View Full Version : Sheilz!

19th February 2005, 07:38 AM
I saw you last night on road ready to turn onto Kings Gate next to Atholl Hotel :) - you probably didnt recognise me waving as I was driving my "courtesy" car from JC Body Shop - VW Touran a.k.a school bus run without the truck load of screaming kids in the back!...doesnt handle like my mini but I still drive it like one anyway! May have to use the bus for mini-cab runs off Union Street at midnight to pay for my increased insurance premium this year! :evil: - Sheilz, if your kids need a taxi driver for a few weeks, I'm your lady!?!? ;)

20th February 2005, 01:18 AM
If that was mid-evening I'd have been returning to school with one of the girls. We were out buying sweeties, that would've been the same sweeties that split one of my back teeth which necessitated a very painful visit to G-dens this am for an extraction and four sutures to wire me jaw together again :disapprove::disapprove::disapprove:. If it was ten pm you saw me I'd've been winding my weary way home clutching above mentioned jaw!
Hope you get Winnie back on the road again soon. :D:D:D:D