View Full Version : Parking at or near Stirling Castle

AndyP & Lenore
22nd June 2005, 07:28 PM
We are going to see Wet Wet Wet :D:D:D at Stirling Castle on Friday 1st July and need some advice on where to park. Is there a lot of parking at castle:question: Or is there anywhere nearby that we can park:question:

Any help would be appreciated.

22nd June 2005, 07:38 PM
I think that you are out of luck. Chances are, wherever you park near there you'll still be able to hear them!;):clown:

22nd June 2005, 07:52 PM
hassle free parking for wet wet wet h'mmmmmmmmmmm well I'm parking at Kings Park. Just at the golf coourse cross over dumbarton road @ junction with kings park walk upside the wee park follow the road takes you all the way up top the castle. Anywhere along dumbarton road and walk up is best choice I think.

Or park in at rainbow rocks old car park if your early enough or sneek a space at the highland hotel not sure if they have barriers.

or park at barnton street and walk up.:D

or is well green ncd 24 hour park there and walk up or the railway car park and walk up :D

AndyP & Lenore
22nd June 2005, 08:48 PM
quote:Originally posted by GAJ

I think that you are out of luck. Chances are, wherever you park near there you'll still be able to hear them!;):clown:

ROFLMAO.:D:D But Lenore's face has gone all red with anger. :evil::D:D:evil:

23rd June 2005, 12:38 AM
the roads leading up to the castle will more than likely be closed to anyone other than residents, they might open up the thistle marches carpark for concert goers tho as they have done that before

23rd June 2005, 01:07 AM
quote:Originally posted by AndyP & Lenore

We are going to see Wet Wet Wet :D:D:D at Stirling Castle on Friday 1st July and need some advice on where to park. Is there a lot of parking at castle:question: Or is there anywhere nearby that we can park:question:

Any help would be appreciated.

Andy, Parking in Stirling will be a NIGHTMARE on friday night, not only because of the concert, but also the in flux of people going to the convergence site just outside stirling. Olso there is going to be 8,500 people there and they all have to find a parkign space. I have another idea, I'll PM you ;)

AndyP & Lenore
24th June 2005, 02:40 AM
quote:Originally posted by craigd

quote:Originally posted by AndyP & Lenore

We are going to see Wet Wet Wet :D:D:D at Stirling Castle on Friday 1st July and need some advice on where to park. Is there a lot of parking at castle:question: Or is there anywhere nearby that we can park:question:

Any help would be appreciated.

Andy, Parking in Stirling will be a NIGHTMARE on friday night, not only because of the concert, but also the in flux of people going to the convergence site just outside stirling. Olso there is going to be 8,500 people there and they all have to find a parkign space. I have another idea, I'll PM you ;)

Hi Craig,

Didn't receive your PM. What's your other idea:question:

24th June 2005, 03:47 AM
And can you PM it to us too?? We're going! :D

Mini Me
24th June 2005, 04:38 AM
if it's going to be that busy,park in our car park,it's a 10min walk....

24th June 2005, 04:51 AM
quote:Originally posted by minime

if it's going to be that busy,park in our car park,it's a 10min walk....

aye right 10 min so that's at 40mph is it.:p:D

24th June 2005, 05:07 AM
Sorry Andy, sent it to the hotmail address on your profile, it hasn't bounced, so another one to the hotmail spam bin. As I will be on-call that night and cannae have a wee drinkie, I was offering the parking services of my driveway and a lift into (and back out of course) from town. As I say it will be a nightmare parking - 8,500 people at the concert alone. Parking restrictions will be in place and there are all the other people coming to stirling for the "eco village" they are setting up on the outskirts. I don't mind doing this at all for another NMS'r (or two smurf!)

I would offer the parking at my work, but as of friday, even I'm not allowed to park there:eek::eek:

If you feel uncomfortable with this, I would say the best place to park would be down by Stirling Golf Club/Kings Park as they are big wide roads and less chance of your car getting damaged.


24th June 2005, 05:51 AM
Do you know Stirling??

If you come off motorway @ Scottish Amicable take third exit head towards Stirling over motorway.

At the next roundabout take the bypass second exit B8051(I think) heading towards fire station straight over next round about. Next round about take second exit road runs below stirling castle with park (king's knott) on your left.

