View Full Version : tiger stripes

23rd November 2005, 02:57 AM
Anyone know the tiger striped gold Mini I saw coming out of St Nics house on Mon evening ?


23rd November 2005, 04:07 AM
Yeah I know that one!! How ugly!! What an awful choice of roof decal!! YUCK!! Well that's what I think anyways!! LOL!!

23rd November 2005, 04:57 AM
Is it just the roof Monk? If so it lives up by me - never takes us on when we drive past and flash. Apparently she was in an article in the press and journal recently raving about how great the mini community is

23rd November 2005, 05:03 AM
Yeah that's correct Mart - she was indeed!! I remember having that convo with you and telling you how i knew her!! LOL!!

24th November 2005, 09:45 AM
Blank me on Broad street then has the cheek to coment on the community ! no idea why she would choose that rank decal though.

24th November 2005, 11:28 AM
on closer inspection she also has a tiger print steering wheel. The car is a disgrace! The tiger print is fine if thats your thing.... but black and yellow against gold??? what the fu*k was she thining!!!!???

24th November 2005, 05:18 PM
Yeah I forgot about the steering wheel (think I blanked it out actually)

24th November 2005, 09:12 PM
i have seen this motor 2 ,i thought the steering wheel must have been a bet that she lost,its shocking!

25th November 2005, 10:15 AM

26th November 2005, 03:53 AM
er...ehm! miaouw;):D:D

26th November 2005, 05:07 AM

26th November 2005, 06:22 AM
whats the world coming to ,truely unpimped:(:(:(:(:disapprove::disapprove:

26th November 2005, 10:06 AM
Starting to feel sorry for this woman!! NOt only because she clearly has a warped sense of style, but also because a gang of about 50 neds were hanging about outside her house throwing vodka bottles at me as I drove past. Further up the road there was a small group of well dressed people, probably aged 45-55 ish, one holding his head. There was also about 3 police cars, 2 ambulances and one of those fast respond cars. I assume they had been attacked by the gang! NOT THE FIRT TIME!!! These little fu**ers need a good shooting!

26th November 2005, 06:17 PM
quote:Originally posted by sleepyrascal

Starting to feel sorry for this woman!! NOt only because she clearly has a warped sense of style, but also because a gang of about 50 neds were hanging about outside her house throwing vodka bottles at me as I drove past. Further up the road there was a small group of well dressed people, probably aged 45-55 ish, one holding his head. There was also about 3 police cars, 2 ambulances and one of those fast respond cars. I assume they had been attacked by the gang! NOT THE FIRT TIME!!! These little fu**ers need a good shooting!

aye the next generation of arseholes who will be getting OUR money from the social when they leave school (oh sorry get thrown out )!

27th November 2005, 03:17 AM
There have been far to many reports of this kinda thing happening but low and behold very few reports to the old bill, social services doing owt about it.

27th November 2005, 03:29 AM
Social services can only operate within the parameters of the law and as it stands its an ass. Someone at work mentioned there are moves to bring discipline back into schools. Hopefully this might go some way to minimize the yob culture. Instead of blaming the system we need to look at the parents. Some idiot drew noughts and crosses on the bonnet of one of our motors and its infuriating not being able to do anything.