View Full Version : I'm melting.....

13th July 2005, 12:17 AM
...three windows open and two fans on and it's still seven million degrees in here!!:dead: Oh how I dream of a modern air conditioned office instead of this old farmhouse thing!:sleepy: I've threatened to take my pea see out to the car and work from there!:clown: Well, I'm off for a wee seat in the fridge!!:evil:

I Want A Works
13th July 2005, 02:55 AM
quote:Originally posted by Julz

...three windows open and two fans on and it's still seven million degrees in here!!:dead: Oh how I dream of a modern air conditioned office instead of this old farmhouse thing!:sleepy: I've threatened to take my pea see out to the car and work from there!:clown: Well, I'm off for a wee seat in the fridge!!:evil:


I work in a building designed to be VERY strong (well it did have a nuke reactor in it) so it has no windows at all! All the air is blown in from the outside so it is ambient temperature if not warmer. I have to wear a coverall, hard hat and safety glasses all day! I sweat like a pig all day and really need a shower at the end of the day!:I
In winter the air is usually colder than outside meaning that it is ffffffairly ffffreezing!
They can never get it right! If you can send us your fridge for a quick shot Julz, most appreciated!:D

13th July 2005, 08:26 AM
We totally sold out of fans and portable air conditioning units in Homebase today, i coodn't belive it!:I

At the begining of the day the shelves were full and at the end we had to dust the empty shelves :clown:

Mini Martyn
13th July 2005, 07:18 PM
I am nice and cool, got some girls in to fan me down all day!! :D:D;)

13th July 2005, 07:24 PM
It's not so bad today, at least there's a breeze coming in through the window now!!:cool:

13th July 2005, 07:33 PM
It's roasting here, although since I'm working at home, the fridge is not too far away.

Now, where did I put the sun tan lotion and that beer.....