View Full Version : CRIMBO NIGHT OUT - 19th Nov . Who's coming along?

ashley smith
19th September 2005, 05:46 PM
Hey Guys..

Still up for this night out... It has been decided that we will meet at Archie Simpsons about 7.30-8pm on Sat 19th Nov and then plan to do a habour pub crawl and then Tiger Tiger.. Please confirm if you can still make it along. Hope to see you all there....:):cool:

Could you confirm so we know who is all coming along.

Thanks, Ash:)

1. Ash - SV02 VUA
2. Shaz - T8 SLD
3. BDM
4. Brian Pirie
5. LnL + 1
6. Sully + 1
7. T6 KFR + 1:question:
8. C me swim (Mark)
9. Euan
10. I want a works (Graham)
11. John
12. Nenah
13. Mon The Fish
14. Sleepyrascal

Edit:- Posted date into title

19th September 2005, 05:56 PM
Dont know about anyone else but i think Nov would be best as i'm sure everyone will have plenty nights out in Dec! Dec is nearly full for me already!

Oh, and we are meaning a night out in Aberdeen by the way!

Come on, we know there are plenty of boozers amongst us :D:p

The Dogfather
19th September 2005, 06:11 PM
Me please!

19th September 2005, 06:55 PM
Oh Me too.

Sorting out a Drinking sesh instead of a Driving Shesh.. mmm Hope your Drinking is faster than the driving..

Hee hee

Where you planning on Heading?? We met at the Dutch Mill last time then staggered around for a while then into town.. quieter pub so we can actually hear each other..

19th September 2005, 07:06 PM
Hey hey...

Depending on when and how the money goes and being able to find a hotel or whatever.. we might be up for this..
A nice chance for a relaxing drinkie or two ;)
and a chance to put more faces to the ever expanding Aberdeen area members! :D:D ...And see all you ol' reg'lars again! :D

Me plus one for now please! :D

19th September 2005, 07:21 PM
Ash, can you please add the names so far to the list? Not quite worked out how to add to an existing topic ha ha ha. I know it will be the simplest thing but it's Mon morning after all!

Defo agree with Bri that quieter pubs are better option for starting. Depending on final nos, we could always hire out a bit somewhere and that way everyone can stay together. I know the Hoggs head have a bit upstairs that can be sectioned off if you have over a certain no of people.

19th September 2005, 07:22 PM
Shaz, because it was Ash's post only Ash (or a moderator) can edit it

19th September 2005, 07:23 PM
quote:Originally posted by MartinSullivan

Shaz, because it was Ash's post only Ash (or a moderator) can edit it

Ah ha, that makes more sense. Thanks Martin! Wa hey, i'm not thick after all (well, not that much) :D:D:p

ashley smith
19th September 2005, 07:28 PM
Come guys, get your names down...

aye, can drink ten times faster - ha ha... :I

Cheers Martin for editing and putting names down for me..

19th September 2005, 07:30 PM
quote:Originally posted by ashley smith

Come guys, get your names down...

aye, can drink ten times faster - ha ha... :I

Cheers Martin for editing and putting names down for me..

I'm ash's partner in crime when it comes to boozing and i can vouch that she defo drinks faster than she drives ;):p:D

19th September 2005, 07:34 PM
Well as i said yesterday, i will def be up for a night out.

Put my name down please Ash.

I think the sooner the better as xmas can be an expensive time:disapprove:

Look foward to it.

The Dogfather
19th September 2005, 08:23 PM
Just as long as John drives quicker than he drinks or we'll be carrying him!

19th September 2005, 09:08 PM
Bad Dog Since you Have An LPG Conversion (Soon) Does that mean you'll be on Alternative fuel From the Rest of us say and drinking Soft Drinks all night..(Nice for a Lift Home)

hee hee

The Dogfather
19th September 2005, 09:19 PM
quote:Originally posted by bpirie1000

Bad Dog Since you Have An LPG Conversion (Soon) Does that mean you'll be on Alternative fuel From the Rest of us say and drinking Soft Drinks all night..(Nice for a Lift Home)

hee hee

Listen I'm having enough grief in the other thread don't bring it over here as well :evil: Jackie will be on the alternative fuel as she'll be picking me up:p

ashley smith
19th September 2005, 09:39 PM
ha ha (lol) - I look forward to this night out!!!!!!:p

19th September 2005, 10:16 PM
quote:Originally posted by bad dog mini

Just as long as John drives quicker than he drinks or we'll be carrying him!