Turn left onto dumbarton road and then take FIRST LEFT this leads you on I'm sure it's called royal gardens follow this street (narrow) round a sharp right bend then it opens up to loads of parking (offorad) green. we park here all the time for walking the dogs in Kings knott. You can be sure the car will be safe as this is where the mega money prople stay best bit it's only 5 mins walk up to the castle p.s. there is a wee bit you could get up on to the esplanade carpark for nothing;)

Here you go link. (http://www.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?client=public&X=279000&Y=694500&width=700&height=400&gride=&gridn=&srec=0&coordsys=gb&db=&addr1=&addr2=&addr3=&pc=&advanced=&local=&localinfosel=&kw=&inmap=&table=&ovtype=&zm=0&scale=10000&down.x=286&down.y=5)

AndyP & Lenore
24th June 2005, 06:25 AM
quote:Originally posted by craigd

Sorry Andy, sent it to the hotmail address on your profile, it hasn't bounced, so another one to the hotmail spam bin. As I will be on-call that night and cannae have a wee drinkie, I was offering the parking services of my driveway and a lift into (and back out of course) from town. As I say it will be a nightmare parking - 8,500 people at the concert alone. Parking restrictions will be in place and there are all the other people coming to stirling for the "eco village" they are setting up on the outskirts. I don't mind doing this at all for another NMS'r (or two smurf!)

I would offer the parking at my work, but as of friday, even I'm not allowed to park there:eek::eek:

If you feel uncomfortable with this, I would say the best place to park would be down by Stirling Golf Club/Kings Park as they are big wide roads and less chance of your car getting damaged.


Very kind offer indeed:). We were planning on hitting Stirling around 4pm-ish to mooch around and get some dinner before the show, so we'll bear you kind offer in mind, but not take you up on it for just now. I found your PM. I don't use the hotmail email account (as it just fills with cr@p), except for signing into Messenger. So I have your number and will give you a call if our plans change.

In the mean time, I think the plan is to just drive around Stirling looking for a safe place to stick the car, not too far away from the Castle. Fi's suggestion sounds not to bad.

Thanks again for offering.

AndyP & Lenore
24th June 2005, 06:32 AM
quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop

Do you know Stirling??

If you come off motorway @ Scottish Amicable take third exit head towards Stirling over motorway.

At the next roundabout take the bypass second exit B8051(I think) heading towards fire station straight over next round about. Next round about take second exit road runs below stirling castle with park (king's knott) on your left.

Turn left onto dumbarton road and then take FIRST LEFT this leads you on I'm sure it's called royal gardens follow this street (narrow) round a sharp right bend then it opens up to loads of parking (offorad) green. we park here all the time for walking the dogs in Kings knott. You can be sure the car will be safe as this is where the mega money prople stay best bit it's only 5 mins walk up to the castle p.s. there is a wee bit you could get up on to the esplanade carpark for nothing;)

Don't know Stirling, but looks straightforward to me. Will give it a try. Cheers.

quote:Originally posted by minime
if it's going to be that busy,park in our car park,it's a 10min walk....

After a quick look at multimap it looks a fair distance Ian.:( Don't you remember the state Lenore and I were in after the short walk back from Pizzahut? Mind you, we'd just cleared their buffet table for them and were feeling a tad stuffed.:D:D

24th June 2005, 06:56 AM
Assessing all offers / suggestions, many thanks to all.
There will be 4 of us, so the lift thing may not work - especially if you get called out, Craig! :D
I think the walk from Menzies is just a TAD longer than 10 mins!!

Still thinking.......

AndyP & Lenore
2nd July 2005, 10:14 AM
Well, Fi and Smurf....

Did you enjoy the concert:question:

We certainly did and parking wasn't too bad at all:). Got a space in a side street 2 or 3 hundred yards from the esplanade:).

We were both a little pissed at the 6.30 doors open then a stand and wait for 2 and a half hours:disapprove:. I guess that's the pop-business for you:disapprove::D:disapprove:.

Great concert all the same.:D:D

2nd July 2005, 04:30 PM
Yes, we had a FANTASTIC night! :D The Wets were brilliant.

However, in the queue for 6.30, on the esplanade not long after that, (quite near the front too! :D) then the support act didn't come on until 8.00 (who didn't impress us at all) and then the Wets didn't come on until 9.00! :eek:

Oh well, could have been worse, it could have been raining!

We got parked really easlily too, just opposite the Albert Hall.
Thanks for all your help Craig, and sorry I didn't get back to you, but we decided just to take the chance with the car. :I