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View Full Version : meguairs gold class polish

18th August 2005, 01:23 AM
bought this polish the other day wul and have done the car with it twice tday ,can u overdo it it with the polish or is it the more times the better,cheers choc

18th August 2005, 04:13 AM
Hey Choc!

Well two things to note:

1. You should really leave 24hours between applications to allow the wax to bond and cure on the car. (remember to give the car another quick wash to remove any dust/grit prior to the second coat)

2. Gold Class contains very mild cleaners which will basically remove the previous application, especially so close together.

However the cleaners and fillers appled twice will improve the finish of the paint, it just won't add any more longevity to the wax coat.

Pure waxes and sealants like zaino, zymol, autoglym extra gloss protection, P21S, and megs #16 or #26 are layerable as they don't contain any cleaners.


Big Col
18th August 2005, 03:56 PM
But Wul he's talking about polish not wax. :);)

18th August 2005, 07:44 PM
Enough already Col! ;):p