View Full Version : MII NHE

AndyP & Lenore
5th November 2005, 09:20 AM
In the Beancross car park at the end of our meal tonight.:D Hope all our mini's were nice to yours - it being a stranger and all.;)

Stick your head in the Introduce Yourself (http://www.newminiscotland.co.uk/snitzforums/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=11) forum to say HI!:cool:

Mini Me
6th November 2005, 10:38 PM
Victoria's demo from eastern........:p:p,i phoned her yesterday and told her to pop on and say helloooooooo ..

7th November 2005, 10:02 PM
This confused me no end when I went back to get me car on Friday night. As I was first to leave I approached the car park & immediatly noticed an addition to our throng. I know our MINIs are good but I didny know they could reproduce :p;)