View Full Version : Best software?

1st July 2005, 07:37 PM
Whats the best software to create a database driven website? I have to create one for my advanced higher computing project...8) Any info appreciated!

1st July 2005, 08:01 PM
That all depends on what level you need to do!

You can do a quick and (relatively) easy one in Access and MS Front Page. I've done a few of these and they are pretty easy. You can use Microsoft IIS to serve the pages. Another option to serve the site is to use Apache, which is free, but IIS is easier. There is a simple version built in to Windows 2000 server.

Next step up would be SQL Server, and knock up the front page in whatever tool you like, again you could use Front Page but I like Dreamweaver.

For a full on commercial site, DB2 running on Linux with Websphere to serve it :) As an aside, that's what the Wimbledon site runs on this year.

Hope that's some help, let me know if you need any more details.

1st July 2005, 09:19 PM
Stay away from Access (sorry Euan). I've always developed sites around SQL or mySQL backend. I've always been a huge follower of open source / free software and you'll find that companies are now embracing it more so because of the huge potential over technologies such as Microshaft's IIS and Access. It also makes financial sense... especially if you are starting up in freelance.

Frontpage and Access are ideal for beginners however, so it could be a good idea to learn to use those first. Remember Frontpage is mainly an authoring tool so learn to program in a server side language such as ASP or PHP will be a very good idea indeed.

I dived straight in and learnt php and SQL and would never go back. IMO learning SQL is just as easy as Access and will furthen your own personal/professional development.

In a nutshell i'd recommend the following...

PHP for coding your pages
mySQL for your database

There is a HUGE online following for these technologies on the web so you wont struggle seeking help if you ever need it :)

It'll impress your teachers if you can embrace something other than Microsoft, and if you can explain why then even better :)

If you need more advice let me know, i'm running a php and mySQL based site with over 5 million hits a month and it handles it like a dream ;)

Here are some resources that you can look at in the mean time...

PHP: http://www.php.net/
mySQL: http://www.mysql.com/

those are official sites and link to 3rd party sites with further information.

easy peasy lemon squeezy ;)

1st July 2005, 11:52 PM
KJ, Agreed - learn the technologies is always a better way to go.

I used ASP and it's a easy to use and learn, but if you do want to show off, use the hardcore techy stuff ;)

2nd July 2005, 07:54 AM
Thanks for the info guys will look into this next week and have a few questions needing answered no doubt :D:I

2nd July 2005, 08:59 AM
SQL is the better way to go for web-driven databases. It'll be a bigger headache when building but in the end SQL with run better, more efficient and smaller. (i'm a bit biased though - seeing as SQL stuff is todo with ma job!!)