View Full Version : Calculators

5th August 2005, 06:43 PM
OK, when I was at school we all had to buy graphic calculators. They were pretty dull things that you couldn't do much more than graph something with.

Some people have WAY to much time on their hands, and ported Doom to one. Now, I'd quite happily have had that on the thing!


I should point out, I don't go looking at calculator websites. My work has a development lab, and (funnily enough) it came from the newsletter from them. Geeks.

5th August 2005, 07:14 PM
Ok...except it's Wolfenstein... :p;)
same engine etc tho :D

...which we have a server for at work (actually we've moved on to TrueCombat ;)), which REALLY helps take the stress out at lunchtimes... seeing your work colleagues down the barrel of an AK-47!!
