View Full Version : Minime adventure....

Mini Me
8th June 2005, 04:27 AM
I'm heading north to Arbroath on sunday for a family christening.....:I:Iare there any safe routes through Dundee,or am i taking a chance regardless...Cooper S cabrio full throttle down the kings way...STOP....at Mcd'S...then full throttle again...;)

Duncan Stewart
8th June 2005, 09:39 PM
Most of Dundee is gridlock at the moment :((and until 2007:eek:) due to endless (pointless?:mad:) roadworks.
So I think the Kingsway is the only sensible option.

8th June 2005, 10:11 PM
I'll disagree a little bit..

if you're coming into Dundee from the west / south, then you'll be ok till you get to the RoadWorks on the A92 near Broughty Ferry at the CLaypotts Road (http://www.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?client=public&X=345500&Y=731500&width=700&height=400&gride=&gridn=&srec=0&coordsys=gb&db=freegaz&addr1=&addr2=&addr3=&pc=&advanced=&local=&localinfosel=&kw=&inmap=&table=&ovtype=&zm=0&scale=10000&up.x=289&up.y=6) junction... Then you'll be down to about 30 - 40 mph for most of the way to Arbroath from there along the lovely new A92 ;)...
There's another way round.. but you might very well get lost on the country roads ;), and it's a fair bit longer... ;);)

The roadworks don't slow you down that much.. never been totally stopped on them... just a bit slow.

The route along Riverside Drive is marginally quicker, but again that just depends on the traffic :D



8th June 2005, 10:14 PM
I have to agree with LnL (I know, frightening!!) but I travel to Dundee every day and do the full length of the Kingsway and have never encountered any problems, so you should be fine! Just watch out for the locals, some of them are a bit worrying!;):D Plus, why McD's when KFC is right next door??:p:D

p.s. I'll keep an eye out for you going the other way as I'm going to Falkirkaki on sunday!:eek::D

Mini Me
13th June 2005, 04:07 AM
Well must have waved to at least 8 or 9 MINI's in Dundee today,and not one waved back:disapprove::dead::(.......

what's up wi that....is it because im from falkirk:question:

13th June 2005, 05:07 AM
They were all given advance warning of your impending arrival Mr Broon!!!!

13th June 2005, 07:01 AM
The road works on the Dundee to Arbroath road aint exactly pointless 8) when they are finished there will be a Straight dual carriageway which is miles better than the old road!! :I

Went along it today in the classic .... hmmm .... fun!;)

Duncan Stewart
13th June 2005, 10:19 PM
It's the roadworks around the centre that are causing problems. From St Andrews it is took me 20 mins to reach the bridge, 20 mins to get off the bridge and 20 mins to get to the Kingsway / Forfar junction :evil::(. It was Friday rush hour I suppose

14th June 2005, 12:33 AM
These roadworks are to regenerate the waterfront and take away the horrible Tayside House, and those daft walkways! And they plan to change the ramps on and off the bridge so expect further delays for a year or so:)8)

In the end we're making it harder for you foreigners to slag our landmarks! :p

14th June 2005, 01:12 AM
Nah, its all just to make life awkward for me getting to work i think.

Its doubled the distance i have to drive to get to work, and the pointless no left turn at the Perth Road/Nethergate junction makes it just as awkward going home.

Plus the builders at the back of the signal centre have caused several faults thanks to the pile driving etc. :evil::evil:

Oh, and to spend more than 2 Million to move a road, to then sell the land for less isnt exactly a great deal for the council tax payer in Dundee. But when have DCC ever cared about that :mad::mad:

Duncan Stewart
14th June 2005, 09:57 PM
I usually avoid Dundee at all costs but Helen works there and I had to take her to work.
If you come from Fife you have to que to get in and pay to escape! :eek::p:D;)