If he drinks as quick as he drives, he will be hospitalised within an hour! ha ha ha;)
Although, in John's defence, i have to say i wasnt too scared in the car with him on Sat - only closed my eyes a few times! :p:D:p

19th September 2005, 10:28 PM
Its alright John said he only closed his eyes a few times too :D

19th September 2005, 10:30 PM
quote:Originally posted by MartinSullivan

Its alright John said he only closed his eyes a few times too :D

Well, if that's the case he's an even better driver than i thought. Cant wait to get in the car with him again!:p Although, twice might be tempting fate :D:D;)

19th September 2005, 11:26 PM
So you were scared with me then Sharon.:( I will never take u on the track again
:D U can take me next time.

So when is this night out? Who will choose the date??????????

ashley smith
19th September 2005, 11:31 PM
Well, if you all let us know when you are free, we will set a DATE!!! ha ha..

Check us all out - who's doing any work today?? I'm hooked to this site today trying to set up this xmas night out....

PS.... Kev..Your driving on the track, oops sorry, the grass track..No wonder shaz is going to go with you again - ha ha - or was it her influence..... hee hee:I

19th September 2005, 11:38 PM
Ha ha ha ashley. Everyone is taking the piss out me for the grass corner..but i beat my time and got my 1.18 around the track. not bad for an aford track virgin.

Im not doin any work either, its a monday ive burnt myself out already .

i think NMS should have a date in October! then we can fit one is for xmas!!:D

19th September 2005, 11:40 PM
Ok peeps. For the record, i was not scared in the car with Kev - even when he was up on the grass - i was a cool, calm and collected woman with complete faith that nothing was going to happen to me! ;):D
I was a little scared with John (hence the closing of eyes at the first bend) but due to being well strapped in, i felt hunky dory!

So, when can i get in the car with the guys again hee hee hee :p

Oh, and i'm in total agreement that Ash and myelf will make the executuve decision on the date and venues etc (ha ha) but dont worry -
we wont disappoint! :kiss::D

20th September 2005, 12:42 AM
quote:Originally posted by T8SLD

quote:Originally posted by bad dog mini

Just as long as John drives quicker than he drinks or we'll be carrying him!

If he drinks as quick as he drives, he will be hospitalised within an hour! ha ha ha;)
Although, in John's defence, i have to say i wasnt too scared in the car with him on Sat - only closed my eyes a few times! :p:D:p

Think you should all get a taste of the best of both worlds... and come on next year's CULLEN RUN!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D

any dates yet John?;););):cool::cool::D:D:clown:

I Want A Works
20th September 2005, 02:50 AM
Would love to go and the 29th Oct is a free weekend from my work, but alas I am in Glas on the Friday for a concert, and am stayig there the weekend cos the GF flies back to America early on the Sunday :(

BUGGA! If the date changes, tell us :D

But if it is Oct 29th, wouldn't that be a Halloween night out, rather than a Crinbo one???

The Dogfather
20th September 2005, 03:10 AM
quote:Originally posted by I Want A Works
But if it is Oct 29th, wouldn't that be a Halloween night out, rather than a Crinbo one???

Last time we went out at Halloween was in Blackpool last year, that was a hell of a night out!!!! :D

Mon the fish
20th September 2005, 03:54 AM
How about 19th Nov? I'm up in Aberdeen when the footballs on, and my oh my, playing Hearts that day... :p

Lets start the day off by going to the footie! Maybe not...

But how about maybe go-karting or something? Anyone fancy that? I still don't really know anyone but sod it, I used to be a student so when alcohol is involved I'm very interested :D

20th September 2005, 05:16 AM
Tell you Mon the Fish, dont worry about not knowing anyone. They were all very nice to me on Sunday . But If your a Hearts supporter mate, then thats a different story, more so if you beat the dandy dons that day:D:D,

This is turning out to be a post for getting pissed on a regular basis with Mini owners I think.:D Not a bad thing!!

