View Full Version : Leak fixed

7th November 2005, 06:00 AM
Well, all bets now taking in... it was the high rear brake light which was leaking.

Guy at garage said they are prone to getting porous, but ours had actually split!!!

Anyway, it's sorted so we're happy now!

Thanks to all who contributed with their thoughts - we hadn't a clue where it was coming from!:D

7th November 2005, 06:37 AM
I think I get a prize for that one then LOL ;)

Glad its all sorted

8th November 2005, 05:46 AM
Glad to hear you got your leak is fixed - With all the rain there's been, there must have been a small pond in the back seats!!

8th November 2005, 05:54 PM
was it a case of Get it fixed or get some goldfish..

Think that is what they would do in Pimp my ride... Hee hee

Cheers GAld to hear your Back and Fighting fit again..