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1st February 2005, 01:02 AM
Well Mummy BTM actually.. that was us that waved to her outside your house yesterday.. we were in Flick's car in case she was wondering who the two eejits in the Mini waving were! :cool:;):D

1st February 2005, 08:41 AM
Ha Ha well she mentioned that she seen you two in Asda carpark or something but she never mentioned seeing you from the house! :D

I'll quiz her tomorrow, it usually freaks her out :p
"How do you know that?"

Hows the house going anyway?

1st February 2005, 08:26 PM
quote:Originally posted by Bazthemod

Ha Ha well she mentioned that she seen you two in Asda carpark or something but she never mentioned seeing you from the house! :D
I'll quiz her tomorrow, it usually freaks her out :p
"How do you know that?"
Hows the house going anyway?

Getting there!! Just got the kitchen to build up like a huge meccano set, and get the sink and stuff plumbed in... it's taking bleedin ages!