View Full Version : Car with mega faults.

18th May 2005, 08:05 AM
A friend of mine bought an S reg peugot in Oct and has had it back to the retailer for six major faults. On Sat the front spring collapsed as she was moving it from one part of her garden to another to wash it. As you can well imagine she is well pissed off. When she went to the garage she asked them what they would give her for a trade in and was told £35! I would assume it had cost at least a couple of K to buy. This is the same garage it was bought from. She is going back within the next two days to demand they exchange it for another car. I have suggested to her that if they dont agree to this that she ought to park it legally as close as she can to the forecourt with the facts concerning the cars recent history clealy displayed for passing customers to read. Am I right in thinking that she would be within her rights to do this as long as she does not include any pejorative statements about the garage etc. Does anyone have any prior experience of this kind of thing? Any advice most welcome.

18th May 2005, 09:40 AM
C.A.B should be able to help, she also look at her rights as a consumer, sounds like they are taking the piss

18th May 2005, 03:52 PM
I would go Get the Phone Number For Peugeot Customer Care And Advise tehm of the Level Of Service that tehy are Offering..

This Is Not a Good Reflection on teh Brand an I am Sure that tehy Would do something about it..

the Car has been used for 7 months though.. A Tough One...

But Good Luck anyways..

20th May 2005, 08:07 AM
The car is being replaced with a car of her choice for the value she paid for it plus the cost of all the expensive repairs incurred over the past seven months. A happy ending! :D:D:D

20th May 2005, 04:08 PM
Good Result Sheilz

20th May 2005, 04:27 PM

Least There is a happy ending.. Qould teh Budget streach to a Mini???

Least that dealership are willing to exchange the car. But I bet the Pug goes Straight back onto the forecourt with nothing being done to it.. Another unsuspecting punter to buy.....

Cheers Brian