20th September 2005, 05:32 AM
KFR dont worry he is a Dons fan ;)

20th September 2005, 06:20 AM
quote:Originally posted by T8SLD

quote:Originally posted by bad dog mini

Just as long as John drives quicker than he drinks or we'll be carrying him!

If he drinks as quick as he drives, he will be hospitalised within an hour! ha ha ha;)
Although, in John's defence, i have to say i wasnt too scared in the car with him on Sat - only closed my eyes a few times! :p:D:p

Nenah wants to know why you were in my car on saturday!!!!???????:D

ashley smith
20th September 2005, 04:28 PM
Aye aye Shazy doll, in Johns car on Sat - ha ha ha....:I

Can everyone manage on Sat 29th OCT then? We can get another night out before Xmas or after depending on when everyone free as its a busy time.


20th September 2005, 04:49 PM
Oooops a daisy - the stress levels from being in the car on SUNDAY with John:p:p:D must have knocked a few brain cells and made me think it was Sat ha ha ha. Dont worry Nenah, my boyf would be wondering why i was in the car on Sat also since i was with him all day :D

Ash - we know "i want a works" cant manange 29th Oct and there has been suggestion of 19th Nov so lets go for one of these 2 dates and see which is more popular. Peeps, time to make your mind up!!! :)

The Dogfather
20th September 2005, 04:51 PM
Happy with 19th Nov! 29th is a bit too close to my Applecross Run (if it ever goes ahead)

20th September 2005, 04:57 PM
18th November is probably better for me - its the Chip Tuning party on the 29th of Oct so Ill be pretty busy all day and will probably just want to collapse after it

20th September 2005, 05:00 PM
Fri 18th or Sat 19th Nov is better for me as i've got quite a lot on in Oct and it means i will have more pennies for the drinkies which is the no1 priority! :p

Please, please let these dates suit everyone else ha ha ;)

20th September 2005, 05:19 PM
Not bothered Just Set a Date It is after all your Event We Could do this all day...

Make the Decision... Have we got a location yet Or Will that take another couple of days..


cheers Brizeeeee

20th September 2005, 06:32 PM
Yeap, I agree.

You two just set a date and thats it. You will never be able to cater for everyone..... Up to you two then;) make it a good en!

Sharon / Ashley - are you still going to come along to the remap ??

20th September 2005, 07:07 PM
quote:Originally posted by bad dog mini

quote:Originally posted by I Want A Works
But if it is Oct 29th, wouldn't that be a Halloween night out, rather than a Crinbo one???

Last time we went out at Halloween was in Blackpool last year, that was a hell of a night out!!!! :D

Ah yes..... <shudders at the thought of those Fish 'n' chips then the ride on the 'Big One'> -And that wasn't a reference to a certain lanky streak o' p!$h wot frequents these parts! :D:D:D:D

Some of the Halloween Costumes were interesting! ;);):D:D:I

ashley smith
20th September 2005, 07:42 PM

Venue being dicussed and will confirm soonest.:I:eek:;)

20th September 2005, 07:52 PM


put my name down for that then!!!!!

20th September 2005, 08:01 PM
Now that the date is set, you better not back out!!!!!!:p

Since Nov is a while away you will have to wait a few weeks until we come up with itinerary for the evening! We thought it would be good to keep you guessing! hee hee;)

But remember, it doesnt matter where you go, it's the company you are in that will make it a good night! Seen as Ash and i will be there (party animals) you are sure to have fun! ha ha. Just make sure your dancing shoes are polished and ready to go! ha ha:kiss:;):p

Oh, and you are ready for a few drinkies! ;)

I Want A Works
21st September 2005, 12:02 AM
quote:Originally posted by ashley smith


Venue being dicussed and will confirm soonest.:I:eek:;)

Difficult decision, loose 16 hours wages for taking days off at the weekend or get P!$$ed in Aberdeen with a load of mini lovers........

I'll plead for that weekend off when I get into work tonight.

21st September 2005, 12:10 AM
Right Decision

what was that about the Company your With!!!!


Hee hee Only joking..

