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29th October 2003, 08:29 PM
yup...I certainly did...

hopefully I'll get them up on a quick 'n' dirty web page tonight...
That's the plan anyway... ;)

29th October 2003, 11:45 PM
quote:Originally posted by low_n_loud1

yup...I certainly did...

:D:D<pictures image of Ewan hanging on to hat and sunroof for dear life!!>:D:D

Duncan Stewart
29th October 2003, 11:56 PM
I took a picture of Stu "under" the Skye bridge (that's why I ended up at the back!:I - great fun catching up!!:D).Unfortunately it is on old fashioned film and it might be a few weeks before I finish the film and get it developed. However seeing the excellent posted photos so soon after the run has been the final straw to break my resistance to buy a digital camera. Also got a few mods for Stu planned after being inspired by your cars at the weekend :p.
I didn't know joining this group would cost me so much! :evil:.
I'll email any decent / different photos to you, Calum, when I get them back.

30th October 2003, 01:24 AM
Hey Mad people, has been an absolute pleasure playing with you folks over the weekend, names to faces (mainly from Crimewatch) etc... Callum 'You The Man!'. Sadly my end of trip was a little different, after arriving home while taking my bag out the boot a car skided out of control outside my house, thankfuly missed my Mini:eightball:, but not so lucky with my torso:blackeye: or my neighbours car:(. Luckily for the driver, he managed to find 1st gear and was off! Got his reg though!:D 500 safe miles in Mini, four unlucky steps from Mini, that will teach me to get out the car!

30th October 2003, 01:26 AM
Dammm sorry to hear that. Hope your ok and the police get the silly bugger

30th October 2003, 01:41 AM
Whoa... hope you're ok...
Sorry to hear that!
Not been a very lucky bunch recently have we???

30th October 2003, 07:16 PM
Right guys... at last...
Here we go...
My pics from the weekend can be found at...<drum roll>...


Two pages worth... not bad I suppose.. :D
(And plenty at Eilean Donan castle!! ;))
Malcolm And Siobhan... there's a special pic in there just for you... can you spot it??? ;);):D:D

30th October 2003, 09:32 PM
nice photos, help! how can i get my photo's on site, anyone

Monsta Mo Mini
30th October 2003, 09:57 PM
Sean - you'll need to have somewhere to host the pics (hint - your MINI2 gallery). You can then insert them into your post as instructed here:

Alternatively - email them to me at info@newminiscotland.co.uk as I'm preparing a gallery from the weekend.

30th October 2003, 10:35 PM

30th October 2003, 10:55 PM

30th October 2003, 11:10 PM

ye do have gallery, but still not working

Monsta Mo Mini
30th October 2003, 11:11 PM
Do you have a MINI2 Gallery yet? if you don't - go to teh create and mangage section and select the upload screen. This will enable you to add pictures to your gallery. from there you can hotlink them into this forum. or just simple add a link to your MINI2 gallery.

31st October 2003, 01:32 AM
quote:Originally posted by seany


ye do have gallery, but still not working

The easiest way to do it is to make sure you have the 'reply' screen or 'post message' screen's Format Mode set to Prompt.
Make sure you've copied the address of your MINI2 gallery (from the 'address' line at the top portion of your browser (highlight it, right click, then choose copy).
then click on the Insert hyperlink button above (the one with the wee world and chain icon) type in some text for your link, when the next wee box pops up, right click in the box and choose Paste...
That should set a link to your gallery..... like this:

My Gallery Here (http://www.mini2.com/gallery/personal/gallery_7645.html)
If you click on 'preview' before you submit your post you should see the link in blue...
Hope this helps some...
wow.. it's a lot easier to do than it is to explain!
<does this sort of thing in his 'real life' to help students ;)>

31st October 2003, 01:59 AM
quote:Originally posted by seany


ye do have gallery, but still not working

http://www.mini2.com/gallery/personal/seany/dsc00003_thumb.jpg (http://www.mini2.com/gallery/personal/seany/dsc00003.jpg)

Here you go Seany - tip - copy the link Paul Mullett has popped on the bottom of each pic:)

31st October 2003, 02:43 AM

let's try this?

31st October 2003, 02:49 AM
quote:Originally posted by seany


let's try this?

nice one! :D
and you can make it link to your whole gallery in the same way too! :D

31st October 2003, 02:52 AM
Seany - you need to copy the long line of text at the bottom of each picture in your MINI2 gallery rather than the line on the address bar at the top.

If your hit the "reply with quote" bar on my post above then you'll see how i did it.


31st October 2003, 02:55 AM
Try this:

http://www.mini2.com/gallery/personal/seany/dsc00003_thumb.jpg (http://www.mini2.com/gallery/personal/seany/dsc00003.jpg)

http://www.mini2.com/gallery/personal/seany/dsc00006_thumb.jpg (http://www.mini2.com/gallery/personal/seany/dsc00006.jpg)

http://www.mini2.com/gallery/personal/seany/dsc00008_thumb.jpg (http://www.mini2.com/gallery/personal/seany/dsc00008.jpg)

And click to enlarge!:)

31st October 2003, 03:09 AM
ok WUL i will try this one.

31st October 2003, 03:25 AM
Hooray - That's it Seany! :D Although you've only posted the thumbnail and not the full link! but you're getting there!:)

Took me ages to figure it out too - can never get the hang of the [] things and remembering the / at the end one too!

Keep em pics rolling now! :)

31st October 2003, 03:30 AM
will do

31st October 2003, 04:25 AM

http://www.mini2.com/gallery/personal/seany/dsc00011_thumb.jpg (http://www.mini2.com/gallery/personal/seany/dsc00011.jpg)

http://www.mini2.com/gallery/personal/seany/dsc00013_thumb.jpg (http://www.mini2.com/gallery/personal/seany/dsc00013.jpg)

http://www.mini2.com/gallery/personal/seany/dsc00030_thumb.jpg (http://www.mini2.com/gallery/personal/seany/dsc00030.jpg)

http://www.mini2.com/gallery/personal/seany/dsc00031_thumb.jpg (http://www.mini2.com/gallery/personal/seany/dsc00031.jpg)

http://www.mini2.com/gallery/personal/seany/dsc00032_thumb.jpg (http://www.mini2.com/gallery/personal/seany/dsc00032.jpg)

http://www.mini2.com/gallery/personal/seany/dsc00041_thumb.jpg (http://www.mini2.com/gallery/personal/seany/dsc00041.jpg)

http://www.mini2.com/gallery/personal/seany/dsc00048_thumb.jpg (http://www.mini2.com/gallery/personal/seany/dsc00048.jpg)

http://www.mini2.com/gallery/personal/seany/dsc00051_thumb.jpg (http://www.mini2.com/gallery/personal/seany/dsc00051.jpg)

31st October 2003, 08:22 AM
Low n Loud, thanks for the picture reminder. It was a classic; and from what we saw in some of the other pubs, it doesn't look like "a good saturday night out" has changed much in Skye over the years!!

Seany, I'm glad I wasn't the only one who suffered trying to post my first picture. Did you succumb to foul laungage, physical abuse, alcohol and throwing the laptop accross the room or was substance abuse sufficient?? I loved all the well meant techi help. It went right over my head.

31st October 2003, 05:59 PM
Well done Seany, I know better that to attempt it and just leave it to the other half !!!

1st November 2003, 06:45 PM
Folks, just registered this morning. I was curious to find out how your run went last weekend and as I'd expected it sounds like you all had a pile of fun. I was the guy in the Elise that happened upon your meet just before you set off from Stirling. It was good to meet up with you as my better half has just taken delivery of a gorgeous wee Cooper S - dark blue (don't know what the colour is called) with Saltire on the roof like Julz's - and hope that she might join in with you guys.

I had a great day on Sunday myself on our 'Sweeping up the Leaves' run, 13 Elises blasting through the Autumn Gold all around Perthshire. Magnificent. By the way you've got some fantastic shots of the trip.

Must go. Glad you all had a fun time.

Iain W.

p.s. I'll assume that there's a run to Italy organised by someone somewhere in honour of The Italian Job. Here's what we Elise owners do...


This regular run celebrates the birthday of the car - when it was unveiled at the Frankfurt Motor Show - and returns to the place where the Brake testing was done (they used a world first aluminium/ceramic composite disks all round and tested here - follow the link and you'll see why) - an amazing stretch of road and surely a candidate for hooning around in in a gang o' Mini's!

1st November 2003, 08:28 PM
Welcome aboard, not only would your better half be more than welcome so would your elise, we also have a token 911 that makes an appearance now and again, Julz's better half tries to keep up with us moderate drivers.

Look out for the festive run on the 28th December and the after the festive run run on the 29th.

Hoep to see you soon

Bonnie Scotland

1st November 2003, 09:58 PM
Hey Iain. Never met you but i did notice your Elise sitting in the car park and couldnt help but take a look. Lovely wee thing. Its cool to hear from people who driver other niche cars, although the mini isnt quite that anymore due to its popularity. Do you take it on regular meets also? It would be cool to see pics from Elise meet-ups :)

Welcome to the site.


2nd November 2003, 02:05 AM
Glad you could join us, had a wee peak at your web link, and there it is, my dream Elise, the original version in yellow....mmmmm, but I have found my new top of the list Elise, new style but in a magnificent bright blue:p Hope you can join us sometime, but don't bring the Elise, or I'll just steal it!!;):clown:

2nd November 2003, 05:26 AM
Washed - no chance. I did have to completely fill up both washer bottles in Aviemore, when I stopeed for lunch.

A note for Tahra & John - the best laugh was tring to fill up with bog standard unleaded in Kyle - only one out of the six pumps was working and when I found the right one, I couldn't open the door and the forecourt was so narrow

Did enjoy all of the scenery there and back.

Big Col
2nd November 2003, 08:53 AM
Hey L n L! Who's is the dark blue cooper on the left of the "Who's the quickest" pic?

Mini Martyn
2nd November 2003, 09:08 AM
OK whos had a look at those Nutters in their Lotus's? And I thought we were mad?!!

Italy looks good though!!??

3rd November 2003, 07:42 AM
Had A great thrash in the Elise at the Jonathan Palmer race centre. It was tremendous. Kept filling the passenger seat with the cones I was meant to be racing round.
But more importantly, these Italian roads, "Stelvio" look very inviting and we do have a ferry from Rosyth. Wee car needs big adventure???

3rd November 2003, 06:56 PM
quote:Originally posted by Big Col
Hey L n L! Who's is the dark blue cooper on the left of the "Who's the quickest" pic?

Erm...<scuttles off to check> That'll Be Seany's beastie... :D:D

Mini Martyn
7th November 2003, 02:21 AM
When is the report going to be on for this MMM? :cool:

7th November 2003, 04:45 PM
Hey guys, will see if I can persuade Monica to join in the fun. Do you have any idea what your Festive Runs will entail & where you'll be going? Sounds like a nice chance to get a break away from the Xmas chaos.

Keep up the good work!

Iain W.

quote:Originally posted by Bonnie Scotland

Welcome aboard, not only would your better half be more than welcome so would your elise, we also have a token 911 that makes an appearance now and again, Julz's better half tries to keep up with us moderate drivers.

Look out for the festive run on the 28th December and the after the festive run run on the 29th.

Hoep to see you soon

Bonnie Scotland

7th November 2003, 05:16 PM
KJ, the Mini might not be niche simply due to popularity but it's obvious, I think, that it's a modern classic already. It's good to see people getting so much joy from their cars - partly why I got the Liz, it's more than a car, it's a community, just like you've got here.

You asked for some pics: Here are a couple of link with photos of one of our runs, the now legendary Tut Towers 2002 - 3 days, 50+ Elises from all over the UK and Europe, the Lotus Project Manager responsible for the S2 Elise project, an ex Bennetton F1 test driver who was my pasenger all day on the Sunday!!), and Tut, our host for the weekend, who's over 60, drive's like you wouldn't believe and is permanently bare foot - an AWESOME weekend...



Iain W.

quote:Originally posted by KJ_innit

Its cool to hear from people who driver other niche cars, although the mini isnt quite that anymore due to its popularity. Do you take it on regular meets also? It would be cool to see pics from Elise meet-ups :)

Welcome to the site.


Willie M
7th November 2003, 07:11 PM
Check out the Festive Run HO HO HO thread in MINI meets. You'd be made more than welcome if you wanted to come along :cool:

12th November 2003, 06:42 AM

I've added some pictures that I took on the Skye trip to my website at http://www.curlypaws.com/skyealbum.htm if anyone wants a look. OK, so there are quite a few pictures of my Mini in there :D.


12th November 2003, 07:59 AM
ooo lovely pics. especially like number 5 ;)

Monsta Mo Mini
13th November 2003, 10:47 PM
The Skye Run page is now live for your viewing pleasure!

13th November 2003, 11:15 PM
Excellent. Obviously.

14th November 2003, 03:13 AM
Super smashing lovely!!! Good job Calum, one question though, who's the idiot in the hat?? And I shall make no comment about the weird one with the teeth!!:D:D Trying to download th emovie just now, and you know what, I think it might be working!!!:)

14th November 2003, 04:34 AM
I'm amazed, my coal fired machine managed to download it!! Great film, another well done to Mrs Monsta Mo Mini methinks, but I did get a bit of a shock, right at the start of the movie, I could swear that was Shirls getting to drive!!! :D:D:D I now have a need for a drive!!