View Full Version : Smurf

30th July 2005, 09:46 PM
I saw you bombing along the Crow Rd on top of the campsies at great speed :D

...had been off work myself so spent the day gliding, then popped in to look at the Red Kites up at Argaty :cool: such a hard life :p

Ciao, M

30th July 2005, 10:43 PM
Guilty as charged m'lud! :D

Didn't realise it was you - couldn't see the numberplate for all the lights you had on! :cool::eek:

I think you went past me at a fair pace too though......
Cracking road, innit? :D

1st August 2005, 04:39 PM
Lights :eek: it was foggy & wet, was my first chance in the car to have all lights a blazing :) wait till I get my driving lights everyone will be blinded and I will be king :D

Anyway wern't you wearing yr shades :cool:

Speed :question: isn't it all relative :p