Bring it On...

ashley smith
21st September 2005, 01:10 AM
I'd say - bring on the 19th Nov... Cant wait for the "MINI" party to begin...;):approve:

For all you guys who haven't got your names down yet - GET THEM DOWN!!!!!!!!:D:D:D

ashley smith
21st September 2005, 01:14 AM
Sorry Kev - what is the remap again - is it a piss up too?????:p

21st September 2005, 01:22 AM
Even though I don't actually own a mini anymore, I may actually be in Aberdeen that weekend visiting the folks. So, if I were to be up, would I be accepted as an ex-Mini owner?

The Dogfather
21st September 2005, 03:13 AM
quote:Originally posted by euan

Even though I don't actually own a mini anymore, I may actually be in Aberdeen that weekend visiting the folks. So, if I were to be up, would I be accepted as an ex-Mini owner?

As long as you get a round in ;)

21st September 2005, 03:55 AM
Ashley the remap is to make ur car perform faster....so after ive test driven the "improved cooper" that day, im sure i will need a drink! And Martin has called it a "party"


21st September 2005, 03:59 AM
Ash and Shaz I emailed you re the "party" after we discussed it on Sunday ;)

Probably wont be drink involved as we will have cars - but there will be food and a wee run

21st September 2005, 07:37 AM
Can you put my name down for any nights out! i'm up for a good night out on the P**S!!

21st September 2005, 04:42 PM
quote:Originally posted by bad dog mini

quote:Originally posted by euan

Even though I don't actually own a mini anymore, I may actually be in Aberdeen that weekend visiting the folks. So, if I were to be up, would I be accepted as an ex-Mini owner?

As long as you get a round in ;)

There's always a catch :cool:

Put me down as a maybe, I won't know when I'm coming up for a wee bit yet. Technically, I'll be a mini driver that weekend, albeit a classic (and no doubt freezing my ass of in it again!)

21st September 2005, 08:55 PM
Peeps - just so you know:
New and classic owners welcome
If your not a mini owner, your still welcome as long as your a "mini lover" :p

The more the merrier! :)

Mon the fish
22nd September 2005, 01:29 AM
Can you put me down please :D

Now to work out whether to book a hotel, get a taxi to Ellon back to grandparents, or get Gramps taxi's to pick me up (last 2 maybe not a good idea at 1 in the morning, steaming, kebab in hand :p)

I Want A Works
22nd September 2005, 01:36 AM
quote:Originally posted by T8SLD

If your not a mini owner, your still welcome as long as your a "mini lover" :p

Those photos were never proven to be real! I still say they were digital editing......
.....Oh that wasn't what you meant. OOPS:I

Put me down, I will be there, evenit it means taking a sickie from work:cool:

22nd September 2005, 08:24 AM
Me and Nenah will go,where is it to be???????????

Pub crawl???start at Queens road and head for town or even a Harbour crawl:D

22nd September 2005, 06:17 PM
Martin - Ash is on holiday so can you please add John and Nenah to the list? Thanks.

John - meeting point and itinerary will be revealed in due course so you will just have to be patient. "All good things come those who wait" :D:p:D:p

I will reveal that it will likely be a 7/7.30pm kick off. Unless everyone is keen to get boozing earlier than that!

22nd September 2005, 06:20 PM
quote:Originally posted by T8SLD

John - meeting point and itinerary will be revealed in due course so you will just have to be patient. "All good things come those who wait" :D:p:D:p

I will reveal that it will likely be a 7/7.30pm kick off. Unless everyone is keen to get boozing earlier than that!

Took em long enough to decide on the Date Location might take even longer.. But Fingers crossed..

22nd September 2005, 06:21 PM
Gee whizz Martin - that was fast work! Thanks very muckle! :)

Mon the fish
23rd September 2005, 03:00 AM
Granpa's taxis have come up trumps, so I'll definitely be there. Don't think he's seen me pissed before :D

23rd September 2005, 04:36 PM
Martin - can you please put Mon the Fish (Gordon) down also? :)

Mr Pirie - i resent that comment about it taking long enough for the date :mad: am all upset now! :p.

It's not even Oct so there is plenty of time to come up with where we are going. The main thing is that everyone gets together and has some drinks, more drink and even more drinks ha ha. :D Although, i do fancy a bit of a harbour pub crawl as they are a hoot and much cheapness! Have not discussed this with Ash but will keep you posted!

