View Full Version : Hey BDM!

Big Col
20th July 2005, 04:50 PM
Do you work for United Utilities mate:question:

The Dogfather
20th July 2005, 05:09 PM
Nah! Department of Trade and Industry, Oil and Gas Industry Development, I'm not sure but that might be Kosta.......

Big Col
20th July 2005, 06:12 PM
Was just asking mate because the name Paul Gaskell appeared on a United Utilities document. Was about to comment on how small a world this was. :)

The Dogfather
20th July 2005, 07:03 PM
I once ordered some parts for a PC, the delivery guy who delivered them was called Paul Gaskell.

It got confusing when the security guy was booking him in. 'What's your name' 'Paul Gaskell' Who are you visiting 'Paul Gaskell' 'No who are you visiting' etc. anyway you get the picture! :)

I Want A Works
20th July 2005, 08:48 PM
Once booked a hotel in Falkirk the address was:

Graham's Hotel
Graham's Road

On the from doorstep in the morning was pints of milk from Graham's Dairy....

.....Oh and my name is GRAHAM!!!!

Really annoyed the ex :p