View Full Version : Top Gear Rolls

13th June 2005, 04:55 PM
On last nights Top Gear, I watched the bit with the Rolls in disgust. Granted, it's not the best RR in the world, but it's a lot better than one I own (ie, none). It's a handbuilt car, piece of history now that RR is owned by the Germans, and he plasters it in filler and BMW silver. I cringed.

The thing is, what was the point of that? To fill 5 minutes of TV and the fact he'd never driven a roller into a pool? Waste of money if you ask me.

Am I the only one to find it not the greatest idea he's come up with?

13th June 2005, 05:34 PM
I watched it as well. Wonder what the folks at the pool thought or d'ya think they knew he was going to do that?

13th June 2005, 05:36 PM
I'd love to drive a roller into a swimming pool!:p And throw a telly out of a hotel window.;):D Rawk & Roll!!

Relax dear, it's just a television programme; bubblegum for the eyes!

13th June 2005, 05:44 PM
DB9 convertible - I've driven one of them, when it was still a prototype too!!:D

(sorry, just had to mention that!!:p)

13th June 2005, 06:24 PM
I don't think they actually done that to the RR I think they only want you to think they did.

It quality of the picture changed when they showed you RR going up and in and you never actaully saw the RR underwater it could have been any car in the pool.

13th June 2005, 06:42 PM
I'll watch the repeat when it's on again and look for the change in picture :) It just narked me that someone would do that to a car like that.

As for the DB9, I'd love to own one of them. I go past the dealer in Wilmslow when I'm working up there and just drool at them all.

13th June 2005, 06:51 PM
I'm getting bored with Top Gear. All it is now is Super Car Gear. 5th Gear is a far better car review programme.

Star in a reasonably priced car isn't entertaining any more, its been done to death.

As for Jeremy Clarkson, i think he's turning into a Alan Partridge parody of himself.
The wee guy that's in Brainiac is funny, but him and the other guy are too sycophantic to Clarkson.

13th June 2005, 08:10 PM
I have to admit, I'm getting a bit like you there Duncan, 5th gear is a better review programme. As an aside, I heard that it's going to be an hour long for the next series. Should be good.

Super cars are great for a bit, but stuff I'm more likely to own is better. Unless Chelsea realise that I am the missing link in their team, I'll be sticking with something a bit cheaper than a DB9 ;)

Duncan Stewart
13th June 2005, 10:24 PM
Top gear does have a bit of a wierd sense of humour, but I like it :D
I think the Roller was well beyond economical repair and the whole thing set up with actors - the swimming pool was derelict - the windows were boarded up.
Mind you, I'm not happy when "scrapheap challenge" smash up minis for fun :mad: