View Full Version : Driving to Anstruther

16th February 2005, 10:13 PM
late afternoon tomorrow. Any advise on roads to be taken / avoided would be appreciated as local knowledge is (in my book) usually best.

Monsta Mo Mini
16th February 2005, 11:47 PM
Just watch out for the mobile speed cameras - especially on the A92 between Dunfermline and Kirkcaldy. The road along the coast- Leven - Largo - Elie can be a blast. Can be very busy though!

17th February 2005, 12:44 AM
BEWARE of the hairpin right at the end of the long (very fast) straight outside Colinsburgh (if you go that way) - that's caught plenty of victims, then just after that once you've passed the farm on the right on the brow of the hill the road goes left then right then right again, then there's a really really nasty awful hairpin (left) where the lorries have rippled the road surface.

Fantastic road though, love it to bits!!

Just mind the hairpins and it's a hoot


P.S. Get your tea from the Chip shop on the front, saves you cooking when you go home, and there's none better ;)