View Full Version : London

6th July 2005, 09:18 PM
Well, all has broken out here with the news that we've got the olympics.

One part of me says it's great, the other thinks I need to get out of London before it comes!

Funniest thing - BBC website had a video of the people involved. Beckham was on video doing a crossword - as if!

6th July 2005, 09:24 PM
Read about it on here (http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/front_page/4655555.stm)

6th July 2005, 09:46 PM
great news take that "Cherac" p.s. Mr Frog hope your steak gets slapped around the floor of the Gleneagles and then spat on a couple of times you froggie.:D

really happy London won.:)

6th July 2005, 09:51 PM
I wasn't but I'm warming to it :cool:

Key thing is transport. If they sort that out, it'll be fantastic. Anytime anything big os on the whole place is in chaos. Chelsea games last season was murder, Coldplay gig was a nightmare and don't get me started on Wimbledon (which, seeing as I live there, has been hell for the last two weeks).

7th July 2005, 12:28 AM
Some fantastic comments/threads on www.popbitch.com about it all.......... especially re Mr Chirac!! :p:D

7th July 2005, 02:57 AM
The really negative aspect of the award to London will be the grossly inflated pricing of accomodation, food, drink etc
Was also nice to see that the entire committee wore matching suits and frocks, whilst it's easy to be cynacil, i can't help but wonder about all the jobless, lengthy waiting lists, lack of NHS funding etc etc
I don't want to put a dampner on it, but :disapprove:

Another nice touch covered by the BRITISH news, there were many cameras at many of BRITAIN's major cities to gauge the reaction of the crowds, sadly, not one BRITISH city in Scotland was represented

Stands down off soap box :(

7th July 2005, 07:12 AM
well I've got my london 2012 T shirt at the ready as we pass through france this weekend:D:D:D:D:cool:

7th July 2005, 07:34 AM
quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop

well I've got my london 2012 T shirt at the ready as we pass through france this weekend:D:D:D:D:cool:

How about one of these (http://www.technosoft.co.uk/sale.htm) T-Shirts instead :eek:;)

Most of the cash for the Olympics will be coming out of the National Lottery, which is really bad news for other more deserving causes.

If London wants the Olympics, London should pay for it. Its not as if they're the poor part of the UK.

Still, nice to get it over the French.

Monsta Mo Mini
7th July 2005, 05:32 PM
It'll be interesting to see of the government farm the work out across the whole country.

There is hope, it was an Edinburgh based comapny that designed all the literature and ads for the pitch.

Personally I think it's a huge big fat waste of time and money - especially given the causes that have been highlighted so prominently this week.
Hundreds of millions of £s so some folk can PLAY GAMES!!!!!! Let's get our priorities right!

Mini Martyn
7th July 2005, 06:11 PM
And well will be hearing about it from now intill 3012!!!!?? :mad: