View Full Version : The Barrie Crew

Monsta Mo Mini
23rd May 2005, 05:11 PM
First Tez then the team bus and car -Heading north on the A90 last night. :D How did you get on?

23rd May 2005, 05:37 PM
I had a poor qualifying sesion do to lack of experience,I knew I could go quicker but by the time I realised that I should drop back to get a clear track it was all over so I was 12th on the grid out of 15 in a very very wet session.

I made a good start in the race and made up a place into Duffus Dip only to loose it again when someone spun in front of me but kept it all together and finished 7th overall with 12 finishers and 3 in the dubs.

A huge thankyou to
Nenah (HamiltonRose)
Alan (Milifund)
DickFleming (DickFleming Communications)
Dave McLennen (Ross-shire Engineering)
Raymond (Sunnyhill Motors)
and to everyone who has been encouraging me I loved every minute of it.

23rd May 2005, 05:38 PM
If you seen Tez first then we must have been north of Dundee:)

What were you in??

23rd May 2005, 05:43 PM
Congratulations John :D 7th overall is nothing to be ashamed of and its all good experience.

Monsta Mo Mini
23rd May 2005, 08:02 PM
Yes - was just coming over the Sidlaws

- I was in Cnl Custard

24th May 2005, 03:10 AM
quote:Originally posted by Monsta Mo Mini

Yes - was just coming over the Sidlaws

- I was in Cnl Custard

Hmmm....i wave to as many minis as i see, just that i dont see many :D

Monsta Mo Mini
26th May 2005, 10:53 PM
Sadly Cnl Custard is a non-MINI

27th May 2005, 02:29 AM
quote:Originally posted by Monsta Mo Mini

Sadly Cnl Custard is a non-MINI

Ah fair enough....that'll explain why i didnt see you! :)