View Full Version : Mini Etiquette

Bumble Bee
21st March 2005, 05:26 AM
Can some one let me know if its the done thing to wave to other Mini drivers. Am new to the mini adventure but have been happily waving :) but only getting a few responses back. Just wondered if I was making a tube of myself:I

21st March 2005, 05:36 AM
It is common practice, you are in the right! There is some people who drive, especially new minis that do not wave, or flash purley because of their ignorance to the whole mini vibe. There are also some classic Mini drivers who do not wave because you are driving the new mini.

Keep flashing ;)


21st March 2005, 05:37 AM
Hi Bumble Bee.

No, your not making a tube of yourself! Waving is the done thing. (Flashing lights, and grinning like a mentalist is optional)
Sadly some other MINI drivers need to get with the programme.

Sometime you'll see another likeminded MINI'er out there, and it'll all be worth while. Good luck!

Bumble Bee
21st March 2005, 05:44 AM
Thanks guys In that case I'll keep on Flashing ;) Ive seen quite a few mini's in Kdy am bound to get a wave sooner or later :D

J Cee
21st March 2005, 08:20 AM
Hi Bumble Bee, just keep flashing and waving you will get lucky one day. Fifer's tend to be a bit shy, well they are in Glenrothes anyway. Don't let it get you down and keep the Mini Adventure Alive.

21st March 2005, 09:03 PM
I love flashing!!!

21st March 2005, 09:05 PM
...and, er, waving and the like, er, honest.:D

old miniac
21st March 2005, 09:06 PM
i find that i don't flash new minis. sorry!
but i do reply if they flash me! :)

21st March 2005, 09:46 PM
Yeah i noticed you don't flash back Old miniac!! LOL!! :D

old miniac
21st March 2005, 09:48 PM
sorry, i will flash you! fussy yeah?

21st March 2005, 09:56 PM
Yeah that's me "FSY" hence my reg plate!! LOL!! :D

old miniac
21st March 2005, 10:01 PM
well, you better flash back!! :) you never normally!!

22nd March 2005, 02:04 AM
quote:Originally posted by Bumble Bee

Can some one let me know if its the done thing to wave to other Mini drivers. Am new to the mini adventure but have been happily waving :) but only getting a few responses back. Just wondered if I was making a tube of myself:I
Watch out for Sheilz or Nenah they like the odd bit of flashing :D:D:D

22nd March 2005, 05:01 AM
I flash and wave at any Mini, old or new :p

22nd March 2005, 05:20 AM
I am in Kirkcaldy too, so I will keep my eyes peeled for your yellow beast.
I am a pepper white One with black bonnet stripes, checkered roof and 15's.

22nd March 2005, 05:28 AM
I'm in Kirkcaldy as well, silver cabrio with K10 DKM plate - that is when the roof is working. Going back into Morrisons on Friday for them to have a look at the roof again! Been stuck completely down once, last week it was stuck 1/2 way down!

Bumble Bee
22nd March 2005, 08:03 AM
I'll keep my eyes peeled for you when down in Kdy, am down quite alot as I study there, well pretend to study :D. Ive seen a nice blue cooper and another yellow cooper s who both let on which was good. I still feel a bit shy:I cause when you wave and the other driver blanks you I get mega embarrassed:(:I but I will keep on flashing;):D:D:D Hope to see you's about:)

AndyP & Lenore
22nd March 2005, 08:09 AM
I usually wave.:) I flash as long as the flash can't be misunderstood by any other road user.:question: But more often, I wave.:) But sadly, more often than not, my wave isn't reciprocated.:(


23rd March 2005, 03:33 AM
Well we tested the wave factor out a couple of weeks ago on a trip from Broxburn to Lossiemouth, which is about 180 miles

7 out of 10 mini owners prefer not to wave

23rd March 2005, 05:57 AM
I love being flashed at!

23rd March 2005, 01:43 PM
quote:Originally posted by Sheilz

I love being flashed at!
See Page 1 :p..........I t:Dld you so :approve:

24th March 2005, 02:19 AM
Its always funny to see the look on customers faces out on Test Drive when MINI drivers flash at us!!


Bumble Bee
25th March 2005, 05:28 AM
UPDATE on Mini wave survey:- over last 2 days have flashed a grand total of 10 other mini drivers:D and how many have returned my hello.........zero zilch zip absolutely nothing. I did however get a rather good glare off of a older woman driving a silver cooper:(:mad: Never mind I will keep up the good fight. I am determined to get a flash:D:D:):p:DSo please if you see a wee brunette driving a yellow cooper s black roof giz a flash ;):D:D

25th March 2005, 05:38 PM
In Glasgow's West end the other day and whilst reverse parking (ye all, watch out for the curbs ;) ) a mini passed by, rear wiper stroke'd at me :approve: very cool :cool:

Most peep's in Glasgow I Pass wave :)

Bumble Bee
4th April 2005, 04:23 AM
Waved to 6 minis today got 3 waves, one was classic. Red cooper driver leaving crail looked completely stunned :eek:as me and my two mates waved like maniacs at him. His female passenger looked non to impressed at this event, which I must add reduced us all to tears of laughter but hey he still waved back........RESULT :D:evil::cool: I can only imagine the ear ache this poor mini driver got :blackeye::evil:;) If it was any one on the site SORRY was just trying to be friendly ;):D:D

12th April 2005, 03:09 AM
Always Flash, wave or even just give a pleasant smile (OK big grin!) Drive the same road every day and tend to see the same cars, I find that if I just keep doing the same thing EVENTUALLY they do the same.

12th April 2005, 04:17 AM
Me too!
The other Minis I see in the morning now at least raise a hand in greeting! :D

Having said that - one bloke traded his Mini in for a Corsa a while back (yeah, I know.....) but he still flashes his lights! :cool:

I find a wave works well.
And apologies to the lady in the Black Cooper who flashed at me on the Stirling straights on Saturday morning, if you're on here - I wasn't awake! :( Promise I won't be so remiss the next time..... :I

14th April 2005, 05:23 AM
As I am now a townie - hear in Glasgow (West End mainly) I have become brave and waved at some people and they have responded but some just look at you if to say "WHO ARE YOU WAVING AT YOU LOONIE!!!" But when I go to Fife from now on I will wave at all you Mini drives as their seems to be hundreds of you up their (not surprised really). Happy Waving.

24th April 2005, 05:36 AM
I'm in Limekilns Bumble Bee and frequent Kuddy a fair bit so hopefully I'll see you about!! (Purple Cooper, P19 EEY plate, wee saltire flag on aerial!!) Your Cooper S sounds strangely familiar, I sold my yellow an black cooper S to Eastern in Edinburgh in December!! Could it be Mellow Yellow revived??