Thanks everyone who has put there name down so far! :D:p:D

7th October 2005, 04:41 PM
Things have been quiet on this thread for the past week or so! I'm on hols next week so thought i'd get some banter going so when i come back i will have plenty to read! ha ha :p

As long as nobody coming has any objections, Ash and i think it would be fun to do a harbour pub crawl. Possibly starting at the Castle Gate or Belmont Street area. May as well make an early start to the evening and meet at 7/7.30.

Please let us know if you dont fancy and we will just go for a normal pub crawl as dont want people to drop out!!!! :(:p:)

ashley smith
7th October 2005, 05:40 PM
Its the company that matters not the places we go!!!!!!Shaz we'll just get a mystery pub crawl organised and ten that way its mroe fun...:D:D:D

7th October 2005, 10:49 PM
How many of us are going anyway? or is that in an earlier thread????

I think a harbour pub crawl sounds good, never really done one down that way and its always a change.

no matter where we are im sure it will be good fun and a bloody expensive night;)

ashley smith
8th October 2005, 01:06 AM
hell yeah - ofcourse... Theres no fun otherwise!!:D:D
Looking forward to seeing everyone in a different light - ha ha

Mon the fish
8th October 2005, 02:28 AM
Pittodrie bar worth a shout surely....? :D

8th October 2005, 04:14 AM
Also at the top of my road you have Scotia Bar (off king street:) Been once and its nae bad to be honest.

8th October 2005, 10:55 PM
I'm starting to get worried with these suggestions of bars boys!!!!!:D:D:p:p

Kev - check out the first posting and that shows all the names down so far! Partners welcome also remember!

20th October 2005, 04:45 PM
God it feels like this night out is ages away.

Any further development or NMS new members fancy it???

21st October 2005, 05:56 PM
4 weeks tomorrow until the drunken activity commences!!!

Kev, you taking the wife with you so we can meet her?

Ash, i'm allowing Bri to come out after his begging, ha ha ha. Although, if he steps out of line before then he will be made to be taxi diver for the night and stay at home! ha ha :p

21st October 2005, 07:38 PM
I will ask anissa along seeing she is a keen mini driver yeah.

Although think you two (shaz + ash) could be a bad influence:D

21st October 2005, 07:45 PM
quote:Originally posted by T6 KFR

I will ask anissa along seeing she is a keen mini driver yeah.

Although think you two (shaz + ash) could be a bad influence:D

Ash and i a bad influence - NEVER! We are well, behaved, respectable ladies with a drink in..................:p:D

21st October 2005, 07:54 PM
Believe that IF i see it , which i doubt.;)

Should be really good night, looking forward to it.

21st October 2005, 07:57 PM
quote:Originally posted by T6 KFR

Believe that IF i see it , which i doubt.;)

Should be really good night, looking forward to it.

Hee hee - i only tell small white lies! :D
Brian is coming with me so he will prob keep me in check if i get toooo drunk. But then again, if i buy him trebles on the sly he wont be in a fit state! :D

ashley smith
21st October 2005, 09:25 PM
ha ha ha ha- quality....

Cant wait for this piss up - bring it on...:D:p:):cool:

27th October 2005, 08:18 PM
Hope everyone still able to make it in 3 weeks time! Anyone else fancy?

Have not consulted with Ash for a while on this but if we are doing the harbour pub crawl then i think we should meet at the Castlegate (archibald simpsons for some cheap doubles possibly or blackfriars where it will be quieter) OR belmont street and then head down to the harbour pubs. Will confirm once spoke to Ash. Just thought i would keep things going on the thread :D

It makes sense to end up in Tiger Tiger to save walking too far (i will probably be crippled by that point from the heels ha ha :p:D).
Take note: will be expecting a good few of you to last until 3am!!!!!!! ;)

If you have any objections to these suggestions, please speak now! :p

7th November 2005, 02:26 AM
How about we have a housework party at Ashleys first just to make sure she is free:D

The Dogfather
7th November 2005, 02:30 AM
I'll be there, however I'll have to duck out early so I can get the bus :( back home.....

7th November 2005, 02:34 AM
Whats the story about us cleaning Ash's house / flat like??? something im missing:question:

ashley smith
7th November 2005, 05:26 PM
ha ha ha ha - Shaz tellign you why I couldnt make it yesterday...hee hee.....Party at mine, think of the mess the next day... may not manage out for cleaning it.... ha ha ha:D:D

7th November 2005, 05:38 PM
quote:Originally posted by T6 KFR

Whats the story about us cleaning Ash's house / flat like??? something im missing:question:

Kev, Ash was meant to be coming on the mini run yesterday but she ducked out as she "had too much cleaning". I couldnt resist telling the guys yesterday for a bit of fun! That will teach her to be an old wifey before her time! :D:D:p

Soz Ash - but i know you will take it in good spirit! ;)

10th November 2005, 11:06 PM
Hey.. sorry guys.. not gonna be able to make this one after all....

Sorree :I

10th November 2005, 11:27 PM
PUT MY NAME DOWN PLEASE ASHLEY! sorry for the delay..:D:cool:;)

10th November 2005, 11:41 PM
quote:Originally posted by Mon the fish

How about 19th Nov? I'm up in Aberdeen when the footballs on, and my oh my, playing Hearts that day... :p

Lets start the day off by going to the footie! Maybe not...

But how about maybe go-karting or something? Anyone fancy that? I still don't really know anyone but sod it, I used to be a student so when alcohol is involved I'm very interested :D

I'm at the Richard Don. Suite for the game. Free bar all day.... mmmm, will I make it out at night, thats the question!!!?!?!??!:D

The free bar runs for about an hour after the game so I could be persuaded to head to archies directly from there if anyone wants to join me for an early start?? :p:p

11th November 2005, 12:44 AM
mmmmmm, early start.

im 5 minutes away from archie simpsons. I ll think bout it:p

ashley smith
11th November 2005, 07:09 PM
Cool.. Looking forward to it... Early start I know, but all good though.. Im sure we'll all manage..ha ha..

Feeling a tad rough today peeps, was out on the razz last night and only had 4 hours sleep.. :disapprove::mad::dead:..... and working.. mwuh...

11th November 2005, 10:29 PM
I'm always up for an early start to drinking. Means we might get a seat also so my feet wont get too sore early on! ha ha

How early are we talking?

The Dogfather
11th November 2005, 11:05 PM
quote:Originally posted by T8SLD

I'm always up for an early start to drinking. Means we might get a seat also so my feet wont get too sore early on! ha ha

How early are we talking?

Earlier the better for me as I'll have to leave early to catch the last bus back to Turriff.

12th November 2005, 01:36 AM
quote:Originally posted by T8SLD

I'm always up for an early start to drinking. Means we might get a seat also so my feet wont get too sore early on! ha ha

How early are we talking?

well, the football is.... mmmm 3pm kick off .. is it? cant remember. So that takes me to 5:30 includig the 1hr free bar at the end.

I Want A Works
12th November 2005, 04:26 AM

I have to withdraw my name from the list of alcoholics party goers. Unfortunatley too much month of the pay left.:(

I'm sure that I will make it to another p!$$ up meet sooner rather than later

12th November 2005, 07:27 PM
Only 1 week left then...god its came round fast eh!

take it Ash / Shaz you'll give final plans later in week yeah.

ashley smith
14th November 2005, 05:31 PM
Morning guys...

Yeah Shaz and I will give plans at the end of the week. Hope you all still up for it.

16th November 2005, 12:20 AM
1. Ash - SV02 VUA
2. Shaz - T8 SLD
3. BDM
4. Brian Pirie
5. LnL + 1
6. Sully + 1
7. T6 KFR + 1
8. C me swim (Mark)
9. Euan
11. John
12. Nenah
13. Mon The Fish

Is all folk above still going yeah? Just no-one has really said much lately and dont want to be the only one at the bar:I

Sleepy - The dons arent playing on saturday its a sunday game. So the realy start wont be happen now i presume.

16th November 2005, 12:25 AM
quote:Originally posted by T6 KFR

Sleepy - The dons arent playing on saturday its a sunday game. So the realy start wont be happen now i presume.

mmmmm Sunday?? Since when?? It says Saturday on my ticket!

