View Full Version : Help!

9th February 2005, 11:12 PM
I'm desperately trying to get 2 tickets for Murrayfield on Sat. i promised to take one of the kids to the Ireland match but when I went online there were none available. The freephone number also had zero availability. Has anyone got two they'd like taken off their hands, or know of someone who is selling? Usually tickets are no problem but Sat performance has taken the fans out in force. I could risk going to Edinburgh and getting from the many ticket touts that surround the area but not sure if these are real or dodgy tickets.

9th February 2005, 11:53 PM
There's quite a few on ebay!!:clown:

10th February 2005, 05:00 AM
If you still cant get the tickets by Saturday, and your not too keen on the touts, try asking groups of supporters if they have any spare tickets, especially the Ireland fans, if they're from a club. They might have a couple of spares from folks who couldnt make it.

I managed to get a spare ticket from a French fan at face value!!!!, although it was a few years ago now.

10th February 2005, 08:29 PM
I have two Sheilz .....but using them :D ,I'm sure you will get a couple in Edinburgh if you go looking early enough .

Monsta Mo Mini
10th February 2005, 08:39 PM
The pavement outside Rutland No. 1 about a couple of hours before the match - you always get a ticket there, failing that outside the ground with 5 minutes to go!

11th February 2005, 02:31 AM
One of my colleagues used to play for Scotland so he has put out some feelers for me. Am feeling lucky.

Actually won two on ebay but the daft seller just closed the bid at 9.30am and hasn't contacted me yet with her address. No chance of getting a cheque in time to her so that she can post the tickets to me by Sat. I guess I'm going to be in trouble on ebay for it but not willing to part with cash for something I wont get to use!
Saw a ticket on the site for a Celtic Ranger match for over £50,000!!!
Thanks for the tips guys.

13th February 2005, 08:31 AM
I got tickets! Walked into the Murrayfiel Hotel gawped around and pounced on a couple of Irish guys to see if they'd come with a club and had spare tickets blah blah. Anyway they'd come from London and had two spare as friends had to withdraw at the last minute! It would've been nice if Scotland had won but still enjoyed the match. Now got a sore throat from all that bawling and shouting (no decorum!). :D:D:D:D

13th February 2005, 07:06 PM
Nice one ...at least the first 20 mins were worth it :D