Aye, 10 games without a win! Rangers are p!sh and its hysterical :D

Canny wait to see who's going to gub them in the next round, anyone remember the Del Piero-inspired 4-0 humpings by Juve?

8th December 2005, 02:31 AM
quote:Originally posted by Mon the fish

Great night!? Aye, 10 games without a win! Rangers are p!sh and its hysterical :D

Canny wait to see who's going to gub them in the next round, anyone remember the Del Piero-inspired 4-0 humpings by Juve?


8th December 2005, 03:36 AM
quote:Originally posted by Mon the fish

Great night!? Aye, 10 games without a win! Rangers are p!sh and its hysterical :D

Canny wait to see who's going to gub them in the next round, anyone remember the Del Piero-inspired 4-0 humpings by Juve?

Sounds a lot like sour grapes fishman, I think they played really well considering the injuries they have, done Scotland well looking at the big picture anyway, talking about 4-0 thrashings, there was a 5-0 thrashing given to another Scottish club by Bratislava something or other RECENTLY :p away an boil yer heid ya numpty! :blackeye::p:D:D

8th December 2005, 03:38 AM
quote:Originally posted by Mon the fish

Great night!? Aye, 10 games without a win! Rangers are p!sh and its hysterical :D

Canny wait to see who's going to gub them in the next round, anyone remember the Del Piero-inspired 4-0 humpings by Juve?

Oh that's no nice:p;):D

Big Col
8th December 2005, 04:50 PM
quote:Originally posted by Mon the fish

Great night!? Aye, 10 games without a win! Rangers are p!sh and its hysterical :D

Canny wait to see who's going to gub them in the next round, anyone remember the Del Piero-inspired 4-0 humpings by Juve?

LOL! The most blatant bunch of bright green sour grapes I've ever seen! Genius. :D

8th December 2005, 06:46 PM
Calm down kids... remember it's only a wee game now :D:p

The Dogfather
8th December 2005, 07:28 PM
To paraphrase a great man, 'football isn't life or death, it's far more important than that!'

8th December 2005, 08:08 PM
Mmmmm my favourite subject right now :approve:

Its hardly an achievment when ye consider that it was their ninth yes ninth attempt!

Actually to be fair Rangers could legitimately argue THEY have gone further before..

in 1992/3, which was the first year it was called Champions league, they reached the group stages which involved only 8 teams....i.e last 8,...better than current effort

in 95/6 again they got to the groups which at that stage was the last 16...equal..

Mind you , had to laugh at Ricksens comments in the press last night ............

Quote in Evening Times " This result makes Alex McLeish the best manager in the country ever"Â*

I couldn't help but laugh out loud when I read this while browsing the papers in Morrisons.


obviously better than Stein..

or Ferguson

There's no reason for sacking Eck, if that's the case!

Never mind Seville, Lisbon, Gothenburg.....McLeish trumps them all :I:clown:

As for the next round now lets see............

How about Juve........
5 wins out of 6 in Europe
13 wins out of 14 in Italy

An average of 9 wins in 10 versus 0 wins in 10 :D:approve:


Henrik & Barcelona :D:cool::p;)

Big Col
8th December 2005, 08:23 PM
lol. Awwww lookit da cyooote wickle gween eyes. Aint dey adorable.

8th December 2005, 08:33 PM
quote:Originally posted by Big Col
lol. Awwww lookit da cyooote wickle gween eyes. Aint dey adorable.

I know I Know I Know...this achievement is the greatest thing ever...why can't we all just accept it...;)

8th December 2005, 08:40 PM
quote:Originally posted by crombers

quote:Originally posted by Big Col
lol. Awwww lookit da cyooote wickle gween eyes. Aint dey adorable.

I know I Know I Know...this achievement is the greatest thing ever...why can't we all just accept it...;)

Hey why you know like Rangers????? if any Scottish team had made the last 16 I would have posted the thread.

Big Col
8th December 2005, 09:02 PM
I was just thinking the same thing SC. :)

8th December 2005, 09:07 PM
An amazing achievement given the poor run of form by Rangers of late, to state that it was their 9th attempt is a bit off, Scotland as a nation have never progressed further than the first stage in any major competition and i bet us die hard supporters wouldn't bat an eye lid
As a rangers supporter i went out of my way to watch celtic in their recent games and subsequent final against Porto, i even watched it in Potugal surrounded by well over a 1,000 true celts :p
As the thread states, it was a great night for rangers, as to whether they will get past the first knock out stage, well, it would have been easier if Man Utd had qualified ;)

8th December 2005, 10:27 PM
Although its the first time that a Scottish team has made it past the group stages of the Chumpions League, its not as if its the furthest that a team has gone to lift the European Cup.

As a wee competition, name the British Cities that have had 2 teams play in the European Cup Semi Final.

8th December 2005, 11:14 PM
Come on folks it's all banter really ;)

Sure there is rivalry between our nearest & dearest & I am proud that my home city sports the greatest football derby game in the world. I would also point out that with my mates it's 50/50 Rangers/Celtic and one of the best parts of the game is the slagging off and the laughs that we all have especially after an Old Firm game , win loose or draw. Being a footy supporter means taking the rough with the smooth & the peaks and the troughs. Remember I had to go though the 90's from my mid 20's to my mid 30's supporting one of the worst Celtic teams ever (RAITH ROVERS!!! , geeze MAN <shiver> that was the lowest) and have to face half my mates on a weeky basis for a pounding.

PS you'll never guess when my birthday is :I;) (& also the fact that I,m not RC - just like the great Jock Stein)

Gon the Hoops :D:approve:

8th December 2005, 11:23 PM
quote:Originally posted by duncan
As a wee competition, name the British Cities that have had 2 teams play in the European Cup Semi Final.
Ok, i'll try Liverpool and Glasgow
With a wee guess on London

8th December 2005, 11:36 PM
quote:Originally posted by duncan
As a wee competition, name the British Cities that have had 2 teams play in the European Cup Semi Final.

Easy , Glasgow & Leeds 1970 :D

8th December 2005, 11:46 PM
quote:Originally posted by Bonnie Scotland

quote:Originally posted by duncan
As a wee competition, name the British Cities that have had 2 teams play in the European Cup Semi Final.
Ok, i'll try Liverpool and Glasgow
With a wee guess on London

1 out of 3 :)

8th December 2005, 11:46 PM
quote:Originally posted by crombers

quote:Originally posted by duncan
As a wee competition, name the British Cities that have had 2 teams play in the European Cup Semi Final.

Easy , Glasgow & Leeds 1970 :D

1 out of 2 :)

9th December 2005, 12:00 AM
Glasgow and Manchester

9th December 2005, 12:05 AM
Ah right got it now ;)

Glasow & Leeds 1970 (Celitic V Leeds Utd)
Liverpool & London 2005 (LIverpool V Chelsea)


9th December 2005, 12:09 AM
Fraid not.

Amazingly it is Glasgow, and Dundee.

Rangers 1959/60 Celtic 1967

Dundee 1962/63 and United 1984

Just a shame its so long ago

9th December 2005, 12:24 AM
quote:Originally posted by duncan
Fraid not.
Amazingly it is Glasgow, and Dundee.

Rangers 1959/60 Celtic 1967

Dundee 1962/63 and United 1984
ah, i get you now, but will admit i wouldn't have known that :p nice one

9th December 2005, 12:42 AM
Oh right got you now , I misread the question :clown:

Good one sir & no way would I have known that (even I'm too young :p)

9th December 2005, 12:45 AM
Nice piece of useless football trivia :)

If you include the Champions League, its 3 British cities with 2 teams.

London has 2 teams,namely Spurs (European Cup 1962) and Chelsea (CL 2004)

Mon the fish
9th December 2005, 02:02 AM
quote:Originally posted by Starky

Sounds a lot like sour grapes fishman, I think they played really well considering the injuries they have, done Scotland well looking at the big picture anyway, talking about 4-0 thrashings, there was a 5-0 thrashing given to another Scottish club by Bratislava something or other RECENTLY :p away an boil yer heid ya numpty! :blackeye::p:D:D

That was also hysterical, nothing warms you up on a cold winter's night like the old farm getting humped by European pub teams.

But at least they qualified, more than the other half of the gruesome twosome did :p

Mon the fish
9th December 2005, 02:03 AM
quote:Originally posted by Big Col

LOL! The most blatant bunch of bright green sour grapes I've ever seen! Genius. :D

I'm not of that persuasion either! I dislike BOTH halves of the old farm :p

9th December 2005, 02:54 AM
quote:Originally posted by Mon the fish

quote:Originally posted by Starky

Sounds a lot like sour grapes fishman, I think they played really well considering the injuries they have, done Scotland well looking at the big picture anyway, talking about 4-0 thrashings, there was a 5-0 thrashing given to another Scottish club by Bratislava something or other RECENTLY :p away an boil yer heid ya numpty! :blackeye::p:D:D

That was also hysterical, nothing warms you up on a cold winter's night like the old farm getting humped by European pub teams.

But at least they qualified, more than the other half of the gruesome twosome did :p

That's so sad, you need to take the blinkers off and get behind any Scottish teams in Europe, if I'm not mistaken this is all taken into account when the co-efficient is worked out in the placings.

Mon the fish
9th December 2005, 03:41 AM
True, it does help the coefficient, but that then makes the teams who get into the Champions League (i.e. the old farm) gain more revenue, therefore making the league even more one-sided than it has been (admittedly better this season, but will it last?).

Improving the coefficient does little to help anyone but the old farm, and they've never been the quickest to think of anyone else's interests. The vast majority of the league would prefer a level playing field to an automatic Champions League place for the champions.

We need to get a fully competitive league before we worry about the UEFA coefficient, IMO.

Big Col
9th December 2005, 04:56 PM
Translation of fishy's posts "No fair!!! The old firm shouldn't be allowed to do well! They should take pity and be keech so everyone else might have a chance! <sob><sob>" :D

9th December 2005, 08:08 PM
Wouldnt say that.

Fans of the other clubs in the SPL get fed up hearing from Ibrox and Parkhead that they are too big for Scottish football, and they want to play in England. Then they expect us to get behind them!

Just look at this years SPL. One of the best in years. And whats all the headlines about? How poor are Rangers.
Surely the Media should be concentrating on how good the rest of the SPL is if it was behind Scottish Football.

9th December 2005, 08:16 PM
To be fair, it was all about Hearts for a while until they self destructed and sacked everyone.

Will they win it? Not with Rix. WIth Burley they had a great chance. Was so hoping they would, just to break it up a bit!

9th December 2005, 08:31 PM
That's the thing though Euan, its only for a while.
The printed media in Scotland rarely sees past Shotts.
The only journalist in one of the scandal rags that I've got any time for is Bill Leckie.

10th December 2005, 03:02 AM

Improving the coefficient does little to help anyone but the old farm

I don't think that's 100%, the progress of Scottish clubs also has a bearing on how the national side are placed.