View Full Version : WUL

4th August 2005, 07:16 AM
Well I'm changing your name from Elusive Wul to IGNORANT WUL...
:mad::mad::dead::dead::dead::evil::evil::evil::evi l:

You never waved AGAIN this morning!!!!!!:(:(:(

And if anything my car is more noticeable NOW than she ever has been!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:dead::dead::dead::dead:

Whats wrong with you:question: Have you taken to wearing blinkers in the morning:question::eek::eek::eek:

This will be you when we next meet on a mini run:blackeye:;):blackeye:;)

Tee Hee.....:D:D:D

4th August 2005, 07:23 AM
Watch out WUL:blackeye: she's got it in for you now ;):p;)

I've just washed her car, so there is no way you can miss her tomorrow :D Just remember your shades :cool::D:cool:

4th August 2005, 05:22 PM
Sorry Flick :I never clocked you yesterday - hope I never did it today either!

<should have gone to spec savers!!>

4th August 2005, 09:22 PM
Your lucky this morning:I..... I was running slightley late!:eek:

Let you off this time....:p:p:p:):):):D:D:D:D

9th August 2005, 10:15 PM
So are you pair happy today then - HUGE waves this morning - unlike the reast of the boring westbound A720 MINI drivers!! :(

David - I really cannae believe you had the roof down too - can you guess what I spotted first!? :p;)

10th August 2005, 09:12 PM
quote:David - I really cannae believe you had the roof down too - can you guess what I spotted first!?
;):D:cool::D;) I even polished it so you couldn't miss me !!!!

quote:HUGE waves this morning - unlike the reast of the boring westbound A720 MINI drivers!!

I travelled from Edinburgh across country to Ayr then up to Glasgow then back to Edinburgh and you were the only person to wave (And my it was a BIG ONE ;):D:p)

12th August 2005, 06:39 PM
Hey Wul... Sorry for late reply, not been able to get on here cos of the grumpy peeps I work with!!!:(:(:(

Not to worry tho I start a new job on Monday on the sunny side of the bridge again....YAY!!!!!:D:D:D:D

Excellant wave the other day and especially liked the double thumbs up on Wed morn;):D;):D

Will still see you in the mornings on way to work as I'm now going to be in the Gyle, that's if you choose to acknowledge me!!!!!:eek::eek:;);)

7th October 2005, 06:05 PM
Hey Flick! Where have you been hiding!! :p