View Full Version : G2 COR

ashley smith
23rd June 2005, 02:45 AM
Last night on way home from work, going along dual carriageway from Kingswells into town, you were heading towards Kingswells. Got a big wave from you out of your window. Did wave back honestly, was away in a world of my own until I saw the hand half out the window - sorry..;)

23rd June 2005, 10:53 PM
Alright Ash!
G2 COR, if you notice Ash's post about spying you last night, i'm the other "hot chick" from the time we were flashing/waving on the Westhill road about a month ago. I have a yellow Cooper with white roof/wing mirrors and bonnet stripes so look out for me and give me a wave! I saw you the other week on Union Street but wasnt driving and not in a mini so couldnt flash!

23rd June 2005, 11:54 PM
You can always flash !!:I

G2 - S
24th June 2005, 05:36 PM
Good morning ladies.

Monki is right - I wave nomatter what car I'm in! It is nice to get a wave whenever your out and about.

Flash me next time girls!

ashley smith
24th June 2005, 08:03 PM
Don't worry we will... ha ha...:D

27th June 2005, 04:55 PM
Ok doke - i will wave next time i see you even if i'm not in my car.
Hope everyone had a good weekend! Boo hoo that it's Monday!