16th November 2005, 01:34 AM
Read front page of the "Scottish Sun".

Graham Rix is getting bodyguards at the game on sunday against the dons it states.

Maybe its wrong bud, perhaps worth checking out???

16th November 2005, 01:43 AM
I stand corrected. The games is televised so it is played on Sunday not Saturday! DOH!!

16th November 2005, 03:17 AM
quote:Originally posted by T6 KFR

1. Ash - SV02 VUA
2. Shaz - T8 SLD
3. BDM
4. Brian Pirie
5. LnL + 1
6. Sully + 1
7. T6 KFR + 1
8. C me swim (Mark)
9. Euan
11. John
12. Nenah
13. Mon The Fish

Is all folk above still going yeah? Just no-one has really said much lately and dont want to be the only one at the bar:I

Sleepy - The dons arent playing on saturday its a sunday game. So the realy start wont be happen now i presume.

I've had a slight change of plan (new work project, I'll be in Worcester!) so won't be in Aberdeen now this weekend, sorry folks! Would have been good to put some faces to the names. This does mean that I've only been home once since xmas, which is rubbish.

17th November 2005, 08:39 PM
1. Ash - SV02 VUA
2. Shaz - T8 SLD
3. BDM
4. Brian Pirie
5. LnL + 1
6. Sully + 1
7. T6 KFR + 1
8. C me swim (Mark)
9. John
10. Nenah
11. Mon The Fish

that seems to be the update of folk.

17th November 2005, 09:22 PM
Hi guys - been off work sick this week and just back today:disapprove:. Unable to eat MUCH so unless i manage to stuff myself between now and Sat i'm gonna have to take it easy with the drinks on Sat :mad: otherwise i'll be floored after a few.

Right, looks as if a few peeps fancy meeting earlier than 7.30. I'm up for it if you name a time.

BD - hope the weather doesnt change too much and your not able to come!

17th November 2005, 09:43 PM
quote:Originally posted by T8SLD

BD - hope the weather doesnt change too much and your not able to come!

I don't want the weather to change either but unlike you I hope BD can come;):D:D:D

17th November 2005, 10:23 PM
I don't want the weather to change either but unlike you I hope BD can come;):D:D:D
Very witty John! :p But you know i meant that i hope the weather doesnt get worse which prevents BD from coming! It's my first day back to work this week so the brain aint fully functional as yet :p:D

The Dogfather
17th November 2005, 10:34 PM
If I can get into work then I can get pissed in town. Like I said though I'll be away early to catch the bus home :D

18th November 2005, 01:15 AM
quote:Originally posted by bad dog mini

If I can get into work then I can get pissed in town. Like I said though I'll be away early to catch the bus home :D

Loving the attitude BD! :D At least if you go home early you prob wont have a hangover on Sun. The bus journey home will no doubt sober you up ha ha

ashley smith
18th November 2005, 03:45 AM
Looking forward to this night out... It's been a long time coming to see everyone in their true colours... ha ha:D:D:D

18th November 2005, 03:54 AM
for some reason, im not on the list.

However, im going out for a meal on saturday so wont make it out until later.

Maybe see you around half 10.


ashley smith
18th November 2005, 04:08 AM
I'll add you on just now.. :)

See you Sat. Give us a shout and we'll let you know where abouts we are then..

Mon the fish
18th November 2005, 05:01 AM
On nightshift this week and next so going to have to give this a miss now :disapprove:

However, going out for my birthday in Aberdeen on the 10th so if anyone fancies that they're more than welcome :p

18th November 2005, 05:52 PM
There is no set plan for tomorrow night other than to meet in Archies at 7.30 and then hit some of the harbour pubs and then Tiger Tiger since it's closest but you know what like when the drink is in! :D:p

If anyone cant make it out as early as that, please drop me an email from my profile and i'll give you my mobile number so you can find out where we are.

If anyone wants to meet earlier than 7.30 give us a shout - wouldnt want you drinking at the bar on your own ;)

18th November 2005, 06:00 PM
Oh and i've just had a thought - i think all digi cameras should be banned on Sat. We dont want any evidence of the night to be published hee hee :p:D;)

ashley smith
18th November 2005, 07:10 PM
Yes I agree Shaz....

Hope to see you all there. :)

Just give Shaz or myself a call if you cant find us..

19th November 2005, 12:34 AM
Only an hour of work left until the weekend starts - woo hoo :D

See you all tomorrow at 7.30 in Archies! :p

19th November 2005, 01:22 AM
just been out in the cold all day swapping my office role to workshop (today only... i am freezing).

See those who's going out 2morrow night at 7.30


19th November 2005, 09:55 AM
we are off to Pitlochary for the weekend so its a raincheck from me

Have a good time though


The Dogfather
20th November 2005, 02:39 AM
Sorry guys, I'm going to have to pull out. I'm really disappointed as I was looking forward to it, have a good time.

20th November 2005, 02:48 AM
Dount it will be worth me coming along by the time i'm done but have a good one!!!!!!

20th November 2005, 03:08 AM
Whats going on?why is everyone backing out? Its not like it was organised yesterday:(

20th November 2005, 03:41 AM
How many of us is actually going now...oh well not numbers that make a good night its the company ur with!

better get ready, only hour to go

20th November 2005, 04:04 AM
John and I'll be there - around 7.45-8pm though!:)

20th November 2005, 04:46 AM
1. Ash - SV02 VUA :clown:
2. Shaz - T8 SLD :clown:
3. BDM :mad:
4. Brian Pirie :(
5. LnL + 1 :(
6. Sully + 1 sick
7. T6 KFR + 1 :clown::clown:
8. C me swim (Mark) :(
9. Euan :question:
11. John :clown:
12. Nenah :clown:
13. Mon The Fish :(

The Dogfather
20th November 2005, 04:59 AM
quote:Originally posted by john

Whats going on?why is everyone backing out? Its not like it was organised yesterday:(

Sorry John, been feeling rough since yesterday afternoon. I thought I would be OK today but still feeling crap :(

20th November 2005, 05:12 AM
quote:Originally posted by john

Whats going on?why is everyone backing out? Its not like it was organised yesterday:(

Sorry guys.

My uncle who I havn't seen for 6 years is staying with me for the weekend for the football which I thought was today. My plan was to dry up the free bar, send my uncle home and come meet you guys, but the football is on Sunday! So my sis, gf and bro in-law have organised a meal etc and I couldn't just say "im not going"

As I said to Ash, i will try and get away early and meet you guys later.

Sorry :(:disapprove:

WHY COULDNT WE HAVE THIS NEXT SAT!!! IM FREE THEN! :disapprove::(:disapprove::(

21st November 2005, 05:22 AM
Well a whole 6 mini peeps turned up.

Ash, Shaz, John, Nenah, Myself and Anissa!

Shall i go into detail????? ;)

21st November 2005, 07:23 AM
quote:Originally posted by T6 KFR

Well a whole 6 mini peeps turned up.

Ash, Shaz, John, Nenah, Myself and Anissa!

Shall i go into detail????? ;)

so long as you don't get your knickers in a twist:D

21st November 2005, 05:23 PM
quote:Originally posted by john

quote:Originally posted by T6 KFR

Well a whole 6 mini peeps turned up.

Ash, Shaz, John, Nenah, Myself and Anissa!

Shall i go into detail????? ;)

so long as you don't get your knickers in a twist:D

Loving the comment John! As long as it's the only one made! ;)

For those who did come out, hope you had a good night. I cant have been that drunk by the end of the night as woke up feeling fine yesterday :D.

Nenah - hope your feeling a bit better!

Kev, Ash and i think Anissa is lovely and great fun (just like yourself of course :p).

ashley smith
21st November 2005, 05:36 PM
Hey Peeps - Missed a great night out...

Poor show, poor show to all you ba humbugs that DIDNT turn up... (boo hoo)...:disapprove::disapprove:

Was a great night... Hope you were all feeling okay yesterday. I was fine, just tired.

kev - Was still up for razzling at 3am... Wanted us to go to a party at his after Tiger .. (ha ha ha)..:D:D

21st November 2005, 05:58 PM
I was well hungover...as was anissa.

It was really good night, just cant remember asking folk back to mine and anissa's place